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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

MaxBuck;2106128; said:
Let me say that I respect some Michigan fans.

University of Michigan alumni, I expect to be Wolverine fans. Good for them.

Residents of Ann Arbor and nearby locales, I can understand their being Wolverine fans. No problem there.

Residents of the state of Michigan, you could serve yourselves better by rooting for Michigan State in my opinion. But I have no huge fight to pick with them.

Residents of other states in the union, especially those with no big-time college teams, I submit should be Buckeye fans instead.

Ohio residents who are Wolverine fans have deep-seated antisocial and probably sociopathic tendencies. They are not to be trusted. In an ideal world these people would be sterilized and placed into secure correctional institutions.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any less contrary, you go and say something like this and totally redeem yourself.

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MaxBuck;2106128; said:
Let me say that I respect some Michigan fans.

University of Michigan alumni, I expect to be Wolverine fans. Good for them.

Residents of Ann Arbor and nearby locales, I can understand their being Wolverine fans. No problem there.

Residents of the state of Michigan, you could serve yourselves better by rooting for Michigan State in my opinion. But I have no huge fight to pick with them.

Residents of other states in the union, especially those with no big-time college teams, I submit should be Buckeye fans instead.

Ohio residents who are Wolverine fans have deep-seated antisocial and probably sociopathic tendencies. They are not to be trusted. In an ideal world these people would be sterilized and placed into secure correctional institutions.

what about those with lineage alum's but the school didn't offer their career path so they went elsewhere?
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WolverineMike;2106142; said:
what about those with lineage alum's but the school didn't offer their career path so they went elsewhere?

They should be fans of the school they went to. Why do you think Bobcat and Bearcat fans have such an inferiority complex when they see someone wearing Buckeye clothes on their campus?
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WolverineMike;2106142; said:
what about those with lineage alum's but the school didn't offer their career path so they went elsewhere?

Had the alums been sterilized and institutionalized, this wouldn't be a problem.
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MaxBuck;2106128; said:
Let me say that I respect some Michigan fans.

University of Michigan alumni, I expect to be Wolverine fans. Good for them.

I know a few because my wife is from Michigan (OSU alum though). I have nothing but respect for those fans.

Residents of Ann Arbor and nearby locales, I can understand their being Wolverine fans. No problem there.

People should be proud of where they come from and support their local school.

Residents of the state of Michigan, you could serve yourselves better by rooting for Michigan State in my opinion. But I have no huge fight to pick with them.

I have no problem either way, but I don't blame MSU alums for referring to non-Michigan-alum Michigan fans as Walmart Wolverines. Having been up there several times, those Michigan fans act above MSU alums when many of them attended one of the directional schools or no school at all.

Residents of other states in the union, especially those with no big-time college teams, I submit should be Buckeye fans instead.

I submit they should support the school they attended and/or their local school. And if they don't have a local school, watch the NFL. College football is about pride. I'm not sure how you can have pride in a school hundreds or thousands of miles away that you have no connection to. It's non-sensical.

Ohio residents who are Wolverine fans have deep-seated antisocial and probably sociopathic tendencies. They are not to be trusted. In an ideal world these people would be sterilized and placed into secure correctional institutions.

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The ideal scenario for next year be that Michigan wins all of its games but The Game; Ohio State finishes 12-0 and Michigan finishes 13-1 with a BCS National Title victory tainted by the fact that they lost the AP Title and only game to their hated rival. I'm sure they'd find a way to still celebrate, but it would hardly be a shared title. We'd be the true National Champions and everyone, including Ann Arbor, would know it.
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OH10;2106206; said:
The ideal scenario for next year be that Michigan wins all of its games but The Game; Ohio State finishes 12-0 and Michigan finishes 13-1 with a BCS National Title victory tainted by the fact that they lost the AP Title and only game to their hated rival. I'm sure they'd find a way to still celebrate, but it would hardly be a shared title. We'd be the true National Champions and everyone, including Ann Arbor, would know it.

Not for me. I'll take both teams 11-0 going into The Game, a 50-0 beatdown for the home team, an AP title for tOSU, and anyone besides TSUN, USC and an SEC team winning the BCS Title Game.

I want Brady Hoke and his successors for eternity to win the exact number of national titles that Bo Schembechler did (as a head coach - edit for FCB).
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BB73;2106211; said:
Not for me. I'll take both teams 11-0 going into The Game, a 50-0 beatdown for the home team, an AP title for tOSU, and anyone besides TSUN, USC and an SEC team winning the BCS Title Game.

I want Brady Hoke and his successors for eternity to win the exact number of national titles that Bo Schembechler did.

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