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2015-16 Ohio State Quarterback Discussion

Less than inspiring words from Urban. Only seems to talk about Barrett not winning the job instead of Cardale solidifying himself as starter.

What would you expect, given the eggs that both Cardale and JT have laid in the Hawaii and NIU games? Fact of the matter is that both have had more than their chance to prove they're better than the other...and both have failed to do so.
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Just saw on ESPN that Cardale is the starter this weekend. I have to say I'm a little surprised, and a bit disappointed. For me, Cardale's immature reaction to being pulled iced it. I'll be forever grateful for his post season performances last year but JT lost the job due to injury, not performance. His mates elected him, not Jones, to be their captain. I haven't seen JT pout about being demoted to second string, either.

I would go back to the guy who led the team to the B1G title game and would've never come out had he not been injured. If Cardale responds poorly to that decision that would only affirm it in my mind. But I'm not a three time champion head coach and I've never met these kids, much less spent countless hours working with them. So I have to trust the coach on this one, and hope the results justify the decision.
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What would you expect, given the eggs that both Cardale and JT have laid in the Hawaii and NIU games? Fact of the matter is that both have had more than their chance to prove they're better than the other...and both have failed to do so.

Can't deny that but Meyer has to be decidive, not wishy washy.

Edit: Say that both have been disappointing but Cardale is our guy going forward, not 'until he throws a pick' or 'until Barrett starts playing more like I thought he would'.
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lol this is just a freaking joke. I love Urban but this has been mishandled so beyond the realm it's unreal to me. What's the point of having a announcement when it's the same guy? Hey guys guess what my favorite pizza is? CHEESE PIZZA, but next Monday I'll tell you what my favorite pizza is and it may be cheese pizza.

Cardale has 1 quarter max to perform this weekend or Urban will hook him again and then we are where we started the weekend prior. What sucks is if he does stink it up again then 108k will start to boo which is a shame, but it's the truth. God forbid if Cardale throws a pick or fumbles another snap, but for the life of me I can't wrap around my head how JT can beat Cardale out last year but can't now with all that experience under his belt?

I see lots of post questioning CJ's maturity and frankly its warranted. His constant twitter distractions (school, Ronda, the brush up with that fan), his animated attitude toward our players who mess up, sitting by himself after getting the yank, and then changing his twitter after last Saturdays game(which I interpreted as a dig at the coaches) show's he's mile away from JT in a important factor which is mentally.

Urban talks about having not beaten out CJ for the starting job but at what point does a player play himself out of the starting role? Sometimes the best route is the safest route. My prediction and I hope I'm wrong is we're going to see the same junk we've seen the last 2 weeks which is a tendency for turning the ball over. Starting in the 3rd quarter we will be playing JT and we will be back at square one. Like I've been saying I have the same feeling as when Zwick started out the 2004 year as starter which was something was wrong and looked off. That year I knew Troy should've been the guy and this year (while I will support CJ) I feel JT should be the guy as well

This would actually marknow the 5th straight week that Jones has started and also turned the ball over...

I think I'm finally seeing what Urban wants from his QB's. He wants them to decide the controversy and he's ok with having one if they are both lighting it up. The fact that neither are acting like "the man" is bothering him. He doesnt want to have to choose one and he's waiting on one of them to eliminate the choosing. We'll see if it happens. The fact that neither have separated themself to this point is the most troubling thing.

That makes sense but it's impossible for the players to decide in the game. Once Jones is benched shouldn't shouldn't bit be the clue the other has taken over.

I hope Jones fares well, but I wonder if he turns the ball over or plays flat again - what is Meyer going to do?
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[QUOTE="SEREbuckeye, post: 2666760, member: 15018"
I hope Jones fares well, but I wonder if he turns the ball over or plays flat again - what is Meyer going to do?[/QUOTE]

I think his hand will be forced. Going into conference play with no QB spells disaster, whether you think the schedule is easy or not.
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Just saw on ESPN that Cardale is the starter this weekend. I have to say I'm a little surprised, and a bit disappointed. For me, Cardale's immature reaction to being pulled iced it. I'll be forever grateful for his post season performances last year but JT lost the job due to injury, not performance. His mates elected him, not Jones, to be their captain. I haven't seen JT pout about being demoted to second string, either.

I would go back to the guy who led the team to the B1G title game and would've never come out had he not been injured. If Cardale responds poorly to that decision that would only affirm it in my mind. But I'm not a three time champion head coach and I've never met these kids, much less spent countless hours working with them. So I have to trust the coach on this one, and hope the results justify the decision.

The way Cardale responded to the benching is being overblown. There were numerous shots of him throughout the game on the sidelines standing up paying attention and generally being in the game. While everyone takes that one shot of him sitting by himself and says he was pouting the whole game and being selfish.

