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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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When you hit the transfer portal as hard as Michigan does, it’s really hard to bring elite recruiting classes in.

Michigan and FSU are in the same boat currently (but Michigan is starting from a better place). When you’re willing to dip into the portal so aggressively you just aren’t going to land elite classes bc kids know they will get recruited over in the portal.

That said, the kids you land likely understand they are projects that need multiple years of development. The key is to land a few studs at skill positions (like a Donovan Edwards) where the experience factor isn’t as critical….

It’s really part of the reason I think Harbaugh could have one foot out the door….the transfer portal is loaded with 4th, 5th, even 6th year players with 1-2 years of eligibility left. That ends in 2024.

His recent classes have been very mediocre…..I feel like the portal has been critical to his success. I assume a new HC at Michigan can replicate the portal success to some degree but the cupboard is really bare in the freshmen and sophomore classes.

Could get really ugly….
Sometimes the portal guys make a solid difference like the center TTUN got this past year, but many times they are just place fillers.

I feel like it's not fool proof.
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Sometimes the portal guys make a solid difference like the center TTUN got this past year, but many times they are just place fillers.

I feel like it's not fool proof.

I don't think it is either. If you're a "upper level" program, You really gotta be careful about bringing in TOO MANY portal guys. Not every group of guys is going to mesh really well. scUM building like a whole OL off of the portal this season, i'm not sure how that will work out, I guess we will see though. I'm shocked we haven't seen a few of their OL hit the portal yet because of that.
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I know I'm not supposed to post in here but you folks are going to have to forgive me because I can't find another thread to let this out in.

I absolutely detest our fanbase. I can't stand this sh*t anymore and it's making me physically angry at internet forum posts; which is always a losing play.

Right now, a significant portion of the fans are arguing that Harbaugh's NFL flirtations is NOT going to hurt recruiting, and in fact smart prospects will WANT to play for Michigan because Harbaugh is such an amazing coach that he generates perpetual interest as a candidate at ALL the top levels of football.

What's the problem with this theory? Oh I dunno, the fact that recruiting is ranked by numbers every single year and our recruiting classes have sucked the past two years even while this "amazing" coach did all that winning? Like HELLO? Earth to slappies? Obviously the f*cking kids don't agree with you because THEY ARE NOT F*CKING COMING HERE! You can't even say "Harbaugh is just a bad recruiter" because we HAD better classes than this until he started looking for the fire exit. Never mind that nothing about that TCU tape suggests we have "amazing coaching" to me.

Folks want to pretend like this is a POTENTIAL problem that can be argued away on a message board. Gimme a f*cking break man; this is ALREADY HAPPENING and no amount of double talk and wishful thinking is going to change that. It's RIGHT F*CKING THERE in the recruiting numbers.

Shoulda fought my little brother for the Sparty slippers as a child, cause this is infuriating...

As a Michigan fan, I think you have to lean into their current strategy in regards to roster construction.

Is it flashy/sexy? No.

Is it going to produce a ton of high end NFL talent? Not likely.

Will they play physical ass football and be a threat in every game? Yea, it’s a bitch to play them.

Harbaugh has decided to take a relatively anti-OSU approach to building a college program which is an all out National Recruiting strategy intended to make OSU an NFL manufacturing facility.

Michigan will still pump out some guys obviously, but they’re really much more focused on development of players in the trenches, and when necessary (which is quite frequent) going to the portal for grown ass men. When you see Michigan on the calendar you know you’re about to get a heavy dose of 22-23 year old offensive/defensive lineman with 4-5 years of college weight lifting no matter what school it may have been at (in house redshirt in Ann Arbor? Cool. 4 years at Arizona State? We’ll take it? Turned 22 at Stanford? Come on down!!).

If I’m a Michigan fan, and I mean this sincerely…..I don’t really give a shit about recruiting rankings until Harbaugh bails….and then my stomach would plummet. Because as is, Michigan has become the premier program for experienced college players to finish out their careers before trying to make a run at NFL.

I’ve stated it a bunch….but my biggest worry if I’m a UM fan, is that extra Covid year expires pretty soon (2024). I think that is a pretty significant neutralizer….they’re still gonna get 3 and 4 year players with eligibility, but it won’t be to this level like we’ve seen. I also think more guys will be reluctant to transfer for 1 season….it’s worth it for 2 years. Most of the guys Michigan has landed this portal cycle would only have 1 year if not for Covid years.
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As a Michigan fan, I think you have to lean into their current strategy in regards to roster construction.

Is it flashy/sexy? No.

Is it going to produce a ton of high end NFL talent? Not likely.

Will they play physical ass football and be a threat in every game? Yea, it’s a bitch to play them.

Harbaugh has decided to take a relatively anti-OSU approach to building a college program which is an all out National Recruiting strategy intended to make OSU an NFL manufacturing facility.

Michigan will still pump out some guys obviously, but they’re really much more focused on development of players in the trenches, and when necessary (which is quite frequent) going to the portal for grown ass men. When you see Michigan on the calendar you know you’re about to get a heavy dose of 22-23 year old offensive/defensive lineman with 4-5 years of college weight lifting no matter what school it may have been at (in house redshirt in Ann Arbor? Cool. 4 years at Arizona State? We’ll take it? Turned 22 at Stanford? Come on down!!).

