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2014 NFL (Well, Browns, so, sorta "NFL") Draft Thread

I am dumb this time for thinking the Browns needed to upgrade at WR? Call 99% of the educated football world dumb along with me. I love Urban Meyer, would take a lot for me to call for his job... Only 2 losses in 2 years, beat scUM twice, has 2 nc's on his shelf, produces his talent and send players to the NFL, I am not sure there is a better HC to have for this team. I like him for OSU over anyone, including Saban.

Nope. You're dumb all the time, we're just looking at this instance in particular.

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Who said anything about being perfectly fine? Quote it.

Perhaps I should take things that you said like when you said the Browns had a good draft and twist it to much more? I now recognize that you saying that actually meant "CLE is smart for not taking a WR anywhere, we don't need a WR at all, we are fine with the three we have." That's precisely what you do to me. Hmmm that's fun!
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Perhaps I should take things that you said like when you said the Browns had a good draft and twist it to much more? I now recognize that you saying that actually meant "CLE is smart for not taking a WR anywhere, we don't need a WR at all, we are fine with the three we have." That's precisely what you do to me. Hmmm that's fun!


Quote it or STFU. Oh and feel free to respond to any one of a number of comments showing the logical failures in your little tirades about WRs in the draft that were posted by several respected posters on BP.
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Nah, I am quite smart actually. You're the fools saying we are perfectly fine with a WR core of Andrew Hawkins, Greg Little, and Nate Burleson.

General rule of thumb if you have to tell people you're smart you probably aren't as smart as you think you are.

I don't think you'll find anyone that will say the Browns WR depth wouldn't be better with a Watkins, Evans, Lee, or Robinson, but would adding one of those players make the team better than adding what is hopefully a second lock down CB or a RT that can solidify the OL? As someone else said Gordon is one of the best WR's in the NFL and the Browns still only won 4 games last year. None of the guys I listed above come close to Gordon's ability so they might as well add players at other positions of need and see what they can do to improve WR elsewhere. If WR is the biggest hole on the team this year at least they have 2 first round picks to address it with next year. On the other hand if WR is the Browns biggest problem I have a feeling it will be a much better year than we have seen in a while.
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Quote it or STFU.

Yep. Agreed 100%

The Browns have had a solid draft. They've filled needs with each pick, although I still don't like Johnny FUBAR but we'll see what he brings to the table. Wouldn't mind seeing a safety and a WR today though.

We never took a WR even though you agreed we should. Now all of a sudden you are fine by it and have been criticizing me for wanting to have made a move.

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General rule of thumb if you have to tell people you're smart you probably aren't as smart as you think you are.

I don't think you'll find anyone that will say the Browns WR depth wouldn't be better with a Watkins, Evans, Lee, or Robinson, but would adding one of those players make the team better than adding what is hopefully a second lock down CB or a RT that can solidify the OL? As someone else said Gordon is one of the best WR's in the NFL and the Browns still only won 4 games last year. None of the guys I listed above come close to Gordon's ability so they might as well add players at other positions of need and see what they can do to improve WR elsewhere. If WR is the biggest hole on the team this year at least they have 2 first round picks to address it with next year. On the other hand if WR is the Browns biggest problem I have a feeling it will be a much better year than we have seen in a while.

I defended myself, not like I went around telling everyone who listens. That;s fine though, join the rest of the pack who nitpicks everything.

Yes lets wait til next year again, great decision. Always next year for Cleveland. Because FA signings like Dansby and Whitner are getting younger!
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We never took a WR even though you agreed we should. Now all of a sudden you are fine by it and have been criticizing me for wanting to have made a move.


If anything, that quote proves you have a reading comprehension issue. And given that I was talking about a day 3 pick it isn't like I was thinking the entire roster was going to be judged on getting this top flight WR at that point either.
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I defended myself, not like I went around telling everyone who listens. That;s fine though, join the rest of the pack who nitpicks everything.

Yes lets wait til next year again, great decision. Always next year for Cleveland. Because FA signings like Dansby and Whitner are getting younger!

Seriously - what is your honest opinion of what the Browns chances are of the playoffs this year with Watkins and/or Johnny Football? This team went 4-12 last year and has a brand new HC and Front Office.

You are absolutely delusional if you think that one draft was going to instantly make this team a contender.
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If anything, that quote proves you have a reading comprehension issue. And given that I was talking about a day 3 pick it isn't like I was thinking the entire roster was going to be judged on getting this top flight WR at that point either.

Haha no issue at all, I am mocking you because that's exactly what you do. You over blow words... you have done that to me many times sir
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@HOLYBUCKEYE10, Watkins not only has to become a superstar but he has to be more valuable than two consecutive top-10 picks in Gilbert and the 2015 Buffalo pick (assuming they keep Buffaloing)... plus the 4th rounder (though that seems like a meager factor).
And to be able to hedge our bets at QB next year in case Johnny Football becomes Johnny FUBAR, and to be able to address 2 pressing needs 2 years in a row in round 1, and to be able to move up next year if we have to because of the first rounder, or to be able to trade it for an established WR before camp opens...

There's a lot of stuff that opened up because of that deal. Even if we are only WRs short of a Super Bowl (:slappy:) we can draft 2 first rounders next year and instantly upgrade the position.
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Seriously - what is your honest opinion of what the Browns chances are of the playoffs this year with Watkins and/or Johnny Football? This team went 4-12 last year and has a brand new HC and Front Office.

You are absolutely delusional if you think that one draft was going to instantly make this team a contender.

No chance of playoffs either way. I think with Gordon not being suspended we were probably looking at probably 7-9. With Watkins after Gordon suspension I was guessing this team would probably be about 6-10. My point is that we cannot count on Gordon to just up and fix his issues. There is no reason to think he will be in the league or at least on our team in 2-3 years with his constant mistakes. Watkins is the best WR prospect since AJ Green and getting him would have likely given someone to be the heir apparent to Gordon.

Instead great we have two first round picks next year.. Since we have shown the capability of doing so well the last two times we had 2 first rounders.
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