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2013 TSUN Football News

Yeah, this is a 4 alarm cripple fight if I've ever seen one.

-You've got miserable coaching on both sides but everyone except Hoke coaching for their job and no one knowing how to make an in-game adjustment
-Corn is starting the back up's back up or some such shit but tsun counters with what's left of Devin Gardner
-It's a brutal ass season ender for the loser (whichever team loses, the fans will say it was over before this game but that's not what they really think right now, this loss is the official stamp of FAIL on the 2013 season for someone)

It's just a dumpster fire of bad football.
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Is it wrong that i kinda sorta want tsun to beat corn at home so they can still hang their hopes on Hoke being undefeated at home going into the game? Even if they're all doom and gloom right now, you know come thanksgiving week they'll be talking themselves into the upset.
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Yeah, this is a 4 alarm cripple fight if I've ever seen one.

-You've got miserable coaching on both sides but everyone except Hoke coaching for their job and no one knowing how to make an in-game adjustment
-Corn is starting the back up's back up or some such [Mark May] but tsun counters with what's left of Devin Gardner
-It's a brutal ass season ender for the loser (whichever team loses, the fans will say it was over before this game but that's not what they really think right now, this loss is the official stamp of FAIL on the 2013 season for someone)

It's just a dumpster fire of bad football.

True, all true. And I can't wait! If I had to bet it would be on corn - scum just looked mentally and physically shell shocked by the end of their epic ass beating.
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Is it wrong that i kinda sorta want tsun to beat corn at home so they can still hang their hopes on Hoke being undefeated at home going into the game? Even if they're all doom and gloom right now, you know come thanksgiving week they'll be talking themselves into the upset.

I wouldn't mind that necessarily, but if they lose there will be a better chance of us overtaking their stadium a la 2009.

Edit: That was my first OSU/UM game at AA, and I will actually be at the game this year for my second time. Would be pretty fun to see it happen again.
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Is it wrong that i kinda sorta want tsun to beat corn at home so they can still hang their hopes on Hoke being undefeated at home going into the game? Even if they're all doom and gloom right now, you know come thanksgiving week they'll be talking themselves into the upset.
You know, as awesome as that would be, I just take too much joy from their fanbase's meltdowns after losses. This weekend, I must have spent 2-3 hours reading their boards and chuckling with uncontrollable glee.
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My question for our UM "friends" is do they honestly expect it to be better next year?
Michigan fans thought that they'd be better this year than 2012, even after losing the most dynamic offensive player in the history of the program (well, at least since the real Number 98).

We could very well be watching them in the midst of the type of 15 year malaise that ND was in after Holtz left.
Haven't they already had a fifteen year malaise? Since their half-championship in 1997, Michigan is 123-63 (.661), with a 4-11 record against Ohio State, a 9-7 record against Michigan State, a 6-7 record in bowl games (2-3 in BCS bowl games), and four Big Ten championships (one outright). It seems like the malaise could last a lot longer than fifteen years.
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Haven't they already had a fifteen year malaise? Since their half-championship in 1997, Michigan is 123-63 (.661), with a 4-11 record against Ohio State, a 9-7 record against Michigan State, a 6-7 record in bowl games (2-3 in BCS bowl games), and four Big Ten championships (one outright). It seems like the malaise could last a lot longer than fifteen years.
Boy howdy, you're right. Excellent point, LJB.
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Michigan fans thought that they'd be better this year than 2012, even after losing the most dynamic offensive player in the history of the program (well, at least since the real Number 98).

Haven't they already had a fifteen year malaise? Since their half-championship in 1997, Michigan is 123-63 (.661), with a 4-11 record against Ohio State, a 9-7 record against Michigan State, a 6-7 record in bowl games (2-3 in BCS bowl games), and four Big Ten championships (one outright). It seems like the malaise could last a lot longer than fifteen years.

Malaise and Blue? I like it...
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Courtesy of the always illuminating mgoblog:

Brady Hoke has coached 34 games at Michigan. 27 of these have been against opponents from major conferences or Notre Dame. In eight of these games, Michigan has failed to acquire 300 yards of offense. The list:

  1. 2011 Michigan State: L 28-14
  2. 2012 Sugar Bowl: W 23-20 (OT)
  3. 2012 Alabama: L 41-14
  4. 2012 Notre Dame: L 13-6
  5. 2012 Nebraska: L 23-9
  6. 2012 Ohio State: L 26-21
  7. 2013 UConn: W 28-24
  8. 2013 MSU: L 29-6
I would like to add the 2011 Iowa game, in which Michigan had 166 yards of offense before they ended up down two scores in the fourth and went hurry up shotgun passing, to the pile. That makes it an even third of games against real opponents (or UConn) in which Michigan has been utterly incompetent in. The disturbing thing is that they are not getting less frequent as the years progress. There were 3 in 2011, four in 2012, and three and counting in 2013, one of which was against UConn.

Does that not sound exactly like Llllllloyd's latter years?

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Taylor Lewan behavior 'unacceptable'

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Michigan coach Brady Hoke says that while he knows Taylor Lewan's between-the whistle activities against Michigan State were unacceptable, he also doesn't believe the left tackle deserves a suspension.


"He was trying, in some ways, to get our quarterback out of harm's way in a pile," Hoke said. "Some of it was he got overtaken with his emotion. And, you know, he's kind of one of those guys, as you all well know, who's a very good teammate."


Hoke is spineless.
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