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2014 NFL (Well, Browns, so, sorta "NFL") Draft Thread

How on earth does me saying we need an upgrade at the passing game with Watkins out equal me saying the Browns need to have a high flying passing attack? You are arguing against me on things I never even said.

What I have said for those of you who seem to keep making up your own story.
1- We can't assume Gordon is the future of this team at WR anymore, Watkins would have gone along way giving us a #1 for the future if Gordon doesn't workout.
2- We need better WR's then who we have now if Gordon misses if we want to become more successful and compete.
3- We did a good job getting Tate and making our running game actually relevant, but the NFL isn't nearly as reliant on rushing as it used to be.
4- We have a rookie QB and a 3 game starting QB coming off an ACL injury, so having better than average WRs goes along way in making their life easier. We don't have much outside of Gordon that much is clear.

Oh really? You have had nothing but a focus on the damn passing game since the Gilbert pick and that only intensified after the Johnny FUBAR pick. I could have quoted more but I could only re-read so much of this garbage before wanting to throw up.

Listen, the thought of him being able to book end our D and make it solid is nice. However, we consistent ignore offense and thats what kills us. Waiting to see how we do the rest of the first round before I react too hard but so far not very happy.

Now it's really a shame we didn't take Watkins though, damn! Oh well, we got Johnny YAY!

I could understand the hate taking him early, but at 22 it is well worth it. Now we can get a great WR in round 2

I would like to see us go after Kelvin Benjamin now in rd 2, that would be awesome, a huge target now similar wise to Mike Evans.

How on earth does me saying we need an upgrade at the passing game with Watkins out equal me saying the Browns need to have a high flying passing attack? You are arguing against me on things I never even said.

What I have said for those of you who seem to keep making up your own story.
1- We can't assume Gordon is the future of this team at WR anymore, Watkins would have gone along way giving us a #1 for the future if Gordon doesn't workout.
2- We need better WR's then who we have now if Gordon misses if we want to become more successful and compete.
3- We did a good job getting Tate and making our running game actually relevant, but the NFL isn't nearly as reliant on rushing as it used to be.
4- We have a rookie QB and a 3 game starting QB coming off an ACL injury, so having better than average WRs goes along way in making their life easier. We don't have much outside of Gordon that much is clear.

You're acting like this team was one good WR in the draft (which rarely happens, something you have also ignored) away from being a Super Bowl contender. That kind of thinking ends up with your franchise losing 10 or more games in 11 of the past 12 seasons.
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Oh really? You have had nothing but a focus on the damn passing game since the Gilbert pick and that only intensified after the Johnny FUBAR pick. I could have quoted more but I could only re-read so much of this garbage before wanting to throw up.

You're acting like this team was one good WR in the draft (which rarely happens, something you have also ignored) away from being a Super Bowl contender. That kind of thinking ends up with your franchise losing 10 or more games in 11 of the past 12 seasons.

If we only had Matt Millen taking our WRs in the first round...
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How on earth does me saying we need an upgrade at the passing game with Watkins out equal me saying the Browns need to have a high flying passing attack? You are arguing against me on things I never even said.

What I have said for those of you who seem to keep making up your own story.
1- We can't assume Gordon is the future of this team at WR anymore, Watkins would have gone along way giving us a #1 for the future if Gordon doesn't workout.
2- We need better WR's then who we have now if Gordon misses if we want to become more successful and compete.
3- We did a good job getting Tate and making our running game actually relevant, but the NFL isn't nearly as reliant on rushing as it used to be.
4- We have a rookie QB and a 3 game starting QB coming off an ACL injury, so having better than average WRs goes along way in making their life easier. We don't have much outside of Gordon that much is clear.
I do not understand why you do not wait until the season begins to see what WRs are on the roster. You are going crazy before you need to. Also, since you are taking up quite a bit of server space with your comments a banner would be very nice below your name.
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Soooo...is Bridgewater just being an attention whore who is bitter about where he was drafted in the QB pecking order? Or did he really force the Browns to draft Manziel instead? Who knows?

I don't see any citations for these "sources" that Cleveland was going to take Bridgewater, or that the agent or anyone from Cleveland was on the phone with Bridgewater immediately ahead of the pick. Seems inconclusive to me. Sure, Teddy can tell his agent he doesn't want to go to Cleveland all he wants ... doesn't mean much.
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Oh really? You have had nothing but a focus on the damn passing game since the Gilbert pick and that only intensified after the Johnny FUBAR pick. I could have quoted more but I could only re-read so much of this garbage before wanting to throw up.

You're acting like this team was one good WR in the draft (which rarely happens, something you have also ignored) away from being a Super Bowl contender. That kind of thinking ends up with your franchise losing 10 or more games in 11 of the past 12 seasons.

Yeah just re-read all that. All it seems like is someone who is interested in getting another WR to improve our passing game. Is there something wrong with wanting to get better at that area? Good thing this isn't a courtroom bc your evidence is weak and you interpret way harsher than you should have been.

I will wait for you to fabricate more now!
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I don't see any citations for these "sources" that Cleveland was going to take Bridgewater, or that the agent or anyone from Cleveland was on the phone with Bridgewater immediately ahead of the pick. Seems inconclusive to me. Sure, Teddy can tell his agent he doesn't want to go to Cleveland all he wants ... doesn't mean much.

considering the millions he lost by dropping another 10 spots, the loss of any offset language and immediate loss of about a million in signing bonus, bridgewater is either really dumb, or this whole report is bullshit.
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considering the millions he lost by dropping another 10 spots, the loss of any offset language and immediate loss of about a million in signing bonus, bridgewater is either really dumb, or this whole report is bull[Mark May].
Or maybe he's posturing to get a higher paycheck by saying he should be getting #22 money instead of #32 money.
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Switching gears now because there is no sense in continuing to discuss why we didn't draft a WR bc it's over and done with now...

I will say I am super excited to see Gilbert (now that he is ours) and Haden back there together, paired with Donte Hitner now, we should definitely have one of the best secondaries in football. I really hope Gilbert is the real deal.
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Yeah just re-read all that. All it seems like is someone who is interested in getting another WR to improve our passing game. Is there something wrong with wanting to get better at that area? Good thing this isn't a courtroom bc your evidence is weak and you interpret way harsher than you should have been.

I will wait for you to fabricate more now!


I used your first 3 quotes after the Johnny FUBAR pick but yeah I'm just fabricating things "lol".....

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