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2015-16 Ohio State Quarterback Discussion

Not a big fan of the only game left on the schedule is MSU thing. Things need to be figured out well before we play them. I don't want to see a game against Illinois, Minnesota, or PSU still in question heading into the 4th quarter. It's not that I don't appreciate a hard fought victory. I just don't want to see us let teams hang around because we can't get get the snap count right or we commit turnovers. I also don't want to see some knucklehead taking any cheap shots on our guys in an attempt to become a cult hero either. Not to mention that the Buckeyes are often the biggest game on the schedule for a lot of teams we play, even without being the defending National Champions. That's the problem with that douche in Arkansas comments. The Buckeyes will get everyone's best game. Other than Toledo who cares enough about Arkansas to take them seriously?
Plus when this year is over and we lose like 7,102,111 sophomores (RS can leave after soph) and Juniors to the draft we can then have some talent has played a ton of meaningful snaps to reload in 16'. The faster we destroy teams the faster we can get some younger guys in the game because next year we will need all the playing time/real game reps that we can get.

I liked a post a few up that I couldn't agree more with as well. I'm a JT guy and I honestly firmly believe if he takes over he gives us the best chance to get the ball correctly to all of our play makers. However, that said the post I liked and I agreed with which is "if it's Cardale then just let him take over already" because I also know this team can be good with Cardale too but IMO just not as special as with JT. I don't care who it is at this point I just want 1 QB because like it or not I feel these guys are looking over their shoulders wondering when they're going to be given the hook with each mistake they make.

We play best when we play aggressive, we play mean, we play downhill, and we play fast. Sort of hard to do that when you are worried about messing up... Essentially what I feel we are doing is making our QB's hesitate in fear of a mistake. As we all know when you think about not screwing up that's normally when you do. Then again maybe it was just a rough week against Hawaii and we will be cracking skulls the rest of the way, but if we see the same crap we saw last week against Hawaii then color me concerned.
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I kinda think we're over-reacting though... both looked like Heisman-quality QBs against VTech. And Cardale was on the board (sharing votes with Eze and Brax).
It was just Hawaii that was "wtf ?", and it really wasn't the QBs... it was the OLine (which did have problems in both games)
Urban also made a point in his mid-week presser that the edge blocking isn't as good as last year. He picked out Eze's 5 yard loss on 1st and goal and pinpointed that a WR didn't get his block. To some extent that's expected -- I mean, Spencer was pretty rare in that sense. I also think it's why Parris is firmly entrenched as a #1 in the depth chart right now despite some inconsistent play with drops. He's putting it all out there when the ball isn't in his hands.
We could be missing Spencer more than Devin right now?
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Why do you think he trolls? Besides his bertness of course

Well I actually think shit and him are brothers from another mother. Neither are good enough to beat tOSU, and butthurt has set in.

I also think this is his way of saying "My team sucks, but only because of the conference we play in."

Finally I think the douche actually thinks it's motivational to his players and inspiring to recruits because the SEC is where every pro player comes from.
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When Ezekiel Elliott was asked about how two of his star offensive teammates had handled the battle to be Ohio State's starting quarterback Wednesday, he was pretty brief in his response.

"Um ... next question," Elliott said, still dripping wet from his post-practice ice bath at the Woody Hayes Athletic Center.

It's a fair stance to have if you're a non-quarterback Buckeye, considering you have your own responsibilities to help your team be successful on Saturday afternoons other than worry about if Cardale Jones or J.T. Barrett is lining up under center. It's Urban Meyer's job to worry about it, however, which he's doing each and every day.

"Both of them get reps. Both of them will continue to get reps. The approach I've taken is Cardale started. He's the starting quarterback," Meyer said Monday. "I met with him (Sunday). J.T. has not beat him out yet. He's going to continue to have opportunities to do that because J.T. is a very good player and Cardale's got to perform."

Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...-still-up-for-grabs-but-other-buckeyes-remain
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Obviously trust the coaches, pick one and stick with it, etc. etc... But when it comes to personal opinions, am I the only one left on this board who likes Cardale at QB better? It doesn't seem like I see comments supporting Cardale over JT any more.
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Obviously trust the coaches, pick one and stick with it, etc. etc... But when it comes to personal opinions, am I the only one left on this board who likes Cardale at QB better? It doesn't seem like I see comments supporting Cardale over JT any more.

