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2014 NFL (Well, Browns, so, sorta "NFL") Draft Thread

I recall back when we traded ATL and got another first round pick how excited all Browns fans were. We were ok to wait another year to get two great first round guys. Look how well that panned out. This year we traded Richardson and got another first rd pick. We were all elated, and then we drafted JF and almost all of you on here flipped out saying he is a bust and all that. So you must think we could have done much better in this years first round.

So what makes any of you think we will magically fix it next year in the draft? The whole wait til next year mentality pays off so well for the Browns... which is why we have been a joke since 1999.
So future picks who you don't know are worthless, but a Sammy Watkins pick is unquestionably brilliant? You mock the Richardson and Weeden picks, and refuse to believe a Watkins/JF first round could have been exactly the same?
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Nobody is suggesting a HOF QB or a Calvin Johnson. When the heck did I ever say we need to try and be Denver? Quote that one for me.

I would love having a tough physical D, but unless we can move the ball and put up pts it will be very hard for our D to be that consistently. We need an offense who can sustain drives. We made a good choice signing Tate, but a hole we plugged at RB was immediately replaced by a hole at WR. Ben Tate is fine and dandy, but he is no Lynch.
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So future picks who you don't know are worthless, but a Sammy Watkins pick is unquestionably brilliant? You mock the Richardson and Weeden picks, and refuse to believe a Watkins/JF first round could have been exactly the same?

Watkins pick was necessary since Gordon is out. I was ok with what we did til I found out we knew Gordon is facing a year ban. Weeden was a 28 year old rookie and Richardson I thought was overrated. I self admit I wanted Blackmon who like Gordon can't seem to get his act together. Weeden and JF are polar opposites.
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Watkins pick was necessary since Gordon is out. I was ok with what we did til I found out we knew Gordon is facing a year ban. Weeden was a 28 year old rookie and Richardson I thought was overrated. I self admit I wanted Blackmon who like Gordon can't seem to get his act together. Weeden and JF are polar opposites.
So fill a temporary hole vs a permanent one? Gordon comes back in a year, at which point the best scenario would mean 2 star WRs with nobody to help the defense (this is assuming Sammy Watkins lights the world on fire with the shit QBs Cleveland has....including JF).

-This is despite the fact that everybody here has pointed out that superior WR play is probably the last thing required to win in the NFL. Defense & run game being the two most important.
-This is despite the fact that everybody here has shown you that Detroit with the best WR in the league, and a far superior QB to anybody on Cleveland's roster, finished 6-10, 2-14, 0-16, 7-9. (Detroit being used as an example because they describe perfectly your vision of a strong WR based team with little else)
-This is despite the fact that everybody here has explained that the Broncos and Saints of today's NFL are legit offensive threats because of having the luxury of having hall of fame quality quarterbacks...not WRs. And even still, 9 times out of 10 DEFENSIVE teams win championships.

And on top of all else, you refuse to allow the team to build up through multiple drafts. Any moves made to help in the future are worthless to you, even though you're hanging your hat on Sammy Watkins becoming the star WR of the.......future. The team somehow should have filled all of their holes in one draft, because you're tired of hearing about "next year".
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So fill a temporary hole vs a permanent one? Gordon comes back in a year, at which point the best scenario would mean 2 star WRs with nobody to help the defense (this is assuming Sammy Watkins lights the world on fire with the [Mark May] QBs Cleveland has....including JF).

You really think this organization can count on Gordon? This is like the 4th marijuana related offense since college. I don't know what the 3rd offense is but if the 2nd is a year it's reasonable to say there is doubt he is on our team in a few years.

-This is despite the fact that everybody here has pointed out that superior WR play is probably the last thing required to win in the NFL. Defense & run game being the two most important.
-This is despite the fact that everybody here has shown you that Detroit with the best WR in the league, and a far superior QB to anybody on Cleveland's roster, finished 6-10, 2-14, 0-16, 7-9. (Detroit being used as an example because they describe perfectly your vision of a strong WR based team with little else)
-This is despite the fact that everybody here has explained that the Broncos and Saints of today's NFL are legit offensive threats because of having the luxury of having hall of fame quality quarterbacks...not WRs. And even still, 9 times out of 10 DEFENSIVE teams win championships.

