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2014 NFL (Well, Browns, so, sorta "NFL") Draft Thread

Teddy Bridgewater: Cleveland wasn’t where I wanted to be

New Vikings quarterback Teddy Bridgewater was reportedly under consideration for Cleveland with the 22nd pick in the draft before Minnesota took him with the 32nd pick. Bridgewater is fine with dropping 10 picks later.

Bridgewater said on the Dan Patrick Show that he’s thrilled to play for the Vikings, more so than he would have been with the Browns.
Despite reports that the Browns spent $100,000 on an analytical study of quarterbacks that told them Bridgewater was the best in this year’s draft class, and despite reports that the Browns drafted Manziel only because owner Jimmy Haslam ordered it, the football people in Cleveland have consistently insisted that Manziel was the guy they wanted. And apparently that’s just fine with Bridgewater.

Entire article: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.co...gewater-cleveland-wasnt-where-i-wanted-to-be/
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So apparently you can't even understand the context of your own posts. Did you grow up in a bubble or something?

Pretty sure I know exactly what my posts say. Are you a female? Sounds like my ex gf, taking something I said and makes it into something it wasn't. Me saying we should have got Watkins or a WR now is me saying "Watkins would have given us the best WR core ever so we can pass for 400 yds a game and make the Superbowl"

Man up, quit being a little woman Mike. :biggrin:
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Pretty sure I know exactly what my posts say. Are you a female? Sounds like my ex gf, taking something I said and makes it into something it wasn't. Me saying we should have got Watkins or a WR now is me saying "Watkins would have given us the best WR core ever so we can pass for 400 yds a game and make the Superbowl"

Man up, quit being a little woman Mike. :biggrin:

So you're calling every person on this thread a woman as well, or is this just your infatuation with me showing through yet again?
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Teddy Bridgewater: Cleveland wasn’t where I wanted to be

New Vikings quarterback Teddy Bridgewater was reportedly under consideration for Cleveland with the 22nd pick in the draft before Minnesota took him with the 32nd pick. Bridgewater is fine with dropping 10 picks later.

Bridgewater said on the Dan Patrick Show that he’s thrilled to play for the Vikings, more so than he would have been with the Browns.
Despite reports that the Browns spent $100,000 on an analytical study of quarterbacks that told them Bridgewater was the best in this year’s draft class, and despite reports that the Browns drafted Manziel only because owner Jimmy Haslam ordered it, the football people in Cleveland have consistently insisted that Manziel was the guy they wanted. And apparently that’s just fine with Bridgewater.

Entire article: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/05/13/teddy-bridgewater-cleveland-wasnt-where-i-wanted-to-be/

LOL - he's dissing.

You guys know the ONLY reason why he came to the Browns is because you guys dubbed him the "Money Badger", right? :rofl:
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Mostly just you bc you are the most consistent one. You know I love ya Mike, we just have that love hate relationship. Makes it so much more fun that way!


It won't take long - eventually someone else will call our your stupidity yet again, you'll dissemble and avoid, and the process will repeat.

And I'm also sure if Ohio State doesn't win a MNC this year, you'll be calling for UFM's head too.
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It won't take long - eventually someone else will call our your stupidity yet again, you'll dissemble and avoid, and the process will repeat.

And I'm also sure if Ohio State doesn't win a MNC this year, you'll be calling for UFM's head too.

I am dumb this time for thinking the Browns needed to upgrade at WR? Call 99% of the educated football world dumb along with me. I love Urban Meyer, would take a lot for me to call for his job... Only 2 losses in 2 years, beat scUM twice, has 2 nc's on his shelf, produces his talent and send players to the NFL, I am not sure there is a better HC to have for this team. I like him for OSU over anyone, including Saban.
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