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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Fascinating mental gymnastics over on the scUM boards now that they've been hit with a notice of allegations including a level 1 because Simple Jim either lied to or mislead investigators. DFBIA has spent years and years throwing stones at other programs from their rickety high horse, now they get hit with (not minor) violation allegations and they're all "who cares? The ncaa is toothless", "everyone does it', and "I hope Harbs did lie to them. Fuck 'em." Funny how that works.
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Fascinating mental gymnastics over on the scUM boards now that they've been hit with a notice of allegations including a level 1 because Simple Jim either lied to or mislead investigators. DFBIA has spent years and years throwing stones at other programs from their rickety high horse, now they get hit with (not minor) violation allegations and they're all "who cares? The ncaa is toothless", "everyone does it', and "I hope Harbs did lie to them. Fuck 'em." Funny how that works.
TSUN fans being holier then thou why I never...
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So, can we now substitute a dollar sign in their name, like they do with OSU, just as a show of solidarity?

The Leader$ and the Be$t?
Don’t forget:

Harvard of the Midwe$t.
Tho$e who $tay will be champion$.
Hell to the Victor$.

I may be a little confused on the last one.
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