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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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In fact, the timing of his behavior lines up perfectly.

His job was on the line in 2020 so he decided to cheat his ass off with nothing to lose starting in 2021 and then desperately tries to get to the NFL before the blatant and widespread cheating catches up with him.

He didn’t count on no one in the NFL being remotely interested in hiring him, and here we are.

Sign me the fuck up, I’m all in on this right here
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If true then the cheating resulted in both the wins against Ohio State in 2021 and 2022. The 2021 loss cost Ohio State a Big Ten Championship and a playoff appearance. The 2022 loss cost Ohio State a Big Ten Championship and Semi-final win against TCU (not guaranteed, but still). There are 5 wins Ohio State doesn't have because of Jim's cheating (allegedly).

Edit: Actually it might be only 3-4 wins. In 2021, because Ohio State had 2 loses they could not get into the playoff so they went to the Rose bowl and beat Utah. There is no guarantee that Ohio State could have swapped out a Rose Bowl win with a playoff win in 2021 which is why I changed it to 3-4 wins.
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Gonna go waaaaaay out on a limb and guess it kicked off in 2021.

Yep that’s when they suddenly started out of nowhere constantly smoking teams in the 2nd half of games. Does anyone really believe Harbaugh just suddenly became the god of halftime adjustments? Other forces were at work there.
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The fact that the B1G went to Michigan State to warn them is crazy. I've never heard of anything like that.
Says to me they have them dead to rights. They aren't going to these extremes off of simple allegations/suspicion.
And they probably didn't scout TCU, because they never expected them to be an opponent.
Yep. TCU was an extreme dark horse. scUM draws them and suddenly looks like pre-COVID scUM in getting their asses wrecked.

If Vegas really does start pulling Michigan lines. Big trouble. They wouldn’t just do that without reason.
Yep. This isn't just a "hunch."
If the allegations turn out to be true the NCAA better slam those mofos.

They wiped out an entire season (and more) of ours over dudes trading trinkets for tats.
They wiped out an entire season and cost the following team to miss out on a potential NC matchup with a flawed ND team.
Warde gearing up to throw Harbaugh under the bus?

This isn't a statement somebody makes unless they've been confronted with strong evidence incriminating their employees.

If I'm Ryan Day, I'm ALL IN on this sign-stealing stuff. :lol:

It doesnt make sense…

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