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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

Had the pleasure of sitting down with MaliBuckeye Sunday night to enjoy some frosty carbonated beverages and watch the 2005 version of The Game.

That loss sent Michigan to the 2005 Alamo Bowl where they faced
in what was probably our best game under Bill Callahan.

Good times.
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I'm seriously doubting the so-called "death threats" accusations. One need only search for any communication directed towards LTT on the twitter search function to see that nothing of the sort was ever sent... which isn't to say he didn't receive some hate messages. Still pathetic, but not as headline-grabbing as "DEATH THREATS!"

If he's making something like that up to defame the fanbase, then he is clearly a drama queen of the highest order.
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I don't really care that he burned the letter. He can do what he wants. If true, which I doubt, that Buckeye fans are sending death threats over this, get a life. You don't belong to such family such as BuckeyeNation

However, if someone wants to do that publicly, expect that to be remembered in the future. I hope the Buckeye players see this, remember it, and absolutely destroy them for years to come.

Urban, put a hundy up on Hoke and the boy skunkbears
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OH10;2160506; said:
I'm seriously doubting the so-called "death threats" accusations. One need only search for any communication directed towards LTT on the twitter search function to see that nothing of the sort was ever sent... which isn't to say he didn't receive some hate messages. Still pathetic, but not as headline-grabbing as "DEATH THREATS!"

If he's making something like that up to defame the fanbase, then he is clearly a drama queen of the highest order.

Can you really dismiss the death threat allegation so easily? Personally, I don't have much doubt that at least one moron said at least one thing that could be construed as a "death threat." Those people exist in every single fan base, and it's absolutely not a stretch to think someone got a wild hair up their ass and sent him a threatening message.

It's important to note that, even if it did happen, such threat has zero to do with Ohio State Fan in general. I would, personally, take it as a given that it happened (whether this kid exaggerated it or not), and dismiss it as irrelevant.

It does not reflect on the Buckeyes in any way if someone did this.
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knapplc;2160518; said:
Can you really dismiss the death threat allegation so easily? Personally, I don't have much doubt that at least one moron said at least one thing that could be construed as a "death threat." Those people exist in every single fan base, and it's absolutely not a stretch to think someone got a wild hair up their ass and sent him a threatening message.

It's important to note that, even if it did happen, such threat has zero to do with Ohio State Fan in general. I would, personally, take it as a given that it happened (whether this kid exaggerated it or not), and dismiss it as irrelevant.

It does not reflect on the Buckeyes in any way if someone did this.

Yes. It's easy to justify your own ridiculous actions if you claim someone threatened your life. You don't have to explain your ridiculous actions further. Flip out on an old lady? She threatened my life! Smash a five year old's head into the monkey bars? It wasn't that he cut in line, the kid threatened my life!

I'd argue it happens far less than people believe. Sure there are crazy fucks out there. If someone actually threatened his life, whether he was frightened or not, he should have notified the authorities. Not provoke the fuck knuckle further by posting pics taunting the crazy person. Everyone aaaaalways gets death threats, but they shrug them off so easily. It's strange how that happens.
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BUCKYLE;2160520; said:
Yes. It's easy to justify your own ridiculous actions if you claim someone threatened your life. You don't have to explain your ridiculous actions further. Flip out on an old lady? She threatened my life! Smash a five year old's head into the monkey bars? It wasn't that he cut in line, the kid threatened my life!

I'd argue it happens far less than people believe. Sure there are crazy fucks out there. If someone actually threatened his life, whether he was frightened or not, he should have notified the authorities. Not provoke the fuck knuckle further by posting pics taunting the crazy person. Everyone aaaaalways gets death threats, but they shrug them off so easily. It's strange how that happens.

True, and we would also have to get this kid's definition of "death threat." If he got a message from a Buckeye fan that said, "We're gonna kill you when you step on the field," does he construe that as a death threat? Clearly that means some Buckeye is going to pound the kid into the turf - just a football reference. But if the guy is going all drama-queen he may spout off that this is a death threat.

I guess part of what I'm basing this on is that some dumbass here in Lincoln sent a "death threat" to our DC under Callahan, Kevin Cosgrove. It was sent at 2:30am, clearly a drunken rant, but it was trumpeted as some big deal that "Husker Fans" were sending our DC death threats. We weren't. It was some jackass on a bender. Likely, if anything happened in this situation, that's all it was.
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