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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Deace is much more tolerable when they are losing. :slappy:

He's just a massive douche. Like I have no problem admitting that Sam Webb is a mouthpiece for the program and a bit of a slappy; but at least when I watch him I'm thinking "I could have a beer with that guy and talk football." Listening to Deace is like working in customer service and having to listen to some bloated oaf whine about all the ways he would have done your job different. Regardless of what HE thinks his job is, he's just bad at it; petulant, obnoxious, a voice that sounds like kitty litter in a vacuum, self important and constantly big mad about something.

Being a dumb Michigan homer isn't disqualifying; being a dumb Michigan homer who is also a total social reject but thinks he's right and the rest of the world is wrong? Unacceptable.
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He's just a massive douche. Like I have no problem admitting that Sam Webb is a mouthpiece for the program and a bit of a slappy; but at least when I watch him I'm thinking "I could have a beer with that guy and talk football." Listening to Deace is like working in customer service and having to listen to some bloated oaf whine about all the ways he would have done your job different. Regardless of what HE thinks his job is, he's just bad at it; petulant, obnoxious, a voice that sounds like kitty litter in a vacuum, self important and constantly big mad about something.

Being a dumb Michigan homer isn't disqualifying; being a dumb Michigan homer who is also a total social reject but thinks he's right and the rest of the world is wrong? Unacceptable.
OK which of you shits created this profile to troll us this time? There's no way a real ttun fan has self awareness and humility that this poster has. I won't believe you!
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Desmond was tripped, the Fab Five banners should still be up, and Pryor shoulda gone to Michigan. Better?

I dunno; I joined because you guys have long threads about the same sh*t I want to talk about and because I was watching folks getting neg-bombed on MGoBlog for reporting Harbaugh to the NFL rumors I knew had some truth to them. I can't even find pinned recruiting threads on MGoBlog. They might be there, but I can't find them. I'm an angsty fan and of the age where the Michigan that I remember, is the 90's. By the time I realized we weren't Alabama, and we were getting further away from the elite tier, I'd already invested emotionally and it was too late to change this.

But like, I was all excited about Rich Rod's spread and as recently as Gattis mumbling "speed in space" over and over, I drank some kool aid. I'm just not prepared to pretend what I see on my TV isn't real. And lately, especially the last five years it seems, that's more or less been a requirement to hang out in Michigan spaces online. I'm definitely not a Buckeyes fan; I hate your team (but not like, 20 year old kids man) because they beat us a lot. But you know, when in Rome; don't be an asshole?
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Desmond was tripped, the Fab Five banners should still be up, and Pryor shoulda gone to Michigan. Better?

I dunno; I joined because you guys have long threads about the same sh*t I want to talk about and because I was watching folks getting neg-bombed on MGoBlog for reporting Harbaugh to the NFL rumors I knew had some truth to them. I can't even find pinned recruiting threads on MGoBlog. They might be there, but I can't find them. I'm an angsty fan and of the age where the Michigan that I remember, is the 90's. By the time I realized we weren't Alabama, and we were getting further away from the elite tier, I'd already invested emotionally and it was too late to change this.

But like, I was all excited about Rich Rod's spread and as recently as Gattis mumbling "speed in space" over and over, I drank some kool aid. I'm just not prepared to pretend what I see on my TV isn't real. And lately, especially the last five years it seems, that's more or less been a requirement to hang out in Michigan spaces online. I'm definitely not a Buckeyes fan; I hate your team (but not like, 20 year old kids man) because they beat us a lot. But you know, when in Rome; don't be an asshole?
Don’t forget Barwis!!!! And wolves.
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Desmond was tripped, the Fab Five banners should still be up, and Pryor shoulda gone to Michigan. Better?

I dunno; I joined because you guys have long threads about the same sh*t I want to talk about and because I was watching folks getting neg-bombed on MGoBlog for reporting Harbaugh to the NFL rumors I knew had some truth to them. I can't even find pinned recruiting threads on MGoBlog. They might be there, but I can't find them. I'm an angsty fan and of the age where the Michigan that I remember, is the 90's. By the time I realized we weren't Alabama, and we were getting further away from the elite tier, I'd already invested emotionally and it was too late to change this.

But like, I was all excited about Rich Rod's spread and as recently as Gattis mumbling "speed in space" over and over, I drank some kool aid. I'm just not prepared to pretend what I see on my TV isn't real. And lately, especially the last five years it seems, that's more or less been a requirement to hang out in Michigan spaces online. I'm definitely not a Buckeyes fan; I hate your team (but not like, 20 year old kids man) because they beat us a lot. But you know, when in Rome; don't be an asshole?
I can emote to these same subjects. Not sure I believe in you yet but you have had some good points either way
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Don’t forget Barwis!!!! And wolves.

Honest to god? I thought we'd hired a steroid guy and that was why everyone was going so nuts over him. I'm definitely not gonna pretend I cared either, although knowing what I know now about how PEDs can f*ck guys up, I'd care more today; but watching our lines get pushed around for the next few seasons disabused me of the notion that there was a Barwis effect lol.
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