The main reason I like JT better is that I think the offense is more efficient with him. Cardale can't run the read option nearly as well as JT and he looks for the big play instead of just letting it happen within the flow of the offense. Granted I like when we have big plays but I would rather let them happen instead of trying to force a long throw to someone who is covered. Devin Smith made him look REALLY good last year with those deep throws and so far this year, no one has stepped up to show that they can have the same type of production. Until someone can duplicate what Devin Smith did then I think JT is the right QB for the job.
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The main reason I like JT better is that I think the offense is more efficient with him. Cardale can't run the read option nearly as well as JT and he looks for the big play instead of just letting it happen within the flow of the offense. Granted I like when we have big plays but I would rather let them happen instead of trying to force a long throw to someone who is covered. Devin Smith made him look REALLY good last year with those deep throws and so far this year, no one has stepped up to show that they can have the same type of production. Until someone can duplicate what Devin Smith did then I think JT is the right QB for the job.

To me that's why Cardale is in and like you've said big plays aren't manufactured they are normally a result of being set up. I feel as this week unfolds i'm getting more anxious about the QB spot and our offense and I can't figure out why.What I do know is that as training camp started I really didn't care who started, by mid camp I was sort of a JT guy, and then after the first game I was 100 percent JT. We can beat any of our next 8 or so games with myself at QB not counting CJ or JT but to me even though I can't describe it I somehow wholly feel that JT is suppose to be leading this offense.
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The Oline not blocking to their potential might cause a few more sacks or shorter gains in the running game but the QB's can be better in other areas. Leading their receivers and putting the ball where it needs to be and on time are how they can separate themselves. They don't need All Pro linemen to do that with the skill players around them. Read the defense and get the ball out.
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Problem with coming in off the bench is the level of expectations and game speed. It's not like he started the game and had a few series to settle in and find a groove. He was expected to come in and score immediately (which he did) and continue to score on every drive. Cardale had a quarter and a half to prove his salt before getting sat down. Barrett had only a few minutes of a look at.

Just to be fair--the drive to which you're referring started at Hawaii's 35 yard line. It would have been a bit difficult NOT to score in such favorable circumstances.
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No. 1 Ohio St. 'discombobulated' at QB after escaping upset at home

Fox "Top Headline" for article: http://www.foxsports.com/college-fo...upset-cardale-jones-jt-barrett-elliott-091915

Urban Meyer on need to pick full-time QB: 'Might be some truth to that'

But now, three weeks into the season and with continued questions about his handling of his two award-winning passers heating up, Meyer indicated it might be time to pick one and stick with him.

"There might be some truth to that," Meyer said after the game. "Not that I'm going to call some armchair [analysts] and ask them what they think, but I do believe in game reps. That's how players get better, and that's something that I'm going to spend a lot of time thinking about."

Entire article: http://espn.go.com/college-football...meyer-remains-uncertain-quarterback-situation

Maybe there is some truth to the adage:
"If You Have Two Quarterbacks, You Actually Have None."


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The conversation that Urban Meyer should have this week, and I'm sure he has more than a plan, is to sit them both down and say "hey this is the 4th and final pre-conference schedule game therefore - it's the last audition for the season schedule. I've had Cardale start the first three games and JT played. This last game I'm going to switch it around and start JT, but Cardale will play." At the end of 4 games this way, there is no controversy unless they both suck again. There is no athlete on the planet that could complain about getting a true fair shake at starting and after 4 games, thats plenty of time to stand out.

Not only do we have to look at the QB stats and decision making, but how does the entire offense run with each guy in. At this point Cardales overall stats look a little better but I'd argue that the offense appears to be more in sync and efficient with JT. They just seem a bit frantic with Cardale out there for some reason and I'd suspect that its the energy that the offense feeds off of from the QB. I like JT's cool calm demeanor right now to right the ship. When we needed fire and heart it was the perfect time for Cardale to come in and just blow it up last year. A perfect storm. Let them have one more game to distance themselves and see what happens.

Either way they have the luxury of an outstanding back and what will end up as the best defense in the country by the end of the year. Just get it done.
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