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2015-16 Ohio State Quarterback Discussion

I have shifted to the JT camp on this. Seeing Cardale blow up at one of his receivers on the field of play during the NI game, while seeing JT calmly school Campbell Parris on the sideline during the VT game, shows me who the better leader is. JT also has far more game experience. Many of us--myself included--got caught up in his unworldly performance during last year's post season, when he was essentially playing with house money. Don't get me wrong, I still like Cardale a lot for what he has done, but I think JT is the guy...

Agreed. Just because you are thankful for Cardales performance doesn't mean something is owed to him. He did his job. When I do my job, I don't get anything special promised to me. I still have to earn my next promotion and continue to outperform my peers all the time. Jones did what was asked in the playoffs, but he still must continue to fight for his role. If JT is the guy, then start him. As you said, JT just seems to have better composure. He doesn't sulk by himself on the bench and he doesn't yell at his teammates out of frustration. It's a maturity thing, something Jones has always struggled with.
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...He doesn't sulk by himself on the bench and he doesn't yell at his teammates out of frustration. It's a maturity thing, something Jones has always struggled with.
I think Cardale has improved somewhat--actual a lot--in the maturity area (see his announcement that he was foregoing the draft), but he still has a way to go to even match where JT was when he stepped on campus.
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I have shifted to the JT camp on this. Seeing Cardale blow up at one of his receivers on the field of play during the NI game, while seeing JT calmly school Campbell Parris on the sideline during the VT game, shows me who the better leader is. JT also has far more game experience. Many of us--myself included--got caught up in his unworldly performance during last year's post season, when he was essentially playing with house money. Don't get me wrong, I still like Cardale a lot for what he has done, but I think JT is the guy...
He also did exactly the same thing against Alabama on first and second down. He just had an absurd amount of clutch plays on 3rd and a mile to overcome them.

People get caught up in the glamour of Oregon as though their high flying offense plays d. They ran that counter to EzE about 400 times in a row.

It was an amazing run for a new qb but in my mind, there was a great performance against Wisconsin, an inconsistent but clutch one vs Bama and a solid one against a bad Oregon defense.

Osu has the two most electric option guys in the land in Elliott and Miller (and pretty strong alternates in Samuel and Wilson) yet they can be largely shut down or contained when Cardale is involved in those plays. Unless cardale finds a way to recapture that postseason clutch magic, I don't think this is a difficult choice from an efficiency standpoint.

The problem is that JT is a consummate professional and would be a good sport if Miller took his second team reps this fall. Meyer does not have the luxury of benching Cardale without risking losing him forever, mentally or otherwise
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The problem is that JT is a consummate professional and would be a good sport if Miller took his second team reps this fall. Meyer does not have the luxury of benching Cardale without risking losing him forever, mentally or otherwise
Cardale is gone to the NFL after this season anyway, and he responded pretty well last season when called upon when JT got hurt despite being bumped to third string just before Braxton got hurt. So you'd hope that we would handle being bumped back to second string better.

I'm not a three-time national champion head coach who is currently 41-3 at an all-time college football powerhouse, but it would seem to me that starting a QB just because he may pout if he doesn't get the start may not be the best approach...
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lol this is just a freaking joke. I love Urban but this has been mishandled so beyond the realm it's unreal to me. What's the point of having a announcement when it's the same guy? Hey guys guess what my favorite pizza is? CHEESE PIZZA, but next Monday I'll tell you what my favorite pizza is and it may be cheese pizza.

Cardale has 1 quarter max to perform this weekend or Urban will hook him again and then we are where we started the weekend prior. What sucks is if he does stink it up again then 108k will start to boo which is a shame, but it's the truth. God forbid if Cardale throws a pick or fumbles another snap, but for the life of me I can't wrap around my head how JT can beat Cardale out last year but can't now with all that experience under his belt?

I see lots of post questioning CJ's maturity and frankly its warranted. His constant twitter distractions (school, Ronda, the brush up with that fan), his animated attitude toward our players who mess up, sitting by himself after getting the yank, and then changing his twitter after last Saturdays game(which I interpreted as a dig at the coaches) show's he's mile away from JT in a important factor which is mentally.

Urban talks about having not beaten out CJ for the starting job but at what point does a player play himself out of the starting role? Sometimes the best route is the safest route. My prediction and I hope I'm wrong is we're going to see the same junk we've seen the last 2 weeks which is a tendency for turning the ball over. Starting in the 3rd quarter we will be playing JT and we will be back at square one. Like I've been saying I have the same feeling as when Zwick started out the 2004 year as starter which was something was wrong and looked off. That year I knew Troy should've been the guy and this year (while I will support CJ) I feel JT should be the guy as well
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Cardale is gone to the NFL after this season anyway, and he responded pretty well last season when called upon when JT got hurt despite being bumped to third string just before Braxton got hurt. So you'd hope that we would handle being bumped back to second string better.

I'm not a three-time national champion head coach who is currently 41-3 at an all-time college football powerhouse, but it would seem to me that starting a QB just because he may pout if he doesn't get the start may not be the best approach...
Certainly not but the point remains that I don't think there's any going back if he gets replaced as the starter. If he can't get it done against a hapless bronco team (their third hapless opponent), that's probably it for him. They also should be able to adjust the calling to stop infuriating Meyer as well,
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Like I've been saying I have the same feeling as when Zwick started out the 2004 year as starter which was something was wrong and looked off. That year I knew Troy should've been the guy and this year (while I will support CJ) I feel JT should be the guy as well
Zwick didn't win three post-season games and a national title. The comparison to Zwick is invalid...
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Less than inspiring words from Urban. Only seems to talk about Barrett not winning the job instead of Cardale solidifying himself as starter. And then mentions that Cardale is the guy, unless he plays poorly. Would not be surprised to watch another turnover filled game in which both QBs play significantly and tentitively.

Unless Cardale starts to light it up this isn't going to be over anytime soon and that doesn't bode well for either QBs confidence or the offense.
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Less than inspiring words from Urban. Only seems to talk about Barrett not winning the job instead of Cardale solidifying himself as starter. And then mentions that Cardale is the guy, unless he plays poorly. Would not be surprised to watch another turnover filled game in which both QBs play significantly and tentitively.

Unless Cardale starts to light it up this isn't going to be over anytime soon and that doesn't bode well for either QBs confidence or the offense.

This is what bothers me most about the way it's been handled. Cardale or JT make a decision and stick with it. Don't go it's Cardale's job cause JT hasn't won it yet. If JT hasn't won it yet it's over stop leaving that door open and that doubt in each of their minds.
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I think I'm finally seeing what Urban wants from his QB's. He wants them to decide the controversy and he's ok with having one if they are both lighting it up. The fact that neither are acting like "the man" is bothering him. He doesnt want to have to choose one and he's waiting on one of them to eliminate the choosing. We'll see if it happens. The fact that neither have separated themself to this point is the most troubling thing.
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I think I'm finally seeing what Urban wants from his QB's. He wants them to decide the controversy and he's ok with having one if they are both lighting it up. The fact that neither are acting like "the man" is bothering him. He doesnt want to have to choose one and he's waiting on one of them to eliminate the choosing. We'll see if it happens. The fact that neither have separated themself to this point is the most troubling thing.

This actually makes a lot of sense and I'm glad you said it. My only issue is that Meyer is THE GUY and needs to change it up if his initial approach isn't working.
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