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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

Which scUM QB transfers first?

  • McNamara

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • McCarthy

    Votes: 28 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Have they cancelled the season yet because somebody at the golf course across the street from the Giant Shitbowl might have tested positive?

Season has to derail first.

They have, by and large, convinced themselves the team will be good this year with 5 full months of hype season to go.
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Just wondering; has anyone thought that when BTN is looking for Rutgers' Classic they could run last year's OT game with Michigan? I mean, technically that's a huge loss for Michigan.

What are you talking about recruits were BUZZING over that classic win!
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What the critics are saying about the Wolverine's road trip, hostile environment, triple over-time, come back victory:

"Never on the football field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." W. Churchhill

“For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes–not that you won or lost–but how you played the Game.G. Rice

"The Wolverines trailed by 17 in the first half at Rutgers in a game they were favored to win by 9.5 points, against a team they have not lost to since 2014." The Detroit Free Press

“Let’s fucking build on this shit, boys. Let’s get it. What happens if we win out, huh? Who’s gonna remember all the fucking games before (this), man?

“We win out, we did our job. We said we were gonna win out. Let’s fucking do it.” Cade McNamara

"He was outstanding. Really gritty performance. In all ways. Super tough. Executed. Was outstanding. His play was inspiring. Yeah, can’t say enough great things.” J. Harbaugh

"We're back, baby!" M Go Blog
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What the critics are saying about the Wolverine's road trip, hostile environment, triple over-time, come back victory:

"Never on the football field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." W. Churchhill

“For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes–not that you won or lost–but how you played the Game.G. Rice

"The Wolverines trailed by 17 in the first half at Rutgers in a game they were favored to win by 9.5 points, against a team they have not lost to since 2014." The Detroit Free Press

“Let’s fucking build on this shit, boys. Let’s get it. What happens if we win out, huh? Who’s gonna remember all the fucking games before (this), man?

“We win out, we did our job. We said we were gonna win out. Let’s fucking do it.” Cade McNamara

"He was outstanding. Really gritty performance. In all ways. Super tough. Executed. Was outstanding. His play was inspiring. Yeah, can’t say enough great things.” J. Harbaugh

"We're back, baby!" M Go Blog
So what happened after all that?
Oh. That's right. They turned back in to pussy ass bitches.
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So what happened after all that?
Oh. That's right. They turned back in to pussy ass bitches.
Hey that's not fair. A couple people bought some Corona beers from the distributor across the street from the stadium, so they cancelled the season out of an abundance of caution. Any reasonable program would have and should have done the same thing.....for safety's sake.
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