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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

BUCKYLE;2160520; said:
Yes. It's easy to justify your own ridiculous actions if you claim someone threatened your life. You don't have to explain your ridiculous actions further. Flip out on an old lady? She threatened my life! Smash a five year old's head into the monkey bars? It wasn't that he cut in line, the kid threatened my life!

I'd argue it happens far less than people believe. Sure there are crazy [censored]s out there. If someone actually threatened his life, whether he was frightened or not, he should have notified the authorities. Not provoke the [censored] knuckle further by posting pics taunting the crazy person. Everyone aaaaalways gets death threats, but they shrug them off so easily. It's strange how that happens.

It probably would be worth the NCAA and schools talking to the high schools/admins and otherwise to suggest that IF anyone really does get a death threat, that the student take it seriously and send it off to law enforcement. Because IF anything like that is going on, it would be great to severely penalize the fools doing it.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2160530; said:
If it cannot be, I want you to know.... I'm going to kill you. Slowly. Painfully. Fuck you.

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WolverineMike;2160444; said:
Probably the same as any other night, sucking your thumb in your parents basement :wink:

Lying about using the ignore feature? Check

"I'm just here for the recruiting news" bullshit exposed for the umpeenth time? Check

Attention whore given attention? Check

Follow the "shoot yourself" advice.
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