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2015-16 Ohio State Quarterback Discussion

It sounds like it's 50/50 from what I've heard which isn't fair to Cardale announcing him the starter and not giving him starer reps

Not fair to either one honestly. Your starter needs to garner 70-80% of the practice snaps with the 1s which may be affecting Cardale. JT also doesn't need to get told every week "you may or may not start", which could affect his approach and practice. Pick one and stick with it.
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Not fair to either one honestly. Your starter needs to garner 70-80% of the practice snaps with the 1s which may be affecting Cardale. JT also doesn't need to get told every week "you may or may not start", which could affect his approach and practice. Pick one and stick with it.
Meyer just made it sound in his presser like Cardale has been getting the majority of the first team snaps in practice, and JT is on the side mirroring it.
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Majority of snaps this week, or all of fall practice? Just curious on the context.
Sounded like all season so far. Here is the quote:

Q. When you go through a week, can you take us through how you have managed these guys in terms of practice reps and game reps?
COACH MEYER: Cardale has gotten most of the one reps. He's a high-volume right now guy. J.T.'s a very efficient guy and he stands right behind him and gets the same reps. Just not actual behind center. So those are all things that haven't been determined yet.

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Re: “I haven’t decided yet,” Meyer said during his regularly scheduled Monday press conference. “Not one has beaten out the other.” Meyer is a smart coach, so he knows the value of having one easily identifiable starting quarterback named.


Yeah, Meyer knows, he's just not telling.

Re: Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer is unsure who should be his starting quarterback heading into this weekend’s game against Western Michigan. Alabama’s Nick Saban may be slightly more definitive in his quarterback decision this week. On Monday Saban showed signs of leaning toward Jacob Coker to be the Tide’s QB1 when they look to bounce back after a home loss to Ole Miss.

Saban started freshman Cooper Bateman this past weekend against Ole Miss, although Saban eventually replaced him with Coker. Was Saban out-thinking himself starting Bateman instead of Coker against Ole Miss?


YES, and it probably cost him the game vs Ole' Miss.

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Sounded like all season so far. Here is the quote:

Q. When you go through a week, can you take us through how you have managed these guys in terms of practice reps and game reps?
COACH MEYER: Cardale has gotten most of the one reps. He's a high-volume right now guy. J.T.'s a very efficient guy and he stands right behind him and gets the same reps. Just not actual behind center. So those are all things that haven't been determined yet.


Thanks man, at work so I'm unable to watch the presser.

It's so weird to see Urban this perplexed on a starter. Usually he's extremely honest about what player is being a let down and who will start. Urban isn't a "everyone deserves a trophy" guy. To see him acting this emotional and perplexed is strange...
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Cardale Jones or J.T. Barrett?

It's the question that's been asked hundreds of times since Ohio State won the national championship last January. Three weeks into the season, we still don't have an answer.

Jones appeared to have won the job when he started the Buckeyes' season-opener at Virginia Tech. But he also started Ohio State's games against Hawai'i and Northern Illinois and was replaced by Barrett early on in both.

Head coach Urban Meyer said following that narrow 20-13 win over the Huskies on Saturday he didn't know who his starting quarterback would be when the Buckeyes take on Western Michigan on Saturday. Tuesday afternoon on the Big Ten coaches weekly teleconference, he hinted he finally does have an idea.

“Yes, I am, but I’m going to wait to let you know," Meyer said.

Meyer is scheduled to meet with the media again Wednesday after practice and the Buckeyes' coach hinted he would name a starter then, but added, "That's not a high priority, obviously."

Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...ting-quarterback-in-mind-may-reveal-wednesday
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It sounds like it's 50/50 from what I've heard which isn't fair to Cardale announcing him the starter and not giving him starer reps
Yeah to me It seems Cardale has had a large majority of the first team reps... How the shit is JT suppose to beat out Cardale when he's not given the same opportunity? Like i've been saying I hope they go with JT and give him full reps and see how he responds because that'd only be fair. Besides CJ has had 3 games to 0 in terms of starting the game and getting the full weeks reps as #1 and has squandered it, and with that said it'd still be unfair (3-1 Cardale) if JT was given this weeks start.

To me I have the feeling I had in 2004 with Zwick/Smith. Zwick was named starter but to me something was off, something didn't feel right, and when I watched the games I couldn't believe how we wouldn't give the other guy a shot when it was a close QB race through the fall. This is that same feeling for me which is why i've been as vocal as I've been in regards to wanting to see JT with a weeks worth of prep.
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How the [Mark May] is JT suppose to beat out Cardale when he's not given the same opportunity?

Uh, by performing well during the games. He's had plenty of opportunity to win the starting job from Cardale. Let's stop acting like JT hasn't gotten a shot. Each has had a chance in games to show that he deserves to be the starter--each has gotten plenty of reps while the other hasn't looked good (to say the least). Unfortunately, neither has stepped up.
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This QB discussion has become a distraction to this team. I've said this for the longest time, Meyer is trying to find ways to justify starting Jones. Deep down he knows that JT is the better leader for his style of offense. Jones has given this offense no tempo and he has seemed disorganized under center this year. If you go back and look at his big plays from last year many of them were long bombs to Smith and some were thrown up for grabs and Smith made great plays. I'm not discrediting Jones for all that he did, I just think the offense is missing a leader. Furthermore, they need a guy that can rush them up to the line, not let them think and just go play football. JT is that guy.
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Hopefully Meyer reveals his choice tonight. Not saying that the public is needed to be privy to the information, it would just be nice to know that he has a clear cut starter during the practices and that it isn't another game time decision.
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Uh, by performing well during the games. He's had plenty of opportunity to win the starting job from Cardale. Let's stop acting like JT hasn't gotten a shot. Each has had a chance in games to show that he deserves to be the starter--each has gotten plenty of reps while the other hasn't looked good (to say the least). Unfortunately, neither has stepped up.
Sure he's had his chances in the game but has he been given the opportunity to prepare like the starter for a game? NO. Getting mental reps and actually physical reps are two very different things. Cardale has had three weeks of getting the bulk of the snaps in pratice and still has struggles and considering JT statistically is doing better (although that's not saying much) with far less practice reps makes me think with the proper reps he can at least the best option.
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I have shifted to the JT camp on this. Seeing Cardale blow up at one of his receivers on the field of play during the NI game, while seeing JT calmly school Campbell Parris on the sideline during the VT game, shows me who the better leader is. JT also has far more game experience. Many of us--myself included--got caught up in his unworldly performance during last year's post season, when he was essentially playing with house money. Don't get me wrong, I still like Cardale a lot for what he has done, but I think JT is the guy...
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