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2014 NFL (Well, Browns, so, sorta "NFL") Draft Thread

I recall back when we traded ATL and got another first round pick how excited all Browns fans were. We were ok to wait another year to get two great first round guys. Look how well that panned out. This year we traded Richardson and got another first rd pick. We were all elated, and then we drafted JF and almost all of you on here flipped out saying he is a bust and all that. So you must think we could have done much better in this years first round.

So what makes any of you think we will magically fix it next year in the draft? The whole wait til next year mentality pays off so well for the Browns... which is why we have been a joke since 1999.
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No chance of playoffs either way. I think with Gordon not being suspended we were probably looking at probably 7-9. With Watkins after Gordon suspension I was guessing this team would probably be about 6-10. My point is that we cannot count on Gordon to just up and fix his issues. There is no reason to think he will be in the league or at least on our team in 2-3 years with his constant mistakes. Watkins is the best WR prospect since AJ Green and getting him would have likely given someone to be the heir apparent to Gordon.

Instead great we have two first round picks next year.. Since we have shown the capability of doing so well the last two times we had 2 first rounders.

We don't know how we did this time with two first rounders, neither of them have played a down in the NFL yet, and I have a feeling your referring to when we took Trent and Weedledick, well that was a different front office. We get it you wanted Watkins, we all know we are very thin at receiver, but its still May and there is plenty of time to try to shore that position up. Will we be able to replace the capabilities of Flash? Well hell no the guy is a freak when he actually on the field. And the point that you seem to be constantly missing is, that is really doesn't matter who is catching the ball especially if you do not have a top tier QB. Instead Farmer chose to go in a different direction and try to shore the D up, get great flexibility going forward with additional draft picks, and take a chance on a boom or bust pick in Manziel.
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I think with Gordon not being suspended we were probably looking at probably 7-9.
So Cleveland was going to be 3 wins better this fall based on... Johnny? Hopes and dreams?
With Watkins after Gordon suspension I was guessing this team would probably be about 6-10.
I think it's beyond "rose colored" to think Watkins would keep Cleveland at virtually the same level as the Cleveland with pro bowler Gordon.
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I recall back when we traded ATL and got another first round pick how excited all Browns fans were. We were ok to wait another year to get two great first round guys. Look how well that panned out. This year we traded Richardson and got another first rd pick. We were all elated, and then we drafted JF and almost all of you on here flipped out saying he is a bust and all that. So you must think we could have done much better in this years first round.

So what makes any of you think we will magically fix it next year in the draft? The whole wait til next year mentality pays off so well for the Browns... which is why we have been a joke since 1999.

And what happened a few off seasons ago should predicated us to not make an exceptional trade this year? Not to mention what has Atlanta done since acquiring Julio? Oh, yeah they have gotten worse off because their whole roster has aged and he has not pushed them over the top. They are very weak along both lines and it greatly showed last season, not to mention Julio missed most of the year because of injury so what the hell is your point here?
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I recall back when we traded ATL and got another first round pick how excited all Browns fans were. We were ok to wait another year to get two great first round guys. Look how well that panned out. This year we traded Richardson and got another first rd pick. We were all elated, and then we drafted JF and almost all of you on here flipped out saying he is a bust and all that. So you must think we could have done much better in this years first round.

So what makes any of you think we will magically fix it next year in the draft? The whole wait til next year mentality pays off so well for the Browns... which is why we have been a joke since 1999.

Nothing...I'm wondering why you think we could have "magically fixed it" in this year's draft. Sammy Watkins isn't Jerry Rice.
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This thread is going to be awesome to revisit come 6 months from now if we don't make any moves this off-season to shore up WR.

Buckeyeplanet Browns motto, "We don't need to score points on offense to win games! We will try and outscore the other team with defense!"
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This thread is going to be awesome to revisit come 6 months from now if we don't make any moves this off-season to shore up WR.

Buckeyeplanet Browns motto, "We don't need to score points on offense to win games! We will try and outscore the other team with defense!"
Yeah, I mean look at the shitty results that running the ball and playing excellent defense produced for Seattle. BTW where were Seattle's receivers drafted?
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Yeah, I mean look at the [Mark May]ty results that running the ball and playing excellent defense produced for Seattle. BTW where were Seattle's receivers drafted?

Haha yes because it's so easy. We are just going to snap our fingers and have arguably one of the best defenses in NFL history... Haha please. Although winning the SB is the ultimate goal I find it funny that you ignore how many good passing teams make the playoffs at least, something that should be our next attainable goal.
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I recall back when we traded ATL and got another first round pick how excited all Browns fans were. We were ok to wait another year to get two great first round guys. Look how well that panned out. This year we traded Richardson and got another first rd pick. We were all elated, and then we drafted JF and almost all of you on here flipped out saying he is a bust and all that. So you must think we could have done much better in this years first round.
Please stop talking to strawmen, especially when you've regularly demonstrated your faulty memory regarding how BP browns fans reacted to those picks.

I realize it's much easier to argue with caricatures and mythical groups of foolish browns fans, but most of the people you are arguing with found fault with some of those picks and decisions.
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Haha yes because it's so easy. We are just going to snap our fingers and have arguably one of the best defenses in NFL history... Haha please. Although winning the SB is the ultimate goal I find it funny that you ignore how many good passing teams make the playoffs at least, something that should be our next attainable goal.
HAHAHAH, yes, we're just going to snap our fingers and draft the 2 best WRs in the last 10 years. HAHAHAH please. I mean it's soooo much easier to become Denver's offense, right?

And as far as passing teams go, yes, passing is awesome, but #s 3, 5, and 7 missed the playoffs last year, while #26 and #30 played in the NFC championship game.

You can't be this dense.
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HAHAHAH, yes, we're just going to snap our fingers and draft the 2 best WRs in the last 10 years. HAHAHAH please. I mean it's soooo much easier to become Denver's offense, right?

And as far as passing teams go, yes, passing is awesome, but #s 3, 5, and 7 missed the playoffs last year, while #26 and #30 played in the NFC championship game.

You can't be this dense.

Dense is assuming that since Seattle established a legendary D with a hardcore physical rb that we are going to match the same...
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Dense is assuming that since Seattle established a legendary D with a hardcore physical rb that we are going to match the same...
No one said we are going to "match" them, Einstein...it's the model on which the team is being built. The NFL is a copycat league, and some teams are going to look at Seattle's model because it A) doesn't require a 100 million dollar QB, B) Doesn't require Calvin Johnson, and C) requires a certain style of physical D that teams can try and acquire personnel to play. Dense is thinking we're going to match Denver's offense last year or New England in 2007. I don't care how many drafts we have, we are NEVER going to reproduce that. Now, a tough, physical D with quick edge rushers, 2 good corners, a hard hitting safety, and run stuffers up front? Yeah, I think we can handle that way more easily than trying to go find Peyton Manning. Even if it can't be done as well as Seattle, in can be done successfully.
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