FOR THE 300TH TIME SINCE YOU GUYS CANNOT READ, I am asking for good WR play... heck even average WR play. I am fine improving our D surely, but we didn't take a WR in the entire draft. How many times does a team take a franchise QB and not pair it with anyone through the whole draft? I would have been fine taking a WR where we took Kirksey or Bitinio. All this teams you cite have way way way better WR's than we do now. Look around the league, everyone is questioning why we didn't take any WR at all. Experts everywhere are still scratching their heads that we didn't at least take one in rounds 2,3, or 4.

Remind yourself, what did Seattle do with their first selection they kept in the NFL draft? They drafted a WR... because they realize they need one. Sure their D was already better suited than ours, but since the NFL is a copycat league funny that the SB champs who don't need WR and a passing game just drafted a WR. Huh how ironic? Perhaps they realize they needed to improve THEIR PASSING GAME! Oh and guess what, they drafted another QB later on!

And on top of all else, you refuse to allow the team to build up through multiple drafts. Any moves made to help in the future are worthless to you, even though you're hanging your hat on Sammy Watkins becoming the star WR of the.......future. The team somehow should have filled all of their holes in one draft, because you're tired of hearing about "next year".

It's not that they are worthless so much as it's what we always do. We wait til next year. Why do you think everyone mocks the Browns saying "Next year is our year"? Are you going to tell me that we needed to take an OT in rd 2 couldn't have gotten one a bit later? You going to tell me drafting another CB later was a need? No they did it because it made sense. Just like taking a WR somewhere in the dang draft makes sense. Ignoring offense is exactly what we have been doing and we wonder why our offenses continue to suck. I guess you guys would be perfectly fine with another 4-12 season this year. I'm sure you will just blame Johnny Football for it bc he is the future.
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This thread is going to be awesome to revisit come 6 months from now if we don't make any moves this off-season to shore up WR.

Buckeyeplanet Browns motto, "We don't need to score points on offense to win games! We will try and outscore the other team with defense!"

The miraculous turn around that was the 2011 49ers happened to be just that.

For reference, their starting WR's were: 1) An uninspiring Michael Crabtree 2) Tedd Ginn 3) Kyle Williams
However their RB's were 1) Gore 2) Dixon 3) Hunter
TE's 1) Davis 2) Walker and a badass offensive line that was the best interior unit in the NFL.

Plus Alex Smith as the QB.

Christ, that just looks like just about what the Browns are trying to assemble??!!! Keep in mind this is the same Niners that went 13-3, never gave up more than 27 points and were a Kyle Williams fuck up away from
smashing Brady in the Super Bowl.

I think you get the idea.
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The miraculous turn around that was the 2011 49ers happened to be just that.

For reference, their starting WR's were: 1) An uninspiring Michael Crabtree 2) Tedd Ginn 3) Kyle Williams
However their RB's were 1) Gore 2) Dixon 3) Hunter
TE's 1) Davis 2) Walker and a badass offensive line that was the best interior unit in the NFL.

Plus Alex Smith as the QB.

Christ, that just looks like just about what the Browns are trying to assemble??!!! Keep in mind this is the same Niners that went 13-3, never gave up more than 27 points and were a Kyle Williams fuck up away from
smashing Brady in the Super Bowl.

I think you get the idea.
No he doesn't.
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The miraculous turn around that was the 2011 49ers happened to be just that.

For reference, their starting WR's were: 1) An uninspiring Michael Crabtree 2) Tedd Ginn 3) Kyle Williams
However their RB's were 1) Gore 2) Dixon 3) Hunter
TE's 1) Davis 2) Walker and a badass offensive line that was the best interior unit in the NFL.

Plus Alex Smith as the QB.

Christ, that just looks like just about what the Browns are trying to assemble??!!! Keep in mind this is the same Niners that went 13-3, never gave up more than 27 points and were a Kyle Williams fuck up away from
smashing Brady in the Super Bowl.

I think you get the idea.

Yeah him getting it is a leap he can't seem to contemplate much less make.
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The miraculous turn around that was the 2011 49ers happened to be just that.

For reference, their starting WR's were: 1) An uninspiring Michael Crabtree 2) Tedd Ginn 3) Kyle Williams
However their RB's were 1) Gore 2) Dixon 3) Hunter
TE's 1) Davis 2) Walker and a badass offensive line that was the best interior unit in the NFL.
Plus Alex Smith as the QB.

