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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

OH10;2106206; said:
The ideal scenario for next year be that Michigan wins all of its games but The Game; Ohio State finishes 12-0 and Michigan finishes 13-1 with a BCS National Title victory tainted by the fact that they lost the AP Title and only game to their hated rival. I'm sure they'd find a way to still celebrate, but it would hardly be a shared title. We'd be the true National Champions and everyone, including Ann Arbor, would know it.
Yeah, let's give our hated rival a championship trophy to boost their program and recruiting even further under the rapidly rising Hoke program.

It certainly would not be ideal for Michigan's momentum to continue waning after Meyer was hired.


It is not like OSU hired a nationally renowned coach with great success in mankind's greatest field of battle, the SEC. Clearly they need to earn beauty points in a season with no postseason.
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OH10;2106206; said:
The ideal scenario for next year be that Michigan wins all of its games but The Game; Ohio State finishes 12-0 and Michigan finishes 13-1 with a BCS National Title victory tainted by the fact that they lost the AP Title and only game to their hated rival. I'm sure they'd find a way to still celebrate, but it would hardly be a shared title. We'd be the true National Champions and everyone, including Ann Arbor, would know it.

The idea scenario is that scUM loses its first 11 games by an average margin of 50 points. To top off the season, they lose to OSU by 60. Every OSU fan should want scUM to lose every single time they take the field, IMO.
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buckeyesin07;2106252; said:
The idea scenario is that scUM loses its first 11 games by an average margin of 50 points. To top off the season, they lose to OSU by 60. Every OSU fan should want scUM to lose every single time they take the field, IMO.

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buckeyesin07;2106252; said:
The idea scenario is that scUM loses its first 11 games by an average margin of 50 points. To top off the season, they lose to OSU by 60. Every OSU fan should want scUM to lose every single time they take the field, IMO.

If every other team beat them by 50, then I'd want to win by 70 minimum. :biggrin: :osu:
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OH10;2106206; said:
Michigan finishes 13-1 with a BCS National Title victory
This will never, ever be an acceptable scenario.

BB73;2106211; said:
Not for me. I'll take both teams 11-0 going into The Game, a 50-0 beatdown for the home team, an AP title for tOSU, and anyone besides TSUN, USC and an SEC team winning the BCS Title Game.
Aside from Michigan being 11-0 going into The Game, I agree. I don't even want them to have to enjoyment of an 11-0 start.

BB73;2106211; said:
I want Brady Hoke and his successors for eternity to win the exact number of national titles that Bo Schembechler did.
This I agree with 100%...
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Well, you also have to consider that it would be impossible to deny Ohio State the AP title in that scenario. The split title would only be split on paper. We'd be the true national champion and that's probably the only way we could be consider the true national champion next year.
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OH10;2106306; said:
Well, you also have to consider that it would be impossible to deny Ohio State the AP title in that scenario. The split title would only be split on paper. We'd be the true national champion and that's probably the only way we could be consider the true national champion next year.

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MaxBuck;2106128; said:
Let me say that I respect some Michigan fans.

University of Michigan alumni, I expect to be Wolverine fans. Good for them.

Residents of Ann Arbor and nearby locales, I can understand their being Wolverine fans. No problem there.

Residents of the state of Michigan, you could serve yourselves better by rooting for Michigan State in my opinion. But I have no huge fight to pick with them.

Residents of other states in the union, especially those with no big-time college teams, I submit should be Buckeye fans instead.

Ohio residents who are Wolverine fans have deep-seated antisocial and probably sociopathic tendencies. They are not to be trusted. In an ideal world these people would be sterilized and placed into secure correctional institutions.

So, I should be a Juggalo? Damn it! Mom! I need you to buy some face paint from the Wal-Marts!
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FCollinsBuckeye;2106357; said:
Don't forget that Bo earned a NC ring in '61, BB73.


Good point. :wink2: I've added an edit to say Bo as a head coach.

I was told a story recently about Bo Schembechler telling Bear Bryant that he could have a QB recruit since TSUN didn't have any room for him, and he didn't want him in the Big Ten. The story says that the QB was Joe Namath. Unfortunately for the story, Namath was recruited in 1961, when Bo was at tOSU under Woody, so the story is a messed up version of the real story.

What actually happened is that Sparty coach Duffy Daugherty would steer white athletes to Southern schools if they couldn't get into MSU, and he did that with Namath. Bear Bryant (and Clemson's Frank Howard, both during the '60s), would return the favor by steering black athletes to MSU, since their teams still didn't have black players.

Bo arrived at TSUN in 1969. But the integration of Southern football in the early 1970s was another factor in the shift of football power from Sparty to TSUN back then.
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Zurp;2106421; said:
Meh - I wouldn't mind seeing Michigan beat Notre Dame and Wisconsin, to finish 2-10 for their season.

0-12 sounds good to me, except possibly if the 2012 AP National Championship story line were scUM squeaking by Bama but getting destroyed by tOSU (1-11).
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