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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

Buckeye513;2103477; said:
Dymonte is committed to Michigan...and repeated that demonstrably after Urban Meyer visited his school...quoting Proverbs in the process.
Well damn, if he's quoting the Hebrews. :lol:
Personally, I prefer 6 Little Kings 12:1.

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Junior Hemingway reportedly lost a lot of his TSUN memorabilia when his family's home in S. Carolina was burglarized. They didn't take his Sugar Bowl MVP Trophy.


Home of Michigan WR Hemingway burglarized

A month ago, now-former Michigan wide receiver Junior Hemingway was enjoying one of the greatest moments of his life. Sadly, he's now likely suffering through one if its worst. CarolinaLive.com reported that Hemingway's Conway, S.C. family home was burglarized Friday morning, with the thieves knocking down the front door and stealing nearly $5,000 worth of goods. Among the items missing were a large screen television and -- most painfully -- many of Hemingway's mementos from his Wolverine career, including jerseys and bowl rings.
"The sad thing is, this stuff just can't be replaced," Hemingway father Kenneth Hemingway said. The incident marks the second time in four months the home has been burglarized.
The one silver lining: the thieves left Hemingway's Sugar Bowl MVP trophy untouched on the home's living room coffee table. Hemingway won it with 2 highlight-reel receptions for 63 yards and Michigan's only two touchdowns of the 23-20 win, leading to a memorably emotional postgame interview.
Hemingway was not in Conway at the time of the burglary, as he's currently training in Atlanta for the upcoming NFL Draft combine and Michigan's Pro Day. According to NFLDraftScout.com, Hemingway ranks as the No. 46 wide receiver prospect in the 2012 draft and is not currently projected to be drafted.

Cont'd ...
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BB73;2103579; said:
Junior Hemingway reportedly lost a lot of his TSUN memorabilia when his family's home in S. Carolina was burglarized. They didn't take his Sugar Bowl MVP Trophy.


The robbery was staged to cover up that he had already traded the mementos for tattoos! :paranoid:
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When Mr. "Tell The Good Half of the Story" admits UM didn't fill their dire needs at RB, WR & CB, you know they're pretty shaky there.
Beaver said:
Sat. AM TJBlog: Needs!!!

Here's where my mind goes again this morning - 2012 needs.
I don't worry about the recruiting horserace much, honestly - it is what it is, and U-M got some great kids in this class.

The questions are to me now:
-- (i) What are U-M's biggest needs for 2012?
-- (ii) How did this class meet those needs?

Looking at the Depth Chart below ... to me:
(i) Biggest needs = TE first-off, and WR next.

(ii) How did this class meet those needs? dunno ... it's uncertain.
-- This uncertainty would've been true at TE no matter what Mr. Grant did BTW. So, what will U-M do about it?
-- and at WR ... U-M signed two kids with excellent potential in Darboh and Chesson, but neither are slam-dunks to help things in 2012.

So ... what do they do?

At WR ...
Roy Roundtree has to get glue on his hands and have his best season -- he has to become the reliable go-to-guy. Simple...as...that.
Jeremy Jackson and-or Jerald Robinson have to step up now ... and it's possible that one or both will do that.
And ... The intriguing frosh to me: Mr. Funchess. I know he's listed as TE, but ... he's got size-strength-enuffspeed ...

At TE ...

Brandon Moore and Ricardo Miller have to step up ... but ... will U-M also look for more help here?
-- One obvious guy who Sam has hinted will get tried at, probably, both WR and TE in the spring will be: Cameron Gordon. Cameron's a talented kid, and a tough kid, who hurt his back last year and then found guys ahead of him on the D who played well, etc.
-- IMO U-M may try other things at TE as well -- other kids, etc. Just what goes on there - time will tell.

And so, the biggest thing
to me as far as addressing needs ... Cameron Gordon becomes a key guy for Spring 2012

Bottom Line -- things may have to get creative both at WR and at TE.


Feb 4: 2012 class w/ 2012 Depth Chart

25 kids, 14 defensive and 11 offensive (which could go to 12 w/ Kozan).

Needs met? Take a look down the last with Depth Chart added. I'd say ...
QB ... sure-as-Sugar!
RB ...
mmmm, a '13 Super'd be nice (tho notice that Norfleet's a Top 300 kid)
WR ... my SLEEPER of the Year is Mr. Funchess ... so -
mmm, I'll say yes but this is a close-call
TE ...
mmmm, with Williams being Mr Webb's 5-star-OT ... IMO they'll try to add '13 TEs fast.
OL ... definitely (my 2nd Sleeper of Year: Mr. Bars)
DT ... with Henry added to the class - definitely
DE ... yep
LB ... yessir ... and Bolden in early is perfect
CB ...
mmmm, IMO another are they'll try to add '13 kid-or-kids fast
S ... yes
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BB73;2103579; said:
Junior Hemingway reportedly lost a lot of his TSUN memorabilia when his family's home in S. Carolina was burglarized. They didn't take his Sugar Bowl MVP Trophy.


What rewards and memorabilia does he fucking have during his time at Michigan with the exception of this years Sugar Bowl? Are they handing out rings for 3 win seasons up in Ann Arbor?
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Magua;2104012; said:
What rewards and memorabilia does he fucking have during his time at Michigan with the exception of this years Sugar Bowl? Are they handing out rings for 3 win seasons up in Ann Arbor?

No shit...I mean if you think about it..An Ohio State player with Tats has more awards and memorabilia still lying around than anyone from the scUM program in the last 4 years.:roll1:
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Here is what I really enjoy about this. TSUN fans really think that they are back. They really do think that they are going to walk into Ohio Stadium and pull off an epic victory.

In a first year, there will be plenty of changes at Ohio State and fans should expect a couple of losses that should have been wins. TSUN won't be one of them. Urban Meyer will go out of his way to put a stop to this nonsense right now. Depleted as they were with so many obstacles last year, Ohio State could have won The Game.

So, while I'm glad to see TSUN sports getting up off of their death beds, I do not suffer any misconceptions.

Getting up off their backs has only left them back on their knees.

Oh, and Mike, you can blow this in any proportion that you like... :biggrin:
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Steve19;2104079; said:
Here is what I really enjoy about this. TSUN fans really think that they are back. They really do think that they are going to walk into Ohio Stadium and pull off an epic victory.

In a first year, there will be plenty of changes at Ohio State and fans should expect a couple of losses that should have been wins. TSUN won't be one of them. Urban Meyer will go out of his way to put a stop to this nonsense right now. Depleted as they were with so many obstacles last year, Ohio State could have won The Game.

So, while I'm glad to see TSUN sports getting up off of their death beds, I do not suffer any misconceptions.

Getting up off their backs has only left them back on their knees.

Oh, and Mike, you can blow this in any proportion that you like... :biggrin:

I expect to walk into the Shoe every other year and get a victory. If I thought anything less, I would be an Indiana fan.
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