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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

Which scUM QB transfers first?

  • McNamara

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • McCarthy

    Votes: 28 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Apparently even the locals are reporting they look pretty fucking awful this spring.

This is great stuff. If the Ministry of Propaganda is having difficulty giving a positive spin, then it must be really bad up north.

RE QB: So the coaches know that Cade McNamara is a "gamer"? Based on what? That thrilling triple overtime victory over Rutgers?

Let's face it - Cade has to start this season. If the staff hands the job to JJ this spring (even if he is better), then Cade's on the next bus out of Ann Arbor and scUM's QB room consists of a true freshman, a redshirt freshman who was ranked the #1225 overall prospect in the class of 2020, and Harbaugh's latest rent-a-quarterback.

On the other hand, if JJ's career path really does mirror Harbaugh's (redshirt in 2021, showing flashes as QB3 in 2022, finally starting in 2023), well, then he's probably gone as well, along with the coaching staff who signed him. Looks like a pretty bad situation to me. You just hate to see it....

RE RB: Every spring, scUM has the greatest rushing attack in CFB. Every fall, scUM can't run the ball worth a damn. Don't expect a change in 2021.

RE TE: Tight end has always been a relative bright spot for scUM's offense. Now even the tight ends suck. Such a shame....

RE WR: Ronnie Bell is a known commodity - he doesn't totally suck, but he'd be fighting to make 3rd string at Ohio State (this is not hyperbole). What's alarming (in a very good way) is that Cornelius Johnson and Mike Sainristil have separated themselves from the Speed-in-Space guys (Roman Wilson, AJ Henning) that scUM fans have been slobbering over for the past two years. Henning was the #102 overall prospect in the class of 2020, yet he had only 6 receptions for 59 yards last season. If he gets passed by a couple of nobodies this year, then he's probably headed for Bustville.

RE OL: Thank you Ed Warinner! No wonder the guy got fired after recruiting that load of crap on the OL. Again, player development is an issue, as scUM actually signed a decent OL class in 2019, with three recruits in the top 200 (Trente Jones #108; Nolan Rumler #174; Trevor Keegan #176), and three other signees (Karsen Barnhart #266; Zach Carpenter #554; Jack Stewart #573). Of the six, only Barnhart is starting, while the three highly-rated guys are fighting for back-up spots (Rumler is looking like a total bust); Carpenter was surprisingly good, but he's already transferred to a better program (Indiana), and Stewart has been switched to defensive tackle (where he will probably be just as good as the other guys that scUM is fielding at that position).

And let's not forget that Jim Harbaugh and Josh Gattis will be running the offense.

Yep, 2021 could be an epic season for scUM.
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