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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

Which scUM QB transfers first?

  • McNamara

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • McCarthy

    Votes: 28 54.9%

  • Total voters
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"One of the best classes in scUM History"

current average player ranking

Ohio State - 96.04
LSU - 92.16
Georgia - 95.11
Texas - 95.49
Texas A&M - 93.69
Ped State - 92.88
Oklahoma - 95.68
Florida State - 92.33
USC - 91.09
Missouri - 90.43
Alabama - 93.66
North Carolina - 91.93
Oregon - 90.12
Clemson - 93.12


scUM - 89.61

They are recruiting about exactly on the same pace (or a smidge lower) as they have the last 2 years. The "movement" is lateral.
Upvote 0
"One of the best classes in scUM History"

current average player ranking

Ohio State - 96.04
LSU - 92.16
Georgia - 95.11
Texas - 95.49
Texas A&M - 93.69
Ped State - 92.88
Oklahoma - 95.68
Florida State - 92.33
USC - 91.09
Missouri - 90.43
Alabama - 93.66
North Carolina - 91.93
Oregon - 90.12
Clemson - 93.12


scUM - 89.61

They are recruiting about exactly on the same pace (or a smidge lower) as they have the last 2 years. The "movement" is lateral.

Maybe the think it is like golf?
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"One of the best classes in scUM History"

current average player ranking

Ohio State - 96.04
LSU - 92.16
Georgia - 95.11
Texas - 95.49
Texas A&M - 93.69
Ped State - 92.88
Oklahoma - 95.68
Florida State - 92.33
USC - 91.09
Missouri - 90.43
Alabama - 93.66
North Carolina - 91.93
Oregon - 90.12
Clemson - 93.12


scUM - 89.61

They are recruiting about exactly on the same pace (or a smidge lower) as they have the last 2 years. The "movement" is lateral.
Is a 6.5 point deficit per average recruit a lot? :wink:
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I’m trying to write a poem about this. What rhymes with ”chickenshit quitty cowards”?
Don't worry - I've got you covered...

Ode to the Quitty Cowards
by: Cratylus

"Make Michigan our bitch again…"
We sing the old refrain
The Maize and Blue - like Asian flu -
Are worthy of disdain

Those chickenshit quitty cowards
Have such tiny little pricks
Like Mike Hart's or Desmond Howard's -
They resemble swizzle sticks

Their team hasn't had a Golden Age
Since before World War I
When leather helmets were all the rage
And the forward pass had just begun

Coach Hairball with his flat-front khakis
Is a "Michigan Man" immortal
Who every year loses 20 athletes
To the NCAA Transfer Portal

His detractors claim he's clueless and dense
But he says he just plays by the rules
He's also put up a recruiting fence
Around the New England preparatory schools

September Heismans and excuses galore
Are the calling cards of their fanbase
And you can always tell a Michigan cheerleader
By her cankles and her man-face

"It's hard to win against teams that cheat
When your standards are so great."
Is their usual excuse for getting beat
By the likes of Appalachian State

"Why compete when you can hide in shame?"
Is the motto of those fucks
Thank God our team is not the same
Which is why we say… GO BUCKS!!!
Upvote 0
Don't worry - I've got you covered...

Ode to the Quitty Cowards
by: Cratylus

"Make Michigan our bitch again…"
We sing the old refrain
The Maize and Blue - like Asian flu -
Are worthy of disdain

Those chickenshit quitty cowards
Have such tiny little pricks
Like Mike Hart's or Desmond Howard's -
They resemble swizzle sticks

Their team hasn't had a Golden Age
Since before World War I
When leather helmets were all the rage
And the forward pass had just begun

Coach Hairball with his flat-front khakis
Is a "Michigan Man" immortal
Who every year loses 20 athletes
To the NCAA Transfer Portal

His detractors claim he's clueless and dense
But he says he just plays by the rules
He's also put up a recruiting fence
Around the New England preparatory schools

September Heismans and excuses galore
Are the calling cards of their fanbase
And you can always tell a Michigan cheerleader
By her cankles and her man-face

"It's hard to win against teams that cheat
When your standards are so great."
Is their usual excuse for getting beat
By the likes of Appalachian State

"Why compete when you can hide in shame?"
Is the motto of those fucks
Thank God our team is not the same
Which is why we say… GO BUCKS!!!

This is great.
Upvote 0
Don't worry - I've got you covered...

Ode to the Quitty Cowards
by: Cratylus

"Make Michigan our bitch again…"
We sing the old refrain
The Maize and Blue - like Asian flu -
Are worthy of disdain

Those chickenshit quitty cowards
Have such tiny little pricks
Like Mike Hart's or Desmond Howard's -
They resemble swizzle sticks

Their team hasn't had a Golden Age
Since before World War I
When leather helmets were all the rage
And the forward pass had just begun

Coach Hairball with his flat-front khakis
Is a "Michigan Man" immortal
Who every year loses 20 athletes
To the NCAA Transfer Portal

His detractors claim he's clueless and dense
But he says he just plays by the rules
He's also put up a recruiting fence
Around the New England preparatory schools

September Heismans and excuses galore
Are the calling cards of their fanbase
And you can always tell a Michigan cheerleader
By her cankles and her man-face

"It's hard to win against teams that cheat
When your standards are so great."
Is their usual excuse for getting beat
By the likes of Appalachian State

"Why compete when you can hide in shame?"
Is the motto of those fucks
Thank God our team is not the same
Which is why we say… GO BUCKS!!!

Upvote 0
Don't worry - I've got you covered...

Ode to the Quitty Cowards
by: Cratylus

"Make Michigan our bitch again…"
We sing the old refrain
The Maize and Blue - like Asian flu -
Are worthy of disdain

Those chickenshit quitty cowards
Have such tiny little pricks
Like Mike Hart's or Desmond Howard's -
They resemble swizzle sticks

Their team hasn't had a Golden Age
Since before World War I
When leather helmets were all the rage
And the forward pass had just begun

Coach Hairball with his flat-front khakis
Is a "Michigan Man" immortal
Who every year loses 20 athletes
To the NCAA Transfer Portal

His detractors claim he's clueless and dense
But he says he just plays by the rules
He's also put up a recruiting fence
Around the New England preparatory schools

September Heismans and excuses galore
Are the calling cards of their fanbase
And you can always tell a Michigan cheerleader
By her cankles and her man-face

"It's hard to win against teams that cheat
When your standards are so great."
Is their usual excuse for getting beat
By the likes of Appalachian State

"Why compete when you can hide in shame?"
Is the motto of those fucks
Thank God our team is not the same
Which is why we say… GO BUCKS!!!
This clearly deserves a GPA - Great Poetry Award
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Or Bowman is the starter while McCarthy is groomed to be the starter as soon as possible then Bowman loses his job.

This reminds me of when Drew Henson was groomed to be the starter, and they did everything they could to keep Tom Brady off the field.

They turned a future hall of famer, with at least 10 Super Bowl appearances, and 7 Super Bowl wins, into the 199th draft pick in 2000, and did everything they could to make Drew Henson seem like the better choice.

Good work, *ichigan.
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This reminds me of when Drew Henson was groomed to be the starter, and they did everything they could to keep Tom Brady off the field.

They turned a future hall of famer, with at least 10 Super Bowl appearances, and 7 Super Bowl wins, into the 199th draft pick in 2000, and did everything they could to make Drew Henson seem like the better choice.

Good work, *ichigan.
But I mean, Henson could play baseball and was drafted by rhe Yankees :blush:
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