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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

Which scUM QB transfers first?

  • McNamara

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • McCarthy

    Votes: 28 54.9%

  • Total voters
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So.. here's what we know... the world's largest toilet bowl seats over 100,000 people. Using 6 foot social distancing protocols, they could easily fit.. say... 50 people in there.... Some media, perhaps... you know.. so they could get the product out to the fans.... But.. they didn't do that. Why not?

I have to think somewhere in Schembechler hall someone said "Are you fucking kidding me? We're going to allow other people to watch this fucking shit show? Do you really want to broadcast just how awful every. single. unit. on this fucking team is?" Or something like that.

Seriously... turtling at a time when your fans should be absolute starved for football is just.... :shrug:
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Hype season 2007 into 2008:
DFBIA-"We have a S&C coach who used to fight in MMA and he owns a pet wolf! We are going to dominate! BARWIS ELEVENTY BABY!!!!!"
Folks with an IQ over 80- "but all the teams already better than you, already have a good S&C program. Aren't you just kind of, you know, catching up?"
DFBIA-"The. Man. Owns. A. Pet. Wolf."

Hype season 2020-2021:
DFBIA- "our assistant coaches are under 40!! 17 year old recruits immediately bond with 30 year old men! We are going to dominate recruiting baby!!"
80+ IQ guys- "other teams already recruiting better than you have assistant coaches that can recruit too. Aren't you just kind of, you know, catching up? (and P.S. 30 is old to high school kids. Just sayin)"
DFBIA-"Our. Assistant. Coaches. Are. All. Under. 40."

Eternal Recurrence, Nietzsche was right
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