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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

I have friends who are dyed in the wool TSUN fans. One teaches there. They never talk crap about Ohio State. They are complementary when they lose and gracious when they win. I just spent a couple of hours with one in Delhi and there, on the other side of the Earth, we both acknowledged the importance of the rivalry and the fun we got out of it over the years.

I deeply respect that kind of Wolverine fan. I'd like to see their team win every game except The Game.

Then, there are another type of TSUN fans. You know the type I mean. One victory against a team that was exposed to such sanctions and silliness as this most recent Buckeye team, and they talk all kinds of nonsense. Then, Ohio State hired Meyer and they start whistling in the dark. Rather than own their own team's demise under Bill Martin (that MSOB), they have to cast aspersions on Ohio State.

I have no respect for that kind of Wolverine fan, especially the kind the grow up in Columbus and support TSUN just so they can attract attention to themselves. I know it is intended to attract attention, even if they themselves don't realize it, but I find it impossible to really consider anything that they have to say.

Ohio State is 5-0 against TSUN the last ten years and 7-2-1 against TSUN at home the last twenty years. Why would anyone be so foolish as to expect a win at Ohio State every other year?

Drink the Kool-Aid, Mike. Enjoy. You know, as well as we do, how the regular season will end in embarrassment in Columbus.

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OH10;2106306; said:
Well, you also have to consider that it would be impossible to deny Ohio State the AP title in that scenario. The split title would only be split on paper. We'd be the true national champion and that's probably the only way we could be consider the true national champion next year.

Why would it have to be M*ch*gan? Aside from the gut-punch happening at the end of the year, why wouldn't the same scenario work if OSU was undefeated and beat any BIG team that otherwise went undefeated?
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Steve19;2106466; said:
I have friends who are dyed in the wool TSUN fans. One teaches there. They never talk crap about Ohio State. They are complementary when they lose and gracious when they win. I just spent a couple of hours with one in Delhi and there, on the other side of the Earth, we both acknowledged the importance of the rivalry and the fun we got out of it over the years.

I deeply respect that kind of Wolverine fan. I'd like to see their team win every game except The Game.

Then, there are another type of TSUN fans. You know the type I mean. One victory against a team that was exposed to such sanctions and silliness as this most recent Buckeye team, and they talk all kinds of nonsense. Then, Ohio State hired Meyer and they start whistling in the dark. Rather than own their own team's demise under Bill Martin (that MSOB), they have to cast aspersions on Ohio State.

I have no respect for that kind of Wolverine fan, especially the kind the grow up in Columbus and support TSUN just so they can attract attention to themselves. I know it is intended to attract attention, even if they themselves don't realize it, but I find it impossible to really consider anything that they have to say.

Ohio State is 5-0 against TSUN the last ten years and 7-2-1 against TSUN at home the last twenty years. Why would anyone be so foolish as to expect a win at Ohio State every other year?

Drink the Kool-Aid, Mike. Enjoy. You know, as well as we do, how the regular season will end in embarrassment in Columbus.

Great post. I'm with you on every point, only flip it.

There is also a difference in "expecting to win" and being realistic. Take last season for example. I expected to win every game, but I realistically predicted an 8 win season. I don't know why anyone would bother following sports if they didn't have high expectations. The problem is the ones who expect to win every game and actually believe it. Don't confuse me for one of those.
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Bucky32;2106524; said:
Well, I know I go into every game expecting to lose. That way you're never disappointed.

Being in my developmental years while John Cooper was coaching Ohio State, I'm right there with you.
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When i have picked my son up from latch key I have notice this ugly ass TSUN bag in a basket and have always wonder which kid it was.

Well today I found out! When I walked into latch key wearing my Block O hat like always this little brat looks up up at me as says "TSUN"! Well my first thought was to kick the little [censored]ers head like I was trying to kick a 50 yarder! Me being an adult I just looked at him and said "No Ohio State!" The look on his face was priceless! The rivalry is going strong out here in good ole Kansas! :io:
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Bucky Katt;2106534; said:
Being in my developmental years while John Cooper was coaching Ohio State, I'm right there with you.

For as much as I bitch about Coop at times, his teams would hang a fiddy on anyone which was a lot of fun... But the next week spit the bit against fuck'n Sparty... It was just maddening.
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chillinvillian;2106589; said:
When i have picked my son up from latch key I have notice this ugly ass TSUN bag in a basket and have always wonder which kid it was.

Well today I found out! When I walked into latch key wearing my Block O hat like always this little brat looks up up at me as says "TSUN"! Well my first thought was to kick the little [censored]ers head like I was trying to kick a 50 yarder! Me being an adult I just looked at him and said "No Ohio State!" The look on his face was priceless! The rivalry is going strong out here in good ole Kansas! :io:
You've thought of kicking children in the head?
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chillinvillian;2106589; said:
When i have picked my son up from latch key I have notice this ugly ass TSUN bag in a basket and have always wonder which kid it was.

Well today I found out! When I walked into latch key wearing my Block O hat like always this little brat looks up up at me as says "TSUN"! Well my first thought was to kick the little [censored]ers head like I was trying to kick a 50 yarder! Me being an adult I just looked at him and said "No Ohio State!" The look on his face was priceless! The rivalry is going strong out here in good ole Kansas! :io:
Bucky32;2106640; said:
You've thought of kicking children in the head?
Yeah that's actually pretty stupid bro. There were probably a bunch of witnesses around.
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