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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

WolverineMike;2106041; said:
I expect to walk into the Shoe every other year and get a victory. If I thought anything less, I would be an Indiana fan.

It's coming up on 12 years since you won in Columbus. Maybe it's time to change your expectations to better reflect reality.
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Urban Meyer has every intention of sending Michigan a clear, stern, no-shit, loud-and-clear message: "I will fucking own you worse than Jim Tressel did. You will never coming into my stadium and beat my team. Never."
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Let me say that I respect some Michigan fans.

University of Michigan alumni, I expect to be Wolverine fans. Good for them.

Residents of Ann Arbor and nearby locales, I can understand their being Wolverine fans. No problem there.

Residents of the state of Michigan, you could serve yourselves better by rooting for Michigan State in my opinion. But I have no huge fight to pick with them.

Residents of other states in the union, especially those with no big-time college teams, I submit should be Buckeye fans instead.

Ohio residents who are Wolverine fans have deep-seated antisocial and probably sociopathic tendencies. They are not to be trusted. In an ideal world these people would be sterilized and placed into secure correctional institutions.
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