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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

Which scUM QB transfers first?

  • McNamara

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • McCarthy

    Votes: 28 54.9%

  • Total voters
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I have dibs on "T-Bone."

Buck Naked here
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They just never shut up....

The new scheme being bigger linebackers like the Ravens use in their 3-4 so they don’t get run over by Wisconsin anymore.
One thing that kind of gets lost amongst all the stupidity in the "Reapers" Tweet is this: scUM is just turning all of their DEs into OLBs (or stand-up EDGE, to use their term). Here are the listed heights and weights for scUM's new OLBs:

Harrell: 6'4" 235 lbs
Ojabo: 6'5" 250 lbs
Upshaw: 6'4" 256 lbs
McGregor: 6'5" 260 lbs
Hutchinson: 6'6" 269 lbs

I'm sure those guys will be able to "play well in space" like, you know, covering running backs and tight ends on pass plays. By way of comparison, Ohio State's LBs range from 6-foot-1 to 6-foot-3 and from 225 pounds to 242 pounds, and, I'm just guessing here, have quite an advantage in overall athleticism.

The best part of scUM's new-fangled (new-mangled?) defense is this: They are going to play with 3 DTs. That's right, a team with zero quality DTs is now going to play three of them in their base defense. scUM's top EIGHT returning DTs have combined CAREER totals of 57 tackles, 3.5 TFLs, and 1.5 sacks. Last year, Ohio State's top three DTs (Togiai, Garrett, Antwuan Jackson) had a combined 54 tackles, 9.5 TFLs, and 6 sacks in just 8 games.

This should be fun to watch.
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One thing that kind of gets lost amongst all the stupidity in the "Reapers" Tweet is this: scUM is just turning all of their DEs into OLBs (or stand-up EDGE, to use their term). Here are the listed heights and weights for scUM's new OLBs:

Harrell: 6'4" 235 lbs
Ojabo: 6'5" 250 lbs
Upshaw: 6'4" 256 lbs
McGregor: 6'5" 260 lbs
Hutchinson: 6'6" 269 lbs

I'm sure those guys will be able to "play well in space" like, you know, covering running backs and tight ends on pass plays. By way of comparison, Ohio State's LBs range from 6-foot-1 to 6-foot-3 and from 225 pounds to 242 pounds, and, I'm just guessing here, have quite an advantage in overall athleticism.

The best part of scUM's new-fangled (new-mangled?) defense is this: They are going to play with 3 DTs. That's right, a team with zero quality DTs is now going to play three of them in their base defense. scUM's top EIGHT returning DTs have combined CAREER totals of 57 tackles, 3.5 TFLs, and 1.5 sacks. Last year, Ohio State's top three DTs (Togiai, Garrett, Antwuan Jackson) had a combined 54 tackles, 9.5 TFLs, and 6 sacks in just 8 games.

This should be fun to watch.

So what you’re really saying is that the new scUM OLBs will have a decided size advantage over OSU? ALL of their new OLBs will be taller and weigh more than any OSU OLB. Wow! Those new, young, NFL based scUM coaches are really coming through.

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They've got a long history of trying to "slogan" themselves into a winning culture, so it's par for the course with them.

All I know is they better make a t-shirt.

You can't be part of a gang with a name as cool as "The Reekers" without making a t-shirt.

Hell, that might be the scariest, most bad ass name for a gang since the Black Widows Motorcycle Club (they were feared throughout the land).
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