If I’m a Michigan fan, and I mean this sincerely…..I don’t really give a shit about recruiting rankings until Harbaugh bails….and then my stomach would plummet. Because as is, Michigan has become the premier program for experienced college players to finish out their careers before trying to make a run at NFL.

I’ve stated it a bunch….but my biggest worry if I’m a UM fan, is that extra Covid year expires pretty soon (2024). I think that is a pretty significant neutralizer….they’re still gonna get 3 and 4 year players with eligibility, but it won’t be to this level like we’ve seen. I also think more guys will be reluctant to transfer for 1 season….it’s worth it for 2 years. Most of the guys Michigan has landed this portal cycle would only have 1 year if not for Covid years.

I'll take it a step further...it speaks to the vile evil that is the tsun program that their, very fucking brief, reemergence from a 20+ year slumber is directly correlated to a world wide pandemic that killed millions and disrupted societies across the globe.

The worst thing that's happened to the world in nearly 100 years benefits your program. What further signs do you need to see the direct alignment with satan himself?

Fuck *ichigan.
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As a Michigan fan, I think you have to lean into their current strategy in regards to roster construction.

Is it flashy/sexy? No.

Is it going to produce a ton of high end NFL talent? Not likely.

Will they play physical ass football and be a threat in every game? Yea, it’s a bitch to play them.

Harbaugh has decided to take a relatively anti-OSU approach to building a college program which is an all out National Recruiting strategy intended to make OSU an NFL manufacturing facility.

Michigan will still pump out some guys obviously, but they’re really much more focused on development of players in the trenches, and when necessary (which is quite frequent) going to the portal for grown ass men. When you see Michigan on the calendar you know you’re about to get a heavy dose of 22-23 year old offensive/defensive lineman with 4-5 years of college weight lifting no matter what school it may have been at (in house redshirt in Ann Arbor? Cool. 4 years at Arizona State? We’ll take it? Turned 22 at Stanford? Come on down!!).

If I’m a Michigan fan, and I mean this sincerely…..I don’t really give a shit about recruiting rankings until Harbaugh bails….and then my stomach would plummet. Because as is, Michigan has become the premier program for experienced college players to finish out their careers before trying to make a run at NFL.

I’ve stated it a bunch….but my biggest worry if I’m a UM fan, is that extra Covid year expires pretty soon (2024). I think that is a pretty significant neutralizer….they’re still gonna get 3 and 4 year players with eligibility, but it won’t be to this level like we’ve seen. I also think more guys will be reluctant to transfer for 1 season….it’s worth it for 2 years. Most of the guys Michigan has landed this portal cycle would only have 1 year if not for Covid years.

The problem is that there is literally no evidence available to prove the strategy you're talking about works (except I guess Dantonio? But he's not employed for a reason.)

The fact is the 12-2 team had almost no transfers, and was still built around the premier recruits we have. This year, it was even moreso the same situation; yeah the center was a transfer but guys like JJ, Corum, and Edwards are 100% top tier recruits. Are we good at developing rotational linemen? I'd say we are; but if you're pulling in subpar talent in recruiting, all that means is you might be Iowa/Wisconsin. That's not good enough for the kinda money Michigan spends on football; and everyone knows it.

I'm not trying to fight you, and the Covid thing is a valid point. But right now the program you guys think Michigan is, and our fans want to pretend we're about, simply doesn't exist. College football works on a 2 year lag from recruiting. What we've done these past two seasons is very much about the 18 class punching above its weight, and 19-20 being decent enough classes, but top heavy with ballers.

This year? We're taking corners who can't really run and guys who do track, etc. I don't think you can use what happened the past two years to predict anything at all about Michigan's performance going forward; we're actually NOT recruiting as well as we were even two years ago and we're not winning ANYTHING with the transfer portal YET. Next year, the elite players from 2020 are still there; but after that? All bets are off.

Edit: so I spent a little more time thinking about what you wrote, and I guess I can see how guys like Ronnie Bell, and even Mason Graham are good examples of Michigan targeting and developing guys who fit our system and thus the rankings not mattering as much. I still think it's important to note however, that the vast majority of the guys driving the 2021 and 2022 teams, are actually 4 and 5 star recruits. I think it does work to fill in the gaps in our recruiting; what scares me however is if you have back to back classes devoid of those elite anchors to build around. Last year we at least got Will Johnson. This year? Your guess is as good as mine, that class is brutal.
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Next year they will go as far as McCarthy will take them. He needs to get better they are going to have to rely on him more next year.

