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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

Which scUM QB transfers first?

  • McNamara

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • McCarthy

    Votes: 28 54.9%

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Some of the fans at least seem to be getting close to quitting the sport.

Mix in some hilarious ministry of propaganda type DFBIAs pumping unearned sunshine and excuses and youve got a pretty funny thread right there.

Some guy even takes the odd approach of saying that Harbaugh has performed equally to the Basketball team. :lol:

Looking at the tone of threads there and the responses to some of the sunshine posts on Twitter that are posted here, it seems a good portion of their fanbase has reached the tipping point.

They are aware that smoke has been blown up their ass for 20+ years, they see the machine preparing to do it again and they are finally saying "not this time".

Charlie Brown is still going to try to kick that football eventually but Lucy/Sam Webb and the Sunshine Band are going to have to work harder for it these days. That seems clear.
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Some of the fans at least seem to be getting close to quitting the sport.

Mix in some hilarious ministry of propaganda type DFBIAs pumping unearned sunshine and excuses and youve got a pretty funny thread right there.

Some guy even takes the odd approach of saying that Harbaugh has performed equally to the Basketball team. :lol:

That thread is going to be my "boring conference call that should have been an email" reading today.
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Some of the fans at least seem to be getting close to quitting the sport.

Mix in some hilarious ministry of propaganda type DFBIAs pumping unearned sunshine and excuses and youve got a pretty funny thread right there.

Some guy even takes the odd approach of saying that Harbaugh has performed equally to the Basketball team. :lol:
This is the post that sums up your average member of the DFBIA...

Real Tackles Wear 77March 2nd, 2021 at 12:10 PM ^
No not at all. More excited than I have been in a while to see the new look of our team, a lot of young hyped prospects and a restart after the weird 2020 season.

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Looking at the tone of threads there and the responses to some of the sunshine posts on Twitter that are posted here, it seems a good portion of their fanbase has reached the tipping point.

They are aware that smoke has been blown up their ass for 20+ years, they see the machine preparing to do it again and they are finally saying "not this time".

Charlie Brown is still going to try to kick that football eventually but Lucy/Sam Webb and the Sunshine Band are going to have to work harder for it these days. That seems clear.

IF they beat any of Washington, Wisky, NW or IU, you will see them reinvigorated. The fanbase is the same every year. They're looking for any 1 win to say that they're back(like Da U, Tenn, Tejas, ND, etc)
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IF they beat any of Washington, Wisky, NW or IU, you will see them reinvigorated. The fanbase is the same every year. They're looking for any 1 win to say that they're back(like Da U, Tenn, Tejas, ND, etc)

No doubt they get there and, likely, rather soon.

I'm just floored that they, even just a few, have become self aware of their group addiction to false hope and baseless hype.
It's only been 20-30 years for most of them.
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IF they beat any of Washington, Wisky, NW or IU, you will see them reinvigorated. The fanbase is the same every year. They're looking for any 1 win to say that they're back(like Da U, Tenn, Tejas, ND, etc)

Washington is a fringe top 25 team at best, but yea theyll act like beating them at home the 2nd week of the season throws them into the legit playoff contender discussion. Pretty much exactly how it was after they beat Minnesota to start 2020. It really is a endless cycle for them.

Hell the train might get rolling before that if they can beat Western Michigan by enough points

The fact that beating Indiana this year would be a LEGIT CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION for them says it all about that program.
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Watching TTUN, Texas, Tennessee, and Miami turn into shitshows in my lifetime is amazing. Who would BPers want to see turn into TTUN clown show?

Clemson and ND are my two picks.
Don't forget USC.

As for who else? For me, Clempson. Pre-2013(ish), they were basically a joke. I'd like for that to return. Because Fuck them and their Howdy Doodie coach.
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