I think Meyer has to make a decisive decision and close the competition for good be it Cardale's or JT's job. But as said earlier it seems like he is waiting for someone to take over the competition and make the decision self evident.
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The QBs are being graded via film, so evidently JT isn't grading well at all or he would be the man. Neither of them have graded out a winning performance I know for sure, but evidently on film, JT is making more mistakes than CJ.
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I'm as big a fan of JT as anyone. And internally I have to think he's a better choice to start.

Nonetheless, I'm not going to go online and criticize Urban Meyer. I mean, he's the best coach in college football. Probably ever.

No irony whatsoever. Trust the coaches? Not sure that's always applicable. Trust Urban Meyer? Well think about this: who better to trust?
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The QBs are being graded via film, so evidently JT isn't grading well at all or he would be the man. Neither of them have graded out a winning performance I know for sure, but evidently on film, JT is making more mistakes than CJ.

Re: "Cardale is going to start," Meyer said after practice Wednesday. "The other guy has to pass him, and that hasn't happened."

Or they are both making the same amount (i.e basically grading out equal and/or the same).

Regardless...In Urban We Trust!!!

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The way Cardale responded to the benching is being overblown. There were numerous shots of him throughout the game on the sidelines standing up paying attention and generally being in the game. While everyone takes that one shot of him sitting by himself and says he was pouting the whole game and being selfish.

I think Meyer has to make a decisive decision and close the competition for good be it Cardale's or JT's job. But as said earlier it seems like he is waiting for someone to take over the competition and make the decision self evident.

Cardale's reaction also spilled over to Twitter after his team had won the game. He quickly changed it after some backlash. So my opinion on his reaction isn't based solely on whatever he was doing on the sidelines. Regardless, my reasoning hasn't changed from what I stated above.

More importantly, Urban has to make a decision. If NIU can hang with the Buckeyes rest assured some conference foes can do so as well if the overall performance does not improve soon. That starts with stabilizing the QB position. It also won't hurt if the guys coordinating the offense put the players in better positions to succeed.
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Cardale's reaction also spilled over to Twitter after his team had won the game. He quickly changed it after some backlash. So my opinion on his reaction isn't based solely on whatever he was doing on the sidelines. Regardless, my reasoning hasn't changed from what I stated above.

More importantly, Urban has to make a decision. If NIU can hang with the Buckeyes rest assured some conference foes can do so as well if the overall performance does not improve soon. That starts with stabilizing the QB position. It also won't hurt if the guys coordinating the offense put the players in better positions to succeed.
more importantly after people called him out on it he took a snappy response like "It's changed, happy?"

As for CJ not being down by himself the entire game after getting pulled... He was there by himself for a good bit and that's not what a leader does. When I first saw he was named starter I sort of shook my head and was disappointed. However in thinking about it this will go one of two ways really... He will either excel and it's all moot or he does what he's been doing the last 5 games he's played which is turn the ball over and he's out after WMU. Myself personally I have a bad feeling it's not going to go well for CJ this saturday because he's going to be pressing to make plays and will probably have another rough outing.

However, I caution if we come out and our running game goes off and CJ goes 11-19 for 180 yards with 2 TD's and 0 INTs that's far from great. I don't want to hear anything about CJ's great performance if it's the running game that does it. If CJ is going to win this thing once and for all this Saturday his stat line needs to be something closer to 18-26 for 250 yards 3 Td's with 0 INT's... ZERO. INT's.
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Cardale's reaction also spilled over to Twitter after his team had won the game. He quickly changed it after some backlash. So my opinion on his reaction isn't based solely on whatever he was doing on the sidelines. Regardless, my reasoning hasn't changed from what I stated above.

More importantly, Urban has to make a decision. If NIU can hang with the Buckeyes rest assured some conference foes can do so as well if the overall performance does not improve soon. That starts with stabilizing the QB position. It also won't hurt if the guys coordinating the offense put the players in better positions to succeed.

The Hawaii and Northern Illinois games were kind of like last year's Virginia tech game, i.e. too many missed blocks (resulting in pressure on the QB), and dropped passes.

I kind of think it may actually come down to the other 10 offensive players all playing up to their potential and giving the quarterback a chance to succeed.
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I think that's consistent with what Urban said earlier today.
Just listened to Urban's presser and he has a way of making you feel like it'll all work out lol...I believe him when he says everyone around the QB is off and the offense as a whole is off. What CJ cannot do this next game is throw picks or turn the ball over... I'm going to back off my earlier statement where I said he had to go for 250 yards passing because what I really think CJ needs to do to secure his spot is 1. Not turn the ball over (this cannot be stressed enough), 2. Catch the ball cleanly from the shot gun, and 3. Cleanly get the ball to zeke on handoffs.
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