Christ, that just looks like just about what the Browns are trying to assemble??!!! Keep in mind this is the same Niners that went 13-3, never gave up more than 27 points and were a Kyle Williams fuck up away from
smashing Brady in the Super Bowl.

I think you get the idea.
Well, the Niners also hired an elite head coach and top-notch coordinators. The talent was in place, and they showed flashes of their potential under Singletary, but it didn't come together until Harbaugh and his staff came to town.
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There is a difference between having a WR core that can put up some numbers and score some pts vs the worst starting WR core in the NFL that would be Greg Little, Andrew Hawkins, and Nate Burleson. With such a weak WR core that can't do anything teams will be able to key on the run so much more. If we want to succeed in the running game we need to set it up with the passing game. We don't have Jim Brown anymore.
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There is a difference between having a WR core that can put up some numbers and score some pts vs the worst starting WR core in the NFL that would be Greg Little, Andrew Hawkins, and Nate Burleson. With such a weak WR core that can't do anything teams will be able to key on the run so much more. If we want to succeed in the running game we need to set it up with the passing game. We don't have Jim Brown anymore.
what is that difference? Picking 1st overall instead of 4th?

You keep mocking people for doing the same old things yet your quest to replace Gordon does precisely the same thing, and that's IF the pick pans out.
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There is a difference between having a WR core that can put up some numbers and score some pts vs the worst starting WR core in the NFL that would be Greg Little, Andrew Hawkins, and Nate Burleson. With such a weak WR core that can't do anything teams will be able to key on the run so much more. If we want to succeed in the running game we need to set it up with the passing game. We don't have Jim Brown anymore.
According to this writer at NFL.com, Atlanta has the best WR corp, and they were 4-12 last year.
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FOR THE 300TH TIME SINCE YOU GUYS CANNOT READ, I am asking for good WR play... heck even average WR play. I am fine improving our D surely, but we didn't take a WR in the entire draft. How many times does a team take a franchise QB and not pair it with anyone through the whole draft? I would have been fine taking a WR where we took Kirksey or Bitinio. All this teams you cite have way way way better WR's than we do now. Look around the league, everyone is questioning why we didn't take any WR at all. Experts everywhere are still scratching their heads that we didn't at least take one in rounds 2,3, or 4.
this is fine as long as you stop beating the Watkins instead of the CB + 1st rounder drum. I'm sure a lot of Browns fans expected a WR at some point. but anything you gained with this paragraph, you completely lose and then some with this one...
Remind yourself, what did Seattle do with their first selection they kept in the NFL draft? They drafted a WR... because they realize they need one. Sure their D was already better suited than ours, but since the NFL is a copycat league funny that the SB champs who don't need WR and a passing game just drafted a WR. Huh how ironic? Perhaps they realize they needed to improve THEIR PASSING GAME! Oh and guess what, they drafted another QB later on!
yeah....let's just ignore the fact that Seattle is a team already built and can afford to take luxury picks to add to their SB championship team. let's compare their situation to the fucking Cleveland Browns and act like their scenarios are anywhere near the same. were you serious with that?

How many times does a team take a franchise QB and not pair it with anyone through the whole draft?
Johnny fucking Manziel is no franchise quarterback. even if he somehow manages to do a complete 180 on all the shit he does that makes him such an unbelievable fuckup and becomes a franchise quarterback, there's no way in hell any sane organization would look at a draft and think "we need to get a WR here because Manziel could maybe possibly someday be the franchise QB." It's not like he's Manning or even Andrew Luck coming out of college. He's a gigantic risk that should no way be cemented this early as being the man at QB for the future.
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There is a difference between having a WR core that can put up some numbers and score some pts vs the worst starting WR core in the NFL that would be Greg Little, Andrew Hawkins, and Nate Burleson. With such a weak WR core that can't do anything teams will be able to key on the run so much more. If we want to succeed in the running game we need to set it up with the passing game. We don't have Jim Brown anymore.

ZOMG you mean Jim Brown isn't going to be on the roster this year?!? I'm shocked! Astonished even!


You can still run to set up the pass - quit fucking listening to ESPiN already.
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