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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

generaladm;1612755; said:
Pretty cool partial telecast of the 1958 Rose Bowl matchup. Only a handful of plays, but you get to see OSU's TD, and some nice plays by Kremblas, Don Clark, and Jim Houston. Big props to Vico from ourhonordefend.com for taking the time to dig this stuff up and post it. Check out his youtube channel.
That's weird that that was all they had of that game. I have the entire broadcast in color and the silent gamefilm in black & white.
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jwinslow;1614511; said:