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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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They also have a quarterback who (IMO) is a net negative in the pass game and now has a season of game film out on him.

It was funny seeing Milton light the world on fire for Tennessee. I don't remember him having a cannon like that :lol:

McCarthy is going to have to throw more next year too. Edwards is not the same type of back they are used to that has carried them the last few years (Haskins and Corum) and they have no one that's currently proven to be capable to spell him either.
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They also have a quarterback who (IMO) is a net negative in the pass game and now has a season of game film out on him.

It was funny seeing Milton light the world on fire for Tennessee. I don't remember him having a cannon like that :lol:
He had the same exact cannon. He looked like that there first game and they thought he was the Answer then the rest of the year he looked like Bauserman
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He had the same exact cannon. He looked like that there first game and they thought he was the Answer then the rest of the year he looked like Bauserman

Yea Milton thrived in one game, a exhibition type game against maybe the most mediocre 11 win team you'll ever see, put him out there for a 12 game season though and the results won't be very good.
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This might be the single biggest reason I can't bring myself to care if Harbaugh leaves.

We are DEAD in the water in THIS Big 10, with Sparty and PSU taking football recruiting seriously, if these are the kind of classes we're bringing in. I am tired of the Harbaugh dance, but I'm also tired of hearing sh*t like "our offensive coordinator doesn't like recruiting." Then FIRE HIS ASS? Cause that's the job at this level. Recruiting is life; you fail, you die. It doesn't happen all at once, but guess what? Our last two classes have sucked, so it's not all at once - it's happening in real time.

You are 100% correct; this Michigan class is trash and it only looks respectable because we stocked up on volume and we got the "blueblood" numbers bump after the fact. It's a VERY bad class, and we will have to get lucky in player development for this not to harm Michigan 2 and 3 years from now.

When you hit the transfer portal as hard as Michigan does, it’s really hard to bring elite recruiting classes in.

Michigan and FSU are in the same boat currently (but Michigan is starting from a better place). When you’re willing to dip into the portal so aggressively you just aren’t going to land elite classes bc kids know they will get recruited over in the portal.

That said, the kids you land likely understand they are projects that need multiple years of development. The key is to land a few studs at skill positions (like a Donovan Edwards) where the experience factor isn’t as critical….

It’s really part of the reason I think Harbaugh could have one foot out the door….the transfer portal is loaded with 4th, 5th, even 6th year players with 1-2 years of eligibility left. That ends in 2024.

His recent classes have been very mediocre…..I feel like the portal has been critical to his success. I assume a new HC at Michigan can replicate the portal success to some degree but the cupboard is really bare in the freshmen and sophomore classes.

Could get really ugly….
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Could get really ugly….

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I know I'm not supposed to post in here but you folks are going to have to forgive me because I can't find another thread to let this out in.

I absolutely detest our fanbase. I can't stand this sh*t anymore and it's making me physically angry at internet forum posts; which is always a losing play.

Right now, a significant portion of the fans are arguing that Harbaugh's NFL flirtations is NOT going to hurt recruiting, and in fact smart prospects will WANT to play for Michigan because Harbaugh is such an amazing coach that he generates perpetual interest as a candidate at ALL the top levels of football.

What's the problem with this theory? Oh I dunno, the fact that recruiting is ranked by numbers every single year and our recruiting classes have sucked the past two years even while this "amazing" coach did all that winning? Like HELLO? Earth to slappies? Obviously the f*cking kids don't agree with you because THEY ARE NOT F*CKING COMING HERE! You can't even say "Harbaugh is just a bad recruiter" because we HAD better classes than this until he started looking for the fire exit. Never mind that nothing about that TCU tape suggests we have "amazing coaching" to me.

Folks want to pretend like this is a POTENTIAL problem that can be argued away on a message board. Gimme a f*cking break man; this is ALREADY HAPPENING and no amount of double talk and wishful thinking is going to change that. It's RIGHT F*CKING THERE in the recruiting numbers.

