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2013 TSUN Football News


BLT seems to come "close" to bumping not one, but two, police officers with his fist. I hate those kind of raps, because they are tough to beat. No jury is going to accept "I hit two officers because I was celebrating because I was so surprised tSUN beat Connecticut" (or whomever). Actually, on second thought, maybe it would work.
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Lewan's "apology"...

1. Make a bunch of excuses for ripping at a defenseless kids facemask
2. Qualify by saying you're "not making excuses"
3. Reinforce primary excuse

More FAILure, Taylor. You stupid goon.

Really, I gotta hand it to Lewan. It is a stroke of genius to emphasize how mean the MSU players were and how deserving of pity his poor QB is. I could have never thought of that. With remarkable defense mechanisms like that, no wonder his is a hood.
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Lewan's "apology"...

1. Make a bunch of excuses for ripping at a defenseless kids facemask
2. Qualify by saying you're "not making excuses"
3. Reinforce primary excuse

More FAILure, Taylor. You stupid goon.

It would have been better if he pulled a Carole from the Walking Dead:

Reporter: Did you blatantly try and rip that defenseless dudes head off?

Lewan: *cold stare*..................yes
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Lewan was trying to protect his QB by pulling opposing players off the pile via their facemasks.

He is an offensive lineman. Doesn't he spend the entire week practicing how to protect his quarterback? Do they do a facemask grabbing drill when all else fails?

I also noticed the blood on the forehead that made it into the interview room. A reporter even asked him about it - which is precisely the play he was making.

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Damn, Sparty...


EAST LANSING — Just when you thought you'd heard the last urban legend about the talents of Michigan State true freshman quarterback Damion Terry, there's another to add to the list.
It goes like this: "Damion Terry is so good, he helped the Spartans beat Michigan without even stepping onto to the football field on Saturday."
The thing about this story is that it's true.
Michigan State linebacker Ed Davis — who had 2 1/2 sacks himself — said Terry's work on the scout team was so impressive, that Terry proved to be a better version of Michigan quarterback Devin Gardner than Gardner was himself in the 18th-ranked Spartans' 29-6 victory over the Wolverines at Spartan Stadium.
"He did it better than Devin Gardner,'' Davis said. "He's better than Devin Gardner.
"He made it so hard for us coming into the game. He was hard to tackle, he scrambled a lot.''

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