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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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He's a 3.6, and that might even be composite. The German guy was a 3.5. They are the same guy.

I'm not sure you've looked at how trash our class this year actually was, but I assure you offering this kid in July didn't change a single thing about how we recruited the rest of the class or what we offered the kid from France to come here.

Michigan's class this year was shockingly not good to me, I thought for sure they'd at least get a little uptick from running over Ohio State and finally making the playoff last year, and then sustaining that success this year. But no, they pretty much whiffed on all of their top targets and ended up with a ton of lower regarded flier types. I'd say maybe the 2024 class finally sees some gains, but with Harbaugh wavering again that can't be good for that.
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Michigan's class this year was shockingly not good to me, I thought for sure they'd at least get a little uptick from running over Ohio State and finally making the playoff last year, and then sustaining that success this year. But no, they pretty much whiffed on all of their top targets and ended up with a ton of lower regarded flier types. I'd say maybe the 2024 class finally sees some gains, but with Harbaugh wavering again that can't be good for that.

This might be the single biggest reason I can't bring myself to care if Harbaugh leaves.

We are DEAD in the water in THIS Big 10, with Sparty and PSU taking football recruiting seriously, if these are the kind of classes we're bringing in. I am tired of the Harbaugh dance, but I'm also tired of hearing sh*t like "our offensive coordinator doesn't like recruiting." Then FIRE HIS ASS? Cause that's the job at this level. Recruiting is life; you fail, you die. It doesn't happen all at once, but guess what? Our last two classes have sucked, so it's not all at once - it's happening in real time.

You are 100% correct; this Michigan class is trash and it only looks respectable because we stocked up on volume and we got the "blueblood" numbers bump after the fact. It's a VERY bad class, and we will have to get lucky in player development for this not to harm Michigan 2 and 3 years from now.
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Michigan's class this year was shockingly not good to me, I thought for sure they'd at least get a little uptick from running over Ohio State and finally making the playoff last year, and then sustaining that success this year. But no, they pretty much whiffed on all of their top targets and ended up with a ton of lower regarded flier types. I'd say maybe the 2024 class finally sees some gains, but with Harbaugh wavering again that can't be good for that.
I think Harbaugh's whole thing now is he will get 3 star projects, and maximize the years they stay in the program, while filling in gaps with transfer dudes. With 3 stars he doesn't have to screw around with NIL.

I never thought about the added benefit of those kids aren't going to ask to bolt if he leaves, where a high 4 or 5 star may with the coaching change.
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This might be the single biggest reason I can't bring myself to care if Harbaugh leaves.

We are DEAD in the water in THIS Big 10, with Sparty and PSU taking football recruiting seriously, if these are the kind of classes we're bringing in. I am tired of the Harbaugh dance, but I'm also tired of hearing sh*t like "our offensive coordinator doesn't like recruiting." Then FIRE HIS ASS? Cause that's the job at this level. Recruiting is life; you fail, you die. It doesn't happen all at once, but guess what? Our last two classes have sucked, so it's not all at once - it's happening in real time.

You are 100% correct; this Michigan class is trash and it only looks respectable because we stocked up on volume and we got the "blueblood" numbers bump after the fact. It's a VERY bad class, and we will have to get lucky in player development for this not to harm Michigan 2 and 3 years from now.
The sentiment on this end is Knowles and Justin Frye aren't known as stellar recruiters. Which is giving many fans angst, especially where there are noticeable deficiencies on the defensive side and O-line. Recruiting is very important.
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I think Harbaugh's whole thing now is he will get 3 star projects, and maximize the years they stay in the program, while filling in gaps with transfer dudes. With 3 stars he doesn't have to screw around with NIL.

I never thought about the added benefit of those kids aren't going to ask to bolt if he leaves, where a high 4 or 5 star may with the coaching change.

I don't think this is a strategy that is ever going to win a national title though. It's basically the Wisconsin model. You can win Big 10 Championships here and there and put up 10+ win seasons somewhat consistently, but you aren't going to win the big one with it.

I think it's a even less sustainable model long term in this new era.
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This might be the single biggest reason I can't bring myself to care if Harbaugh leaves.

We are DEAD in the water in THIS Big 10, with Sparty and PSU taking football recruiting seriously, if these are the kind of classes we're bringing in. I am tired of the Harbaugh dance, but I'm also tired of hearing sh*t like "our offensive coordinator doesn't like recruiting." Then FIRE HIS ASS? Cause that's the job at this level. Recruiting is life; you fail, you die. It doesn't happen all at once, but guess what? Our last two classes have sucked, so it's not all at once - it's happening in real time.

You are 100% correct; this Michigan class is trash and it only looks respectable because we stocked up on volume and we got the "blueblood" numbers bump after the fact. It's a VERY bad class, and we will have to get lucky in player development for this not to harm Michigan 2 and 3 years from now.