Shoulda fought my little brother for the Sparty slippers as a child, cause this is infuriating...
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I know I'm not supposed to post in here but you folks are going to have to forgive me because I can't find another thread to let this out in.

I absolutely detest our fanbase. I can't stand this sh*t anymore and it's making me physically angry at internet forum posts; which is always a losing play.

Right now, a significant portion of the fans are arguing that Harbaugh's NFL flirtations is NOT going to hurt recruiting, and in fact smart prospects will WANT to play for Michigan because Harbaugh is such an amazing coach that he generates perpetual interest as a candidate at ALL the top levels of football.

What's the problem with this theory? Oh I dunno, the fact that recruiting is ranked by numbers every single year and our recruiting classes have sucked the past two years even while this "amazing" coach did all that winning? Like HELLO? Earth to slappies? Obviously the f*cking kids don't agree with you because THEY ARE NOT F*CKING COMING HERE! You can't even say "Harbaugh is just a bad recruiter" because we HAD better classes than this until he started looking for the fire exit. Never mind that nothing about that TCU tape suggests we have "amazing coaching" to me.

Folks want to pretend like this is a POTENTIAL problem that can be argued away on a message board. Gimme a f*cking break man; this is ALREADY HAPPENING and no amount of double talk and wishful thinking is going to change that. It's RIGHT F*CKING THERE in the recruiting numbers.

Shoulda fought my little brother for the Sparty slippers as a child, cause this is infuriating...
No, I would say this post is appropriate. In fact, many would probably agree with your feelings on that fanbase.
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I know I'm not supposed to post in here but you folks are going to have to forgive me because I can't find another thread to let this out in.

I absolutely detest our fanbase. I can't stand this sh*t anymore and it's making me physically angry at internet forum posts; which is always a losing play.

Right now, a significant portion of the fans are arguing that Harbaugh's NFL flirtations is NOT going to hurt recruiting, and in fact smart prospects will WANT to play for Michigan because Harbaugh is such an amazing coach that he generates perpetual interest as a candidate at ALL the top levels of football.

What's the problem with this theory? Oh I dunno, the fact that recruiting is ranked by numbers every single year and our recruiting classes have sucked the past two years even while this "amazing" coach did all that winning? Like HELLO? Earth to slappies? Obviously the f*cking kids don't agree with you because THEY ARE NOT F*CKING COMING HERE! You can't even say "Harbaugh is just a bad recruiter" because we HAD better classes than this until he started looking for the fire exit. Never mind that nothing about that TCU tape suggests we have "amazing coaching" to me.

Folks want to pretend like this is a POTENTIAL problem that can be argued away on a message board. Gimme a f*cking break man; this is ALREADY HAPPENING and no amount of double talk and wishful thinking is going to change that. It's RIGHT F*CKING THERE in the recruiting numbers.

Shoulda fought my little brother for the Sparty slippers as a child, cause this is infuriating...
I didn’t mean to imply that you shouldn’t post in here.

I was just letting you know that Buckeye posters all allowed to let both barrels go at all things TTUN in this thread, and that you’ll just need to have an even thicker skin and level head while in here. Carry on.
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I didn’t mean to imply that you shouldn’t post in here.

I was just letting you know that Buckeye posters all allowed to let both barrels go at all things TTUN in this thread, and that you’ll just need to have an even thicker skin and level head while in here.

My bad, I took it as you telling me to knock it off with the one guy I had a misunderstanding with. Which, fair enough; I half expected the ban hammer after our first exchange tbqh.

My mistake. That having been said, I don't really care what folks say about Michigan on a message forum or I wouldn't be here. I mostly just sit out stuff where anyone is killing 20 year old kids because it feels wrong to me; and that includes OSU players. Either way tho, I wasn't looking to wreck anyone's shop. Just wanna post about college football without having to follow a list of unwritten rules that more or less turn any Michigan forum into a PR outpost for the program. If Michigan wants me to do that, they can pay me - I'm a fan; I want Big 10 titles and CFP wins. Nothing more, but also, nothing less.
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My bad, I took it as you telling me to knock it off with the one guy I had a misunderstanding with. Which, fair enough; I half expected the ban hammer after our first exchange tbqh.