They desperately need to keep him healthy. I'm not saying he's gonna win the Heisman or anything, but what's behind him is DREADFUL. The guy who was furthest up the depth chart returning behind him is a walk on whos only offer out of HS was Fordham and they have Jack Tuttle, who could never land the job at Indiana coming in. Along with 2 low 3* guys who were freshmen this year (who were behind the mention walk-on on the depth chart)
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I’ve stated it a bunch….but my biggest worry if I’m a UM fan, is that extra Covid year expires pretty soon (2024). I think that is a pretty significant neutralizer….they’re still gonna get 3 and 4 year players with eligibility, but it won’t be to this level like we’ve seen. I also think more guys will be reluctant to transfer for 1 season….it’s worth it for 2 years. Most of the guys Michigan has landed this portal cycle would only have 1 year if not for Covid years.

The Covid factor should start slowing down next year. Assuming the roster Covid waivers work the same way for football as they do in women’s volleyball (as I just learned in that thread thanks to @Fungo Squiggly), teams will have to count the extra-Covid-year guys against the 85-man limit next year, something they didn’t have to do this year.
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They also have a quarterback who (IMO) is a net negative in the pass game and now has a season of game film out on him.

It was funny seeing Milton light the world on fire for Tennessee. I don't remember him having a cannon like that :lol:

He’s always had a cannon, just no forward observers to help him with his aim.
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I know I'm not supposed to post in here but you folks are going to have to forgive me because I can't find another thread to let this out in.

I absolutely detest our fanbase. I can't stand this sh*t anymore and it's making me physically angry at internet forum posts; which is always a losing play.

Right now, a significant portion of the fans are arguing that Harbaugh's NFL flirtations is NOT going to hurt recruiting, and in fact smart prospects will WANT to play for Michigan because Harbaugh is such an amazing coach that he generates perpetual interest as a candidate at ALL the top levels of football.

What's the problem with this theory? Oh I dunno, the fact that recruiting is ranked by numbers every single year and our recruiting classes have sucked the past two years even while this "amazing" coach did all that winning? Like HELLO? Earth to slappies? Obviously the f*cking kids don't agree with you because THEY ARE NOT F*CKING COMING HERE! You can't even say "Harbaugh is just a bad recruiter" because we HAD better classes than this until he started looking for the fire exit. Never mind that nothing about that TCU tape suggests we have "amazing coaching" to me.

Folks want to pretend like this is a POTENTIAL problem that can be argued away on a message board. Gimme a f*cking break man; this is ALREADY HAPPENING and no amount of double talk and wishful thinking is going to change that. It's RIGHT F*CKING THERE in the recruiting numbers.

Shoulda fought my little brother for the Sparty slippers as a child, cause this is infuriating...

Ok, at this point, you’re what? A reverse troll? Is that even a thing? LOL.
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Ok, at this point, you’re what? A reverse troll? Is that even a thing? LOL.

Yeah you got me Sherlock; this is all part of a Russian online psy-op to weaken your fanbase before the 2023 edition of The Game and I'm not just a nerd ass football fan who finds Mgoblog too stuck-up and full of slappies.

Prolly shoulda picked RCMB instead but they have a multi-thousand post thread about Hutch's short arms and why despite being Lions fans, they hope he's a bust so I was worried about potential brain injury.

Edit: jokes aside, I've read enough threads on here to know all of YOU know what's wrong with the Michigan boards; especially MGoBlog. I'm not f*cking with you at all, would YOU hang out there just because of your college football team? And that's the GOOD one; lord help you if you end up on The Victors or the 247 board.
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this is all part of a Russian online psy-op to weaken your fanbase before the 2023 edition of The Game .


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Yeah you got me Sherlock; this is all part of a Russian online psy-op to weaken your fanbase before the 2023 edition of The Game and I'm not just a nerd ass football fan who finds Mgoblog too stuck-up and full of slappies.

Prolly shoulda picked RCMB instead but they have a multi-thousand post thread about Hutch's short arms and why despite being Lions fans, they hope he's a bust so I was worried about potential brain injury.

Edit: jokes aside, I've read enough threads on here to know all of YOU know what's wrong with the Michigan boards; especially MGoBlog. I'm not f*cking with you at all, would YOU hang out there just because of your college football team? And that's the GOOD one; lord help you if you end up on The Victors or the 247 board.
There's always the ESPN boards. (inside joke)

Pro-tip: If you're ever feeling a little unloved, just post a dildo-copter gif.
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Yeah you got me Sherlock; this is all part of a Russian online psy-op to weaken your fanbase before the 2023 edition of The Game and I'm not just a nerd ass football fan who finds Mgoblog too stuck-up and full of slappies.

Prolly shoulda picked RCMB instead but they have a multi-thousand post thread about Hutch's short arms and why despite being Lions fans, they hope he's a bust so I was worried about potential brain injury.

Edit: jokes aside, I've read enough threads on here to know all of YOU know what's wrong with the Michigan boards; especially MGoBlog. I'm not f*cking with you at all, would YOU hang out there just because of your college football team? And that's the GOOD one; lord help you if you end up on The Victors or the 247 board.

The only reason I ever venture over there is for a double shot of schadenfreude and a chaser of fuck you. It is pretty remarkable that the tsun boards are such shit… but I think the statements regarding the typical tsun fan probably would suggest we should suspect them for what they are.

Hope you find a good home here like a number of other non-tOSU guys.
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