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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

TooTallMenardo;2102502; said:
Guys.... They have now exceeded full-blown retard mode.....

Same guy...

Evidently Rich Rod implementing a new offense is a feasible excuse for losing to a MAC school..

Yet, losing your coach with a .810 Winning Percentage, losing a two time BCS MVP QB, losing our #1 WR for nearly the entire season, losing our leading RB, and DE, and an O-lineman isn't reasonable enough for sqeeking out a WIN against a MAC team....

:rofl: Glass houses, scUMtards.... Glass. Houses.

Wasn't J.Hall out in that game as well?

Is that guy from Mgo?
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Saw31;2102759; said:
Do they say Appalachian State or just Appalachian?
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...and while Ohio State did come out on top in the conference recruiting rankings, anyone who expected different when the Buckeyes hired Urban Meyer was kidding themselves. Also, they oversigned, so the moral high-ground remains ours. Never forget how important that is to maintaining our conference-best arrogance.

Oversigning.....right. The next accusation will be that players were "forced" out of the program or to transfer to "make room" for this. Surely the staff wouldn't be aware of any pending transfers prior to signing day. Everyone knows Michigan didn't have ANY players transfer (=forced) out after Rich Rod or Hoke came in....
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Redhawk;2103033; said:

Oversigning.....right. The next accusation will be that players were "forced" out of the program or to transfer to "make room" for this. Surely the staff wouldn't be aware of any pending transfers prior to signing day. Everyone knows Michigan didn't have ANY players transfer (=forced) out after Rich Rod or Hoke came in....

Don't read too much into it. Those mongoloids still love Rich Rod for all the speed he was able to recruit. :lol:
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Frorm here:

"I gave a little bit to what's his name, (Ohio State offensive line recruit Kyle) Dodson," Pipkins said. "He ran away from me. That's what they do. They run their mouth, and then when they meet up with the belly of the beast -- I call myself that because I am -- then they want run away. When it comes to reality, they want to run away."

So they have moved from being fuck lions to belly beasts?

Sounds like we might have another Bike Fart on our hands up in the Whore. I think this rivalry just got a huge shot of steroids with both of the incoming classes. This is gonna be fun. :)
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