My mistake. That having been said, I don't really care what folks say about Michigan on a message forum or I wouldn't be here. I mostly just sit out stuff where anyone is killing 20 year old kids because it feels wrong to me; and that includes OSU players. Either way tho, I wasn't looking to wreck anyone's shop. Just wanna post about college football without having to follow a list of unwritten rules that more or less turn any Michigan forum into a PR outpost for the program. If Michigan wants me to do that, they can pay me - I'm a fan; I want Big 10 titles and CFP wins. Nothing more, but also, nothing less.
I’m more than OK with what you’ve been posting, you’re nowhere near in danger of being banned here.

We’ve got a Georgia poster who’s still making occasional posts the past few days, of course he’s been a solid poster here for years and is wise enough to not pour any salt in our open wounds from Saturday’s heartbreaker.

But since we’re in this thread:

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Rotational Edge Taylor Upshaw is in the Portal:

Though he didn't generate many stats, Upshaw was the most responsible of Michigan's edges, started two games, and contributed 271 snaps spread out over the lot of them. Though not much of a pass-rusher, Upshaw was solid against the run, trustworthy enough that he rarely got out of his lane, and present for many of the season's highlights. At the start of this season we used the "Taylor Upshaw Line" to mean "Replacement Level." By the end of the season it meant "Guy who makes the game-sealing interception at Ohio State."
He joins Welschof and generic 3* Deuce Spurlock (cool name) in the Portal.

Will be interesting to see how that list grows as HARBAUGH WATCH 2023 kicks off...
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I know I'm not supposed to post in here but you folks are going to have to forgive me because I can't find another thread to let this out in.

I absolutely detest our fanbase. I can't stand this sh*t anymore and it's making me physically angry at internet forum posts; which is always a losing play.

Right now, a significant portion of the fans are arguing that Harbaugh's NFL flirtations is NOT going to hurt recruiting, and in fact smart prospects will WANT to play for Michigan because Harbaugh is such an amazing coach that he generates perpetual interest as a candidate at ALL the top levels of football.

What's the problem with this theory? Oh I dunno, the fact that recruiting is ranked by numbers every single year and our recruiting classes have sucked the past two years even while this "amazing" coach did all that winning? Like HELLO? Earth to slappies? Obviously the f*cking kids don't agree with you because THEY ARE NOT F*CKING COMING HERE! You can't even say "Harbaugh is just a bad recruiter" because we HAD better classes than this until he started looking for the fire exit. Never mind that nothing about that TCU tape suggests we have "amazing coaching" to me.

Folks want to pretend like this is a POTENTIAL problem that can be argued away on a message board. Gimme a f*cking break man; this is ALREADY HAPPENING and no amount of double talk and wishful thinking is going to change that. It's RIGHT F*CKING THERE in the recruiting numbers.

Shoulda fought my little brother for the Sparty slippers as a child, cause this is infuriating...
I would say that is a perfect post for the "shenanigans" thread!
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Rotational Edge Taylor Upshaw is in the Portal:

He joins Welschof and generic 3* Deuce Spurlock (cool name) in the Portal.

Will be interesting to see how that list grows as HARBAUGH WATCH 2023 kicks off...

Duece Spurlock is another low 3* that GoBlow got a big stiffy over. They were excited because "Auburn was pushing hard for him!" but he still ended up signing with scUM. (not even joking) because Auburn is a current bar of high football ability. Big shock that 1 year later he is in the portal. Taylor and Welschof at least had been there half a decade and were elder castoffs. A guy like Spurlock only spent 1 year on campus. Not that he was a huge prospect, but when the "developmental" guys start leaving after 1 or 2 years, instead of staying they 4/5 years, that's when scUM will be in trouble. Not saying that's happening though since it's just 1 so far.
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