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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

Bizarre: http://www.espiremarketing.org/im-sorry/

Last night, I made some remarks that were meant to be a joke amongst friends. These remarks were regrettable and reprehensible. Today, I have been receiving attention from many individuals asking for my comment on these unfortunate remarks made by myself on my Twitter account last night. This is my official comment.

To Logan Tuley-Tillman ? I am deeply sorry for making these remarks in your direction. I wish you nothing but the absolute best in your future as a collegiate athlete and more importantly as a student at the University of Michigan. My remarks were meant not to offend, but to highlight another unfortunate situation in the NFL bounty scandal. I realize now how short sighted and foolish my tweet was.

Ohio State University and the University of Michigan share the greatest rivalry in all of sports. The passion that I feel for my team is the same passion that Michigan fans feel for theirs. My passion for my alma mater is no excuse for my ridiculous behavior.

I ask for all of you to please excuse my remarks, and more importantly I ask for the forgiveness of Logan Tuley-Tillman. Best of luck to you in your endeavors in the classroom and on the football field.

As a token of my deepest regrets in this situation ? I will be making a $2000.00 donation to the University of Michigan to be used towards increasing the already spectacular educational programs that they possess. I hope that this donation will help to ease the pain of my unfortunate remarks. Thank you. I welcome suggestions from the University of Michigan family for which program to direct my donation towards.
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I think the $5000 donation would be more beneficial for BuckeyePlanet. There's no rules against Banning-for-Donations. Level of donation should determine the term of banishment. That kind of money would allow you to get an Ohio State fan banned.

A Michigan fan ban for life should cost, what, a couple hundred bucks? Any annual givers get to ban a m fan?
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Poe McKnoe;2161223; said:
I think the $5000 donation would be more beneficial for BuckeyePlanet. There's no rules against Banning-for-Donations. Level of donation should determine the term of banishment. That kind of money would allow you to get an Ohio State fan banned.

A Michigan fan ban for life should cost, what, a couple hundred bucks? Any annual givers get to ban a m fan?
Can we get a price list for banning tsun fans (annually or permanently) from one of the mods?
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ant80;2161211; said:
Basically the seniors of scUM's football team trained with the SEALs for 4 hours.

:slappy: I'm quite sure no scUM recruit could make it through the first hour of BUD/s, let alone "train" :roll2: with the chaps for an entire day. But fine, we'll just take the PJs, Force Recon and Delta. And the SAS too, if I can dig up my contacts :wink:


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