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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2160657; said:
The same guy who said RR was going to completely dominate the Big Ten with his particular breed of offensive genius?

The same guy who said that "Tressel's Ohio State teams can't stop the spread... you watch..."

That one?

Never heard of him

I have heard him on the radio, but I sure as hell am not going to click on that or any other ESPN link. Saying outrageously stupid things to cause a stir and get people riled up is their entire business model. I don't know why people continue to post links to them.
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Buckeye86;2160660; said:
I have heard him on the radio, but I sure as hell am not going to click on that or any other ESPN link. Saying outrageously stupid things to cause a stir and get people riled up is their entire business model. I don't know why people continue to post links to them.
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BUCKYLE;2160520; said:
I've seen enough of our fanbase to believe someone shot over a message that was threatening. We've got a lot of idiots in the club.. when you're good for 60+ years, have one of if not the largest alumni association in the nation, and the nations largest campus.. you're going to get the crazies. Is what it is.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2160657; said:
The same guy who said RR was going to completely dominate the Big Ten with his particular breed of offensive genius?

The same guy who said that "Tressel's Ohio State teams can't stop the spread... you watch..."

That one?

Never heard of him

Um, right. Since you are quoting things he said, it seems pretty obvious to me that you HAVE actually heard of him. Ass.
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Look what ESPN has done to us*

*Certain exclusions apply coughwolverinecough
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That's one good way to make an idiot out of yourself Harrison Watson.

Still not a death threat. And I must say this has gotten beyond ridiculous at this point. This young recruit is basking in the glow of all of this unjustified attention because he burned a letter. And the idiotic fringe is just giving him more time on his 15 minutes.

And what's funny is that I doubt LTT plays any role in the rivalry in the future. Michigan already has better OL recruits in the fold. So why is he the one yapping?
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