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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

There does seem to be an awful lot of talking......Makes me think it's part generational and part social media thrusting this stuff in our faces. For all we know, it's the same thing kids have done for 50 years. But we've only become socially privy to it in the last decade.

I'd prefer the "talking" be done on the field once they actually don the uniform, but I don't mind the confidence to much.
maybe it's just them getting their first taste of victory in 8 years and they don't know how to handle it.
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Text book Wolverinemike bullshit.

Do the scUM fan in Ohio thing to get attention then cry like a bitch about the big meanies who give you the attention you asked for.

Fuck him, Mike and everyone else who goes this route.
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Buckeye86;2160349; said:
Publicly act like a drama queen. ...

Respond to criticism by complaining about a "barrage" of "death threats" from another fan base.
Without commenting on the young man's motivation or good sense (or lack thereof), pooh-poohing death threats directed toward him and suggesting he's a drama queen for mentioning them is over the top. I expect more from our community here.

Death threats, though seldom acted upon, are frightening to receive nonetheless. If you haven't received them, you can't know. Anyone who directs death threats toward athletes is an asshole, pure and simple.

Even if the athlete in question is a fat fuck.
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NFBuck;2160321; said:


That SOB has got to be the hardest guy to try and make fun of.
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NFBuck;2160396; said:
If he doesn't step his game up (and watch his weight) considerably, he'll be lucky to see the field...

I think he's the biggest risk/reward out of the 5 of Michigan's 2013 OL commits.

Kyle Bosch, Dave Dawson, and Patrick Kugler seem legit to me. I think all 3 will be able to play pretty early on. Chris Fox seems like a very good OL recruit, but not quite as polished as the previously mentioned 3.

Tillman's junior film looks very good, but his sophomore film looks even better. He has definitely put on a lot of bad weight since last year.

You are spot on with that comment, this kid better get himself in shape before he even gets to Michigan.
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Jaxbuck;2160388; said:
Text book Wolverinemike bull[Mark May].

Do the scUM fan in Ohio thing to get attention then cry like a bitch about the big meanies who give you the attention you asked for.

[censored] him, Mike and everyone else who goes this route.

I thought it would be funny to "view post" on you for the first time in about 3 months. I think it's hilarious you're still talking about me......I had assumed you'd moved on with your life, I guess the old adage of "assume" was true this time..........so sad

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WolverineMike;2160413; said:
I thought it would be funny to "view post" on you for the first time in about 3 months. I think it's hilarious you're still talking about me......I had assumed you'd moved on with your life, I guess the old adage of "assume" was true this time..........so sad


just happened to turn off the ignore did you?
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NorthCoastKid;2160406; said:
Not really




He's got a fist-full of Super Bowl rings, is one of the best players in the entire NFL, is married to a super model that has more cash than he does, he makes $20 million a year, and lives in a freaking newly built palace in LA with a swimming pool the size of a small lake. Did I mention he was married to a super model?

True story, if he didn't go to Michigan I'd hate his guts.
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residentmfan;2160418; said:

He's got a fist-full of Super Bowl rings, is one of the best players in the entire NFL, is married to a super model that has more cash than he does, he makes $20 million a year, and lives in a freaking newly built palace in LA with a swimming pool the size of a small lake. Did I mention he was married to a super model?

True story, if he didn't go to Michigan I'd hate his guts.

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