It won't start showing until after this next season when all those COVID leftover players clinging to their decade of eligibility start actually filtering out in masses. Nobody ended up benefiting from COVID quite like Michigan, which is Ironic considering how bad 2020 ended up for them. But they reapped rewards in those extra years players got, which paid dividends in 2021 and 2022 for them.
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I don't think this is a strategy that is ever going to win a national title though. It's basically the Wisconsin model. You can win Big 10 Championships here and there and put up 10+ win seasons somewhat consistently, but you aren't going to win the big one with it.

I think it's a even less sustainable model long term in this new era.
I agree... it doesn't seem sustainable, and seems like a great idea, because it seems to be working right now. I think under that system, he will hit a very good team every 3 or 4 years, and it will look great if OSU has a year that they are off on talent.
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I don't think this is a strategy that is ever going to win a national title though. It's basically the Wisconsin model. You can win Big 10 Championships here and there and put up 10+ win seasons somewhat consistently, but you aren't going to win the big one with it.

I think it's a even less sustainable model long term in this new era.

Dantonio is currently retired, precisely because college football told him this strategy wouldn't work anymore and proved it to him on the field.

But again, we're not losing recruiting battles on purpose. If we COULD take only 4 and 5 stars, we would. You do the best you can, with what you're dealt; and it looks a lot like "sniping Big 10 titles and losing playoff games" is the best that strategy will produce in the CFP era. Not just for us, but clearly for Sparty too; I'm sure other schools have tried and come close this same way - Tenn this year looks a bit like that too.
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I agree... it doesn't seem sustainable, and seems like a great idea, because it seems to be working right now. I think under that system, he will hit a very good team every 3 or 4 years, and it will look great if OSU has a year that they are off on talent.

I think we start seeing a slight decline in 2023. The schedule won't allow it to be too bad though. 2024 and 2025 are lining up to be rough years for them though. They are really going to have to hope they score big in the portal for those seasons.
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Oh for sure; and quite frankly I wouldn't care normally. But talking as much sh*t was we talked and then unveiling a game plan for TCU that can only be explained by a total lack of respect, or peeing down your leg in fear, is pretty unacceptable to me. One of the problems with this program for a long time is that it indoctrinates the idea that just by being a Michigan player, you've arrived - and even when coaches try to fight that, it doesn't seem to change.

It's all cool, I didn't entirely realize the folks above were talking about forum slappies; I hate those guys too, or I wouldn't be here. The truth is that this recruiting class was a near disaster, and that's why we're taking a flyer on some guy from France. Although the 2018 class turned out better for us than the numbers said it would, it was also a terrible class on paper so we took a flyer on a 6'6" German guy. These are not important recruits for us at all, but hey, it's a meritocracy, if the guy blows up, he'll get his shot at Michigan.

My only pushback would be "everyone thinks their developmental recruits are going to hit, that's just being a college football fan." You guys might be unfamiliar because you don't have to take developmental recruits, but you'll see this same sh*t on Sparty forums too. If you cant win battles for four and five star recruits, you're more or less stuck going full Dantonio and grabbing a bunch of guys you think MIGHT work out in your system, two or even three years down the line. Lots and lots of those guys are going to bust, or develop into totally mediocre players; but you only need to be right on a few of them each class to outperform your recruiting rankings.

But I mean I get it, teasing Michigan fans for pretending our recruiting classes are "competing with Ohio State" instead of "Sparty-esque" is fair game; the slappies are only doing it to themselves at this point. Right now, our program really does feel like the Dantonio Spartans; we can punch above our weight and get into the conversation, but we're turning back into a pumpkin once we get to the dance. Very few Michigan fans seem to grasp this is where we are at the moment, however.

I just misunderstood why you guys were laughing at us right now, because that dude has clearly been a warm body for three years now and we're not gonna miss him at all.
You’re fitting in well here, I just want to give you a heads up.

Years ago we created a ‘shenanigans, etc.’ thread in order to allow us Buckeye fans to mercilessly make fun of all things related to TTUN, the football team and the entire Ann Arbor area. We tried to keep serious thought and discussion about TTUN football in other places, which allowed TTUN fans like yourself to have a place to make rational comments without being bombarded with shenanigans by some of our posters who had a tendency to be less than welcoming to any TTUN fan. If you’re in one of those threads trying to have a civilized discussion, and believe that somebody’s way over the line in responding to you, and none of us has told that poster to settle down, you can PM a mod to look at things.

But whenever you’re in this thread, or its future versions that will be created at future strokes of midnight on New Year’s, please be aware that our folks are given a free rein in here to belittle all things TTUN.

Now you shouldn’t be “McNeil’ed” while posting in here, but while in this thread ‘govern yourself accordingly’. I think you’ve seen that reference.
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I think there's an improvement coming in the middle of the B1G (better coaches at Wisconsin and Nebraska, seems like Purdue and Illinois have gotten their act together, etc).

For Michigan my hunch is they won't be able to sustain as a 1-2 loss team as the B1G improves, without pulling away from the rest of the B1G in terms of roster composition. That takes recruiting which they have a weird disdain for.
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They also have a quarterback who (IMO) is a net negative in the pass game and now has a season of game film out on him.

It was funny seeing Milton light the world on fire for Tennessee. I don't remember him having a cannon like that :lol:
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