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2013 TSUN Football News

Hoke Responds to Predictability, Booing
Stellar work saying something stupid and then admitting it is a lie right afterwards.The alums up north are not entertained with his routine.

Um. Don't believe him. But you CAN believe the opponents:

Perhaps the most damning evidence of Michigan’s offensive demise has come through the words of the opponent.

The Wolverines fell, 17-13, to Nebraska on Saturday, snapping a 19-game winning streak at Michigan Stadium. And for the second straight week, quarterback Devin Gardner took seven sacks and Michigan had negative rushing.

Nebraska had 15 tackles for a loss, bringing the Wolverines’ opponent’s total to 81 for 337 yards this season. That ranks Michigan last nationally among 123 teams in TFLs allowed. They also have allowed 26 sacks, which ranks 105th.

“Whatever formation they came out in, we knew what they were going to throw at us,” Nebraska sophomore defensive end Randy Gregory, who had three sacks, told Omaha.com. “I could tell we were getting in (Gardner’s) head. Every now and then, he’d be on the ground longer than he should be. Even after the game he was just kind of out of it. You take him out of the game, you take their whole offense out of the game.”

Jason Ankrah, a Nebraska defensive end, also told the newspaper the Cornhuskers’ defense was prepared.

“We knew what they were going to do right before they did it,” he said.

From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20131111/SPORTS0201/311110017#ixzz2kRpJO9pP

So...they say not only is the game plan predictable, but Gardner is tapping out during games as well.
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You all have it wrong. This is a trap. Hoke is sandbagging in preparation for The Game. He is a master chess player who is 10 moves ahead of us right now. I am scared.

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This was the same merry-go-round we went through under JT/Bollman when the offense had its struggles. Too predictable. Opponents knew what was coming. Difference was, it was often masked by elite defenses, and we were still winning conference titles and going to BCS games.
along with the best wideouts in college football, one of of not the most consistent crop of running backs and some pretty good quarterbacks as well.
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along with the best wideouts in college football, one of of not the most consistent crop of running backs and some pretty good quarterbacks as well.
Yeah, the skill positions there, save Funchess, are pretty barren. I was reading on, I think, mgoblog that scUM RBs never seem to get better over time there. And damned if I can think of one that has in recent memory. Hart had an exceptional freshman season, but can you really say he ever improved on it? Toussaint seems to have regressed, the clown show RR had was never impressive. They really don't. And unless a coaching change is made, that doesn't bode well for their chubby freshman.
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Fred Jackson has not developed a single backup running back (I'm talking passable not promising) in about 12-15 years, yet he has been the one coach to survive both regime changes.
Every year he grinds one running back into the dirt while the rest wait a year or three to play. That worked okay when it was a train, Perry, Hart. Less so with minor, mcguffie or Fitz.
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Yeah, the skill positions there, save Funchess, are pretty barren. I was reading on, I think, mgoblog that scUM RBs never seem to get better over time there. And damned if I can think of one that has in recent memory. Hart had an exceptional freshman season, but can you really say he ever improved on it? Toussaint seems to have regressed, the clown show RR had was never impressive. They really don't. And unless a coaching change is made, that doesn't bode well for their chubby freshman.

Hart is really the only one worth mentioning and I think I laughed for 5 minutes straight when he got drafted.
Seeing his face after 2006 is one of my favorite ttun memories.

I just saw this tidbit on his wiki:
On August 17, 2011, it was announced that Hart had accepted a job at Eastern Michigan University as the offensive quality control coach for the football team

It's no wonder they have the 106th offense. I wonder if he's still there after English' firing. :lol:
Excuse me while I laugh hysterically...
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Hart is really the only one worth mentioning and I think I laughed for 5 minutes straight when he got drafted.
Seeing his face after 2006 is one of my favorite ttun memories.

I just saw this tidbit on his wiki:

It's no wonder they have the 106th offense. I wonder if he's still there after English' firing. :lol:
Excuse me while I laugh hysterically...
They ride the fuck out of a stationary bike tho
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