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2015-16 Ohio State Quarterback Discussion

The Hawaii and Northern Illinois games were kind of like last year's Virginia tech game, i.e. too many missed blocks (resulting in pressure on the QB), and dropped passes.

I kind of think it may actually come down to the other 10 offensive players all playing up to their potential and giving the quarterback a chance to succeed.

I hope not. We need a QB that can carry the other units to a victory when the other units are playing poorly (see Indiana and Penn State games last year).

My only concerns with Dale is that he turns the ball over in every game, and is he talented enough to carry a team to victory when nothing else is going right?
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The Hawaii and Northern Illinois games were kind of like last year's Virginia tech game, i.e. too many missed blocks (resulting in pressure on the QB), and dropped passes.

I kind of think it may actually come down to the other 10 offensive players all playing up to their potential and giving the quarterback a chance to succeed.

I would tend to read this as a leadership issue. If the guys elected JT as a captain that to me says something about how his peers view him comparably to CJ in that regard.
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The Hawaii and Northern Illinois games were kind of like last year's Virginia tech game, i.e. too many missed blocks (resulting in pressure on the QB), and dropped passes.

I kind of think it may actually come down to the other 10 offensive players all playing up to their potential and giving the quarterback a chance to succeed.

BTN Live just supported this. Jones is only as good as those around him. Give him a chance to succeed (again).
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I would tend to read this as a leadership issue. If the guys elected JT as a captain that to me says something about how his peers view him comparably to CJ in that regard.
among the many reasons we could be struggling this may be a underrated part of it... Sometimes players can feel a certain player is better than another certain player. When the player they feel is better is on the sideline sometimes it just takes the energy out of that offense. I've been there before and it's amazing how much more comfortable and energized you feel when you have your guy in the game because it's like "alright now we can roll" type of feel.

I know they have had JT from time to time but JT has not had the opportunity to practice enough throughout the week to really show his side of things.

If you guys had to guess what is going to happen and how its all going to play out how do you feel about the QB spot?
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Tbh I really fucking hate Urban's view on this. I know neither of them has looked good the last few games but I honestly get mad when players lose their spot to injury. JT did amazing last year and lost his spot to hit ankle and now he has to beat Cardale for it while Cardale is apparently getting the Majority of snaps in practice and JT only gets to come in to clean up in garbage time(VT) or play after everything else has gone to shit offensively(last 2 games). And honestly while his play hasn't been spectacular(mostly awful by both of them) technically he has outplayed Jones in all 3 games so far, at least from a statistical point of view.
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Just listened to Urban's presser and he has a way of making you feel like it'll all work out lol...I believe him when he says everyone around the QB is off and the offense as a whole is off. What CJ cannot do this next game is throw picks or turn the ball over... I'm going to back off my earlier statement where I said he had to go for 250 yards passing because what I really think CJ needs to do to secure his spot is 1. Not turn the ball over (this cannot be stressed enough), 2. Catch the ball cleanly from the shot gun, and 3. Cleanly get the ball to zeke on handoffs.
This. The sloppy ball control across the board is be biggest issue. The mis snaps and lack of fluidity on 1st and 2nd down is getting the Buckeyes into 2nd or 3rd and long which invites turnovers. Additionally it seems to be making the oline and others to be a bit indecisive. W/o "6 seconds of all out effort" with everyone pulling in same direction quality of play is waning.
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among the many reasons we could be struggling this may be a underrated part of it... Sometimes players can feel a certain player is better than another certain player. When the player they feel is better is on the sideline sometimes it just takes the energy out of that offense. I've been there before and it's amazing how much more comfortable and energized you feel when you have your guy in the game because it's like "alright now we can roll" type of feel.

I know they have had JT from time to time but JT has not had the opportunity to practice enough throughout the week to really show his side of things.

If you guys had to guess what is going to happen and how its all going to play out how do you feel about the QB spot?
I agree ...I think the players know..I remember TroySmith before he was a starter was the #1 draft choice in a spring game over JZ and others the players know!! But Iam going with Urban he has the pulse of the WHAC I have never been inside.
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Tbh I really fucking hate Urban's view on this. I know neither of them has looked good the last few games but I honestly get mad when players lose their spot to injury. JT did amazing last year and lost his spot to hit ankle and now he has to beat Cardale for it while Cardale is apparently getting the Majority of snaps in practice and JT only gets to come in to clean up in garbage time(VT) or play after everything else has gone to [Mark May] offensively(last 2 games). And honestly while his play hasn't been spectacular(mostly awful by both of them) technically he has outplayed Jones in all 3 games so far, at least from a statistical point of view.

Amen brother! If Urban feels Cardale gives them a better chance then ride that horse to the finish line. Don't be bringing JT in to save the day all the time. Let Cardale battle through the rough time instead of looking over his shoulder all the time. I think you all know I'm a JT fan, but if Cardale is the guy. Then go with him and let this team find it's rythm.
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I can understand why you would use both QB's in a game. They can pretty much run the same offense, but CJ theoretically should be better at the power running game and the deep ball, while JT is better a the read option and intermediate passing. Brax is the best choice for read option, but right now he isn't as much of a threat to throw it like JT is so defenses can tee off on the run. Also with JT behind center there is less need for Brax in the wildcat since JT is pretty good at it.

I don't have a problem with CJ still being the QB since it isn't like JT has set the world on fire when he has come into the game. I just hope one of them finds their groove before it costs us a game. It would help CJ if we could find the Devin Smith replacement that can burn down the field and win a deep ball. Maybe they could give Brax a shot.
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Tbh I really fucking hate Urban's view on this. I know neither of them has looked good the last few games but I honestly get mad when players lose their spot to injury. JT did amazing last year and lost his spot to hit ankle and now he has to beat Cardale for it while Cardale is apparently getting the Majority of snaps in practice and JT only gets to come in to clean up in garbage time(VT) or play after everything else has gone to [Mark May] offensively(last 2 games). And honestly while his play hasn't been spectacular(mostly awful by both of them) technically he has outplayed Jones in all 3 games so far, at least from a statistical point of view.
I get ya man and I agree with you... I'm trying to be careful to not get too upset over JT not being named starter because It may border on bashing Cardale which I don't want to have happen. Another thing I heard that I agree with when watching yesterdays shows on TV before a starter was named is that we have the B1G player of the year, the leading TD leader in a season EVER in the B1G, and not to mention his captain status on the team as well. Urban talks about beating out Cardale to earn his spot, but how about Cardale beating out JT for once because so far IMO it hasn't happened. Cardale got the job due to necessity and has held on to hold of JT.

Also If the game goes like I anticipate it will go on Saturday it won't matter. Eventually JT will be the guy IMO and it sucks that I think this way but I just do not think Cardale is going to shake his tendency to turn the ball over and distribute. Even if our offense goes off though CJ has got to not have anymore picks
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Tbh I really fucking hate Urban's view on this. I know neither of them has looked good the last few games but I honestly get mad when players lose their spot to injury. JT did amazing last year and lost his spot to hit ankle and now he has to beat Cardale for it while Cardale is apparently getting the Majority of snaps in practice and JT only gets to come in to clean up in garbage time(VT) or play after everything else has gone to [Mark May] offensively(last 2 games). And honestly while his play hasn't been spectacular(mostly awful by both of them) technically he has outplayed Jones in all 3 games so far, at least from a statistical point of view.

It's comical how so many people on this board evidently know more about choosing a QB than Urban Meyer does.
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It's comical how so many people on this board evidently know more about choosing a QB than Urban Meyer does.
He didn't say that... Just said he doesn't agree with it. Bottom line there is two options with either CJ or JT and even though a starter has been named we still do not know which is the correct answer. So it's OK if people (the vast majority btw) feel JT is the better route.
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He didn't say that... Just said he doesn't agree with it. Bottom line there is two options with either CJ or JT and even though a starter has been named we still do not know which is the correct answer. So it's OK if people (the vast majority btw) feel JT is the better route.

It's too bad JT hasn't done on the field what "the vast majority" of those around here think he's capable of, because then there would be no controversy at all.

I'll stick with what Urban thinks is right, and leave "the vast majority" to keep pounding the table about what they think JT can do (notwithstanding his performance on the field).
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It's too bad JT hasn't done on the field what "the vast majority" of those around here think he's capable of, because then there would be no controversy at all.

I'll stick with what Urban thinks is right, and leave "the vast majority" to keep pounding the table about what they think JT can do (notwithstanding his performance on the field).
Basically my feeling too. It seems JT would be the guy since Cardale isn't getting it done, but I trust what the coaches are seeing in practice and on film.
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