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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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This is just a classic DFBIA mental gymnastics spin job.

They are just pretending like Harbaugh is getting a level 1 just for buying some kids a burger. So Michigan can play the victim in a way of "NCAA Over reach". While COMPLETELY IGNORING the part about him lying and trying to throw off the investigation.

I hope they do try to tell the NCAA to fuck off, and then the NCAA hammers them even harder for it.
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This is just a classic DFBIA mental gymnastics spin job.

They are just pretending like Harbaugh is getting a level 1 just for buying some kids a burger. So Michigan can play the victim in a way of "NCAA Over reach". While COMPLETELY IGNORING the part about him lying and trying to throw off the investigation.

I hope they do try to tell the NCAA to fuck off, and then the NCAA hammers them even harder for it.
Knowing the NCAA, if they’re really pissed, Eastern Michigan might get the Death Penalty.
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DJ Turner declares for the draft as well

Along with Ronnie Bell, another decently big loss.

Huge loss; not unexpected, and if he's a day 2 pick like everyone is saying, he'd be bonkers to stay. But corner just got VERY thin next year, and it's gonna get thinner if Gemon Green doesn't take a Covid year. Shades of 2018; Will Johnson can't cover everyone at the same time.
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Huge loss; not unexpected, and if he's a day 2 pick like everyone is saying, he'd be bonkers to stay. But corner just got VERY thin next year, and it's gonna get thinner if Gemon Green doesn't take a Covid year. Shades of 2018; Will Johnson can't cover everyone at the same time.

Well, we can certainly relate. Our CB room is in a precarious position too
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January 6th, 2023 at 1:28 PM ^

The "enforcement" of the "rules" by the ncaa isn't arbitrary, (Late edit:) it's intentional and reminiscent of mafia tactics. There is an unspoken set of rules in the ncaa where members give unreported (and therefore untaxed and illegal) lump sums of cash to potential recruits to sign. Michigan has been very public with their opposition to this practice.

It's not a coincidence that the ncaa has targeted michigan for two extremely minor violations of rules in the last ten years. If you have an organization that does illegal shit, and one of your members not only doesn't do the illegal shit but speaks publicly against it, you can't trust that member and need to discredit them.

This is a targeted campaign by the ncaa to discredit a blue blood that publicly denounces the illegal shit that the rest of the members do.

The Blue Collar

January 6th, 2023 at 1:47 PM ^

Don't forget the suspect officiating that repeatedly occurs against certain teams and for certain other teams.

It's not a coincidence this is happening literally days after officials took points from Michigan.

This is definitely a "bend the knee or we won't let you win" moment.

The Blue Collar

January 6th, 2023 at 1:30 PM ^

I'm not convinced "they weren't caught" is the difference more than "they're not Michigan" being the difference.
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As someone who went through Catholic pre-school through University, I am not religious anymore. But I knew this shit to be true. Fuck em.

If you were to draw the devil, you'd probably give him horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. And even if you decided to take a few creative liberties, there's still a good chance you'd make your demon red from head to toe. But this is a modern interpretation. The oldest representations of Satan in early Christian art actually showed him as a blue angel, while the good angels were red.
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Why would anybody give a fuck about what the Ben Shapiro nerds, all who have probably never played a down of football, care about their thoughts on this topic?

By the way, did none of these kids smoke, drink or play organized sports when they were younger? The amount of voices that are nasally and high pitched is at an all-time high.
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Why would anybody give a fuck about what the Ben Shapiro nerds, all who have probably never played a down of football, care about their thoughts on this topic?

By the way, did none of these kids smoke, drink or play organized sports when they were younger? The amount of voices that are nasally and high pitched is at an all-time high.

This is the moron who went to Sparty, but is a diehard academic smack talking Walmart Wolverine. Talk about Stockholm Syndrome. He's a fat tub of shit clown.
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