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2013 TSUN Football News

-69 yards rushing in 2 games...I can barely wrap my brain around that. The worst teams in all of football aren't even that feeble. It's just incomprehensible to me that a coaching staff can take a roster loaded with 4 and 5 star recruits and wring out those results. Our absolutely inept 2011 offense with a very raw true freshman QB was nowhere near that bad at any point.
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The refs were helping them out big time and they still lost! How many times were there blocks in the back not called? Just ridiculous. And every time TSUN needed a first down they got a favorable spot. Huskers got hosed on spots every time.
And they still lost! This is a bad TSUN team. When were they ever this bad running the ball? Borges got run out of town at Auburn for exactly this. I would bet he's gone after the season. But the talent is down at TSUN right now.
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The refs were helping them out big time and they still lost! How many times were there blocks in the back not called? Just ridiculous. And every time TSUN needed a first down they got a favorable spot. Huskers got hosed on spots every time.
And they still lost! This is a bad TSUN team. When were they ever this bad running the ball? Borges got run out of town at Auburn for exactly this. I would bet he's gone after the season. But the talent is down at TSUN right now.
Well, in fairness to the scUM, the zebras missed a fairly obvious false start during a big play on corn's game winning drive.
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For some perspective, corn's run defense came in allowing 183 yards per game on the ground. scUM ended up at 204 yards UNDER that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on the scUM boards...

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Gardner Responds to Criticism

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Devin Gardner has been sacked 14 times in two weeks, which has resulted in two straight Michigan losses and a combined total of minus-69 yards rushing.
Which has some – including a national columnist – questioning the overall “toughness” of the football team.

And Gardner responded to the media criticism shortly after the Wolverines fell to Nebraska, 17-13, on Saturday.
“Whoever questions our toughness, they shove it,” Gardner said. “I look into those guys eyes in the huddle and they’re tough guys and are going out fighting for me. So I don’t care what any of you or whoever said that, says.”
Cont'd ...
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Hoke Responds to Predictability, Booing
Upon further review of film, Hoke hasn’t altered his answer when asked whether or not he liked the play calling against the Cornhuskers.

“Yeah,” Hoke said at his Monday press conference. “There’s not any question about it.”
While fans and other outsiders may disagree with Hoke on that one, none seemed to stir up more controversy than Nebraska defensive end Randy Gregory. Gregory, after recording four tackles including three sacks Saturday, said he knew what plays Michigan was going to run before the ball was even snapped.

“He’s wrong,” Hoke said matter-of-factly. “You could say that about a lot of teams.”

Hoke added, “We know what other guys are doing too. We knew when they were in pistol with two tight ends and, we got negative plays. Everybody has that. Everyone, there’s certain things people are going to do certain ways.”
Stellar work saying something stupid and then admitting it is a lie right afterwards.
Hoke said he understands the booing, but would have a problem if they’re booing “the kids.”

“They can boo us coaches all they want,” he said. “Look, I’ve got a harder time at home than I do there, believe me. I mean, my daughter and wife, ‘why aren’t we protecting better?’ Man, you guys are easy compared to them.”
The alums up north are not entertained with his routine.
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