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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

buxfan4life;2103185; said:
Frorm here:

So they have moved from being fuck lions to belly beasts?

Sounds like we might have another Bike Fart on our hands up in the Whore. I think this rivalry just got a huge shot of steroids with both of the incoming classes. This is gonna be fun. :)

If my memory holds, wasn't Dodson out with an injury for that game? Apparently making crap up isn't just for their fans anymore.
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Pipkins is a player - no doubt will be one of, if not THE, toughest player on the field in the 2014 version of The Game. But it's hard to tackle what you can't catch.

And I'd like to point out that Kalis won't be going up against Schutt next year. IF he plays, he'll be going up against some no name guys like John Simon, Johnathon Hankins and Michael Bennett.
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The Victors Club
Pipkins is awesome

jbolin999 said:
its ironic he says the osu guys run their mouth when it seems that him, and others in this class talk 100 times more. JS. Hope he can back it up, I expect big things from him...
Which of course falls on deaf ears at first
I have no problem with them talking as long as they back it up.

He's saying they are all growl and no bite.

Another dose of sanity
BlueGuts said:
I have to admit, I'd probably rather have our players keep quiet and do their talking on the field. I was not thrilled with Hart's "little brother" comments and he was one of my favorite Wolverines ever.

Having said that, I love this kid. Some people can get away with talking a little trash because they have such likable personalities. We all know guys like that. Ocho-Cinco and Shaq can get away with things that TO and Kobe can't. I think Pee Wee is that kind of guy.

I'm sure he's going to give Hoke some headaches in his career, but we need a little swagger and attitude. He just needs to back it up. We need someone who will stand up to some of the bullies on our schedule. I'm tired of people questioning our toughness and attitude.
Back to the usual
mtraiders93 said:
socalwolverine1 said:
IMO, there's more pressure on Schutt and Dodson to not be pancaked all the time by the likes of Kalis and Pipkins for the next four or five years, and they know it...they've already gone head to head and our guys dominated them.

Where at? An all star game or something?

Yeah, at the Army All American Game a few weeks ago. They scrimmaged against each other quite a bit in the week leading up to the game. That's where all the smack talk started.
Doesn't Pee-Wee remind you a little of Warren Sapp???
He will back the smack talk just as Sapp did.
Then when they find out that Pipkins lied:
He is a character, that is for sure.

He should have left Dodson out of his narrative though, seeing as he did not practice.... torn labrum
Oh no! When did Dodson tear his labium? Right when he got to Columbus?? Did he see his OB-GYN yet???
jbolin said:
on an Xbox?
socalwolverine1 wrote: Yeah, at the Army All American Game a few weeks ago. They scrimmaged against each other quite a bit in the week leading up to the game. That's where all the smack talk started​
I'm not positive, but some people said that Pipkins may have gone up against him at the Ohio State Nike Camp. I can't say for certain, but it was brought up in an earlier discussion.
:lol: They're now parroting this new and improved context in multiple threads.
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The Victors Club
Diamond/Kozan: Could this mean...
Sam Webb said:
Diamond/Kozan: Could this mean...

Kozan will wind up at Michigan?? Strong rumblings have the race for Kozan being between Michigan and Auburn.

Time will tell of course.
:lol: What a bold and insightful tidbit.
random poster said:
I don't think it was odd TJB maintained there was no info coming in or out of the diamond camp so it was hard to read. I think they were basing the percentage on certain factors and were being hopeful. I don't think heading into signing week it was unreasonable. Also remember what was coming out was that the other teams were always in flux but the one constant was UM.
:lol: So he flat out admits he had nothing when he was giving you percentages, and you still bow to his knowledge of the situation. Hilarious.
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TooTallMenardo;2103451; said:
Clearly the scUM fanbase hasn't reached Pedtard status, yet. At least not on the Scout free boards. Good lord PSU fans are a race of their own.
There are still some good posters there. It used to be the best free scout board on the web. Then Troy Smith ripped their hearts out one last time. It was all downhill from there. Plus Tom chased off a huge chunk of the civil UM fans, many of which are now on GBMWolverine.
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The Victors Club
Dymonte Thomas
I think we, as a fan base, need to give this kid some love!

It is apparently true that he is being recruited hard by Urban Liar and his cousing, Brionte.

I think the masses that start to hit the panic button are on the wrong track though. Those who just assume that Meyer will flip him just create a negativity around his recruitment that may actually make it easier for Meyer to pull his BS...it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I say that we avoid the negativity and just keep feeding the kid the love that he deserves! He is a playmaker that is much needed on this squad. He is close to Shane (supposed to be room mates).

So let's foster a positive atmosphere for him and let him know that we can't wait until he gets here (as opposed to the thousands of twitter fans/facebookers that are going to bombard him with questions about flipping). Show him how much he is appreciated!

I will step off of my soapbox now and you may return to your regularly scheduled program.
You'll either like Urban's approach to recruiting or you'll totally hate it. Certain kids gravitate towards stuff like that and some with think he's a total joke (as with most recruiters). Thomas has said he's sticking with us so hopefully the continued chase will only annoy him and cement in his mind that he absolutely made the right choice.
Much love for Dymonte. It will be interesting where the powers that be in Ohio rank him.

He is their priority #1 according to Nevada buck
jbolin999 said:
jbolin999 said:
I don't he says he plans on visiting OSU, and his cousin is recruiting him very hard. A lot of things going against us, hopefully Hoke pulls it off.
Just the fact he's committed here, quoting scripture on how he isnt leaving, friends with Shane, and tweeting every day he cant wait to get here.
Just the fact he's committed here, quoting scripture on how he isnt leaving, friends with Shane, and tweeting every day he cant wait to get here.
agree on showing him love...however, this one is gonna be real tough on him...lotta pressure coming his way
The harsh reality is starting to set in

First comes denial
Remember he recruited his cousin real hard and it didn't work
I may have missed it, when did he say he was going to visit OSU?
I didnt see this either. I feel like this is more conjecture that turned into fact. He might visit the shoe when UM plays there in November..... Wearin his maize and blue
Where have you heard he's visiting OSU?

He's all Blue. Visit or not, I don't see him switching.
Meaning that he's going to hang out with his cousin...as in visiting with not family NOT a recruiting visit.
I think some of you are going to be drive yourselves to the brink of insanity if you attempt to track Dymonte's recruitment over the next 360 + days.
EDIT: The comment about Dymonte visiting Bri'onte was NOT in the Tremendous interview. I saw two tweets together and misunderstood.

The comment about him possibly going to see his cousing was from 11 Warriors and retweeted by Tremendous. The fact that Tremendous had recently done an interview with both individuals seemed to give it credence...but nonetheless, it very well could be bunk.
Exactly. this is going to be like all the Kalis stuff, only its going to go on for a YEAR. Kalis every month had to basically say "Im still going to Michigan" because crazy ohioans can't possibly think why anyone would A) turn down ohio and B) Turn down Urban.

This is will be monthly topic, especially in the summer. As soon as it comes up. People will freak. Then calm down. Then laugh.

Until Dymonte says "I am no longer committed to Michigan" there is no new news. But just like we did with Dunn (sadly) Ohio fans are going to believe that in the end this will work out for them. Even though I highly doubt Dymonte does any of the visiting on officials and whatnot to ohio.

This is going to be a marathon with DT.
i know this sounds childish. but it's so great that we have that shiny new toy that our rival wants badly but we don't share.
I do have a question, related to this topic.

Wasn't it the general policy of Hoke that if you committed but took visits, you weren't really committed. Just curious what might happen, if anything, should Dymonte visit his cousin at Ohio.
I think DT knew their policy and won't be visiting OSU. If he goes up there to see his Cousin, that's one thing. I don't think we'll see him on a sideline during an OSU game doing an OV or whatever.
I think the policy has to do with official visits. I don't think Hoke would pull the scholarship of a commit who is visiting his family.
So if Pharaoh Brown had family in Oregon, he would keep his scholarship? Doubtful.
i don't think the staff makes the distinction between official or unofficial. a visit is a visit if you're committed to another school(generalizing and not being specific to Michigan on this).

that said, him visiting his cousin is a bit different than visiting OSU.

There is a lot of difference between going and visiting your blood at school and going on a recruiting visit.
Dunn will be the Buckeye's #1 Recruiter...

That's funny!

How quick with Bri'onte be to recruit when he sees that Urban lied to him?

O$U fans are so full of themselves...my hatred for them grows more each day!
Keep dogging Brionte guys. That's REALLY smart.
jbolin said:
MJackson3 wrote: So, he was going to visit his cousin he's very close to? Completely different than going on a visit-visit to OSU.​
If you just think he is going to chill with his cousin, well........youre free to have your own opinion.
At any point in time that Dymonte is on OSU campus, that is not a good sign.
But Urb said he doesn't recruit a kid that tells him he is solid somewhere else.
They may have Dunn working in their corner, but Shane Morris will be a force in Michigan's corner. Read their tweets, they are like BFF's... Haha
So were Josh and Mags
Ouch. (Stanford OL Garnett & UM Verbal Magnuson, Pipkins & "Mags" were so sure he was coming from twitter bonding)
amaizenBlue42 said:
cincybluebengal said:
amaizenBlue42 said:
I'm hoping that he doesn't actually mean he is visiting "O$U".​
Lol what do you think it means.
ugh... true
Well if he does, then Hoke will apparently decommit from him. That's what he told all the verbal commits in this class.
jbolin999 said:
no offense, but dymonte and dunns relationship > dymonte and shanes, no matter how great shane is. im confident still, but a year is a long time lol.
:lol: Well played UM fan.
The kid is a stud and as he's been quoted as saying, a man of his word. He has to see the opportunity on the depth chart, so it's a win-win.

Can't wait to see him in maize and blue.
This guy must never miss an election.
Uh...he may "visit" his cousin, but he won't be taking a football visit to see Urban...

Have you seen his comments...?? Dymonte is going to be a Wolverine...
Dymonte's situation is way different than Dunn's. Dunn committed to OSU, waivered, but never decommitted, and then confirmed his commitment to OSU when Urban came along.

Dymonte is committed to Michigan...and repeated that demonstrably after Urban Meyer visited his school...quoting Proverbs in the process.

Dymonte is Blue...and will stay Blue...
Would love to hear if there is any truth to this "family visit" because truthfully I think it's crap and our coaches wouldn't like it. Sorry, but even if he is just going to visit his cousin, do you think they will hang out with football players? Do you think it may be with other guys trying to recruit him? Guys trying to sell OSU? Sorry, that makes it a recruiting visit - it's not like they will sit in Brionte's dorm room and hide from OSU fans/super preferential treatment.

It's going to be a long year for Dymonte. Brionte only had to hold off his cousin's recruiting pitch for a couple months.
Yeah, they are progressing through the phases already.
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