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2013 TSUN Football News

If he was born with a spine, it was devoured by the blubber years ago.

"He was trying, in some ways, to get our quarterback out of harm's way in a pile," Hoke said. "Some of it was he got overtaken with his emotion. And, you know, he's kind of one of those guys, as you all well know, who's a very good teammate."

Yeah..."one of those guys" that would intimidate a sexual assault victim for a teammate (allegedly). What a swell guy.
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Courtesy of the always illuminating mgoblog:

Does that not sound exactly like Llllllloyd's latter years?

Looks like he just found out that the local Dunkin Donuts was increasing their hours to 24 X 7. Even one of the cops enjoys the news, cause you know most cops love donuts....
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Was soo excited this weekend to see the NCAA rollout some new technology! It can run, jump, move around, whine and cry. Its called "The Devon Gardner tackling dummy"!!! What a hoot!! Their O-line was pathetic. That is the first _ichigan game I've watched this year. Un-believable....
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Lewan's "apology"...

“He talked to me and told me I am representing a 133 years of Michigan football,” Lewan said. “Being the 134th captain of this team. It’s a big deal. At the time, my thought process wasn’t to play dirty. Try to do this because they’re our rivals. It really came down to -- I am trying to protect Devin Gardner. And being sacked seven times and a bunch of guys in the pile a bunch, his head was exposed at the time. I’m not trying to make any excuses for it, absolutely not. What I did was wrong. But I was just trying to protect my guys.

1. Make a bunch of excuses for ripping at a defenseless kids facemask
2. Qualify by saying you're "not making excuses"
3. Reinforce primary excuse

More FAILure, Taylor. You stupid goon.
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