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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

I once inquired as to the feasibility of paying a bounty for the banning of VulavarieneMike. The mods decided (and i honestly agreed) against opening that particular door but it was given consideration.

I never thought of the pay for suicide angle but it certainly has my attention. Especially if the dumb jizzbag will do it for 5K.
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3074326;2161251; said:
Why don't you guys just ignore him? I'm more annoyed by everyone bitching about Mike than anything he's ever done or said.

I've had him on ignore for months and he still manages to annoy me immensely for two main reasons:

#1 people quote him constantly and you can see what blocked people are saying when others quote them- if everyone used the ignore feature this problem would go away and I would be a big fan of that

#2 even on ignore you can still see that he posts in the LeBron James and Miami Heat threads almost daily
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Buckeye86;2161266; said:
I've had him on ignore for months and he still manages to annoy me immensely for two main reasons:

#1 people quote him constantly and you can see what blocked people are saying when others quote them- if everyone used the ignore feature this problem would go away and I would be a big fan of that

#2 even on ignore you can still see that he posts in the LeBron James and Miami Heat threads almost daily

I'm posting about the NBA playoffs, like a sh1t ton of other people are doing because the NBA playoffs are on right now.........sweet cream on an ice cream sandwich, son. What the hell do you expect people to be talking about during the freaking playoffs? Parcheesi?
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Buckeye86;2161266; said:
I've had him on ignore for months and he still manages to annoy me immensely for two main reasons:

#1 people quote him constantly and you can see what blocked people are saying when others quote them- if everyone used the ignore feature this problem would go away and I would be a big fan of that

#2 even on ignore you can still see that he posts in the LeBron James and Miami Heat threads almost daily

WolverineMike;2161272; said:
I'm posting about the NBA playoffs, like a sh1t ton of other people are doing because the NBA playoffs are on right now.........sweet cream on an ice cream sandwich, son. What the hell do you expect people to be talking about during the freaking playoffs? Parcheesi?

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buckeyeintn;2161222; said:
Let me get this straight . . . You're willing to commit suicide for a $5000 check (not even cash), and I'm the dumb one? Yeah, right.

I saw 5K to "sideline." I assumed that meant silence my posting, not kill me. Nice to know you take a message board serious enough to the point of wanting to kill someone over it though. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
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jwinslow;2161226; said:
Will Campbell Thinks He's In Dukes Of Hazzard, Is Not


He is not correct. The result:
According to Ann Arbor police, Campbell was arrested after attempting to slide across the hood of a vehicle at 2 a.m. on April 7 in the 600 block of Church Street. An officer in the area could hear the sheet metal on the hood of the car buckle under Campbell?s weight ? he?s listed at 322 pounds ? and arrested the senior, police stated.
Campbell was intoxicated, according to police.

That had to have been the funniest thing to watch, ever.
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WolverineMike;2161274; said:
I saw 5K to "sideline." I assumed that meant silence my posting, not kill me. Nice to know you take a message board serious enough to the point of wanting to kill someone over it though. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

You and Logan need to go start a support group for "death threat" victims.

Although, I think you'd be a lot better at nailing yourself to the cross than he is because a) you have more practice and B) he's a big fat fuck.
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