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2013 TSUN Football News

Gerdeman killing it as always. This is in response to Borges' comments that he expected growing pains since this is the "first year" of his system:

I bet UM fans are breathing a sigh of relief tonight to find out that they are only in Year 1 of their preferred system, instead of Year 3... The best two years of Brady Hoke's offense? Merely contradictory preambles to the real thing... Now that Al Borges is no longer being held back by Denard Robinson, the blossoming has begun... It makes sense that an OL in a new system would struggle with the various blocking schemes that they've only been running forever... Year 2 is where the real difference will come. Once they are no longer shackled by their two fifth-year senior tackles and their 76 starts... Vengeance is coming America. And it's coming at -0.6 yards at a time. (It might take a while)... QUAKE IN FEAR AT ... oh, you already knew what was coming and you tackled it for a loss. Well that sucks.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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You all have it wrong. This is a trap. Hoke is sandbagging in preparation for The Game. He is a master chess player who is 10 moves ahead of us right now. I am scared.


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Al Borges' playcalling drives distraught fan to DUI:


A 25-year-old man was arrested in Metro Detroit on Nov. 3, after he blew a .24 when police pulled found him asleep in his car at a gas station. An apparent Michigan fan, heblamed the Wolverines’ performance against Michigan State for his drinking binge, specifically offensive coordinator Al Borges’ play-calling.
While he was being booked, he said he drank so much because he was upset that the University of Michigan’s football team lost 29-6 at Michigan State University the day before. He said he also was upset with the play-calling of Offensive Coordinator Al Borges, whose Wolverines rushed for a negative-48 yards, the worst ground performance since the school started playing football in 1879.
Thankfully, Borges did not inspire him to attempt driving through a brick wall repeatedly.
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Gerdeman killing it as always. This is in response to Borges' comments that he expected growing pains since this is the "first year" of his system:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Vengeance is coming America. And it's coming at -0.6 yards at a time. (It might take a while)... QUAKE IN FEAR AT ... oh, you already knew what was coming and you tackled it for a loss. Well that sucks.
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I believe in giving credit where it is due. TSUN is now #1 in all of the FBS, the highest level of achievement of all 123 teams...


...in tackles for loss allowed.

Allowing 9.11 tackles for loss per game is no easy thing. It takes a rigorous focus on the fundamentals. Standing your quarterback back on his feet for the next hit. Occasinally, helping an opponent adjust his facemask on the ground.

After a team meeting, the Ohio State Buckeyes have unanimously decided to recognize this momentous achievement during a personal visit to your stadium in coming weeks! Well done, TSUN!

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