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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

Which scUM QB transfers first?

  • McNamara

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • McCarthy

    Votes: 28 54.9%

  • Total voters
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I haven't read through this thread in a few days. I needed those laughs. They never stop providing cheap, quality entertainment do they?

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Bowman will have 3 years of eligibility at scUM, so something has to give. A 5 star recruit (i.e. J.J. McCarthy) is not going to sit on scUM's bench for 3 years watching Bowman play. There's (at least) two possible likely scenarios here:

1. J. J. McCarthy beats out Bowman for QB1, so Bowman is a "no issue".
2. Bowman wins the QB1 position and before the 2022 season J. J. McCarthy transfers.

Just sayin': I fully expect #1 to happen, J.J. McCarty has a much bigger upside and would be an investment in scUM's football future. Bowman would be more of the status quo, i.e. scUM mediocrity at the QB position.
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Bowman will have 3 years of eligibility at scUM, so something has to give. A 5 star recruit (i.e. J.J. McCarthy) is not going to sit on scUM's bench for 3 years watching Bowman play. There's (at least) two possible likely scenarios here:

1. J. J. McCarthy beats out Bowman for QB1, so Bowman is a "no issue".
2. Bowman wins the QB1 position and before the 2022 season J. J. McCarthy transfers.

Just sayin': I fully expect #1 to happen, J.J. McCarty has a much bigger upside and would be an investment in scUM's football future. Bowman would be more of the status quo, i.e. scUM mediocrity at the QB position.

Or Bowman is the starter while McCarthy is groomed to be the starter as soon as possible then Bowman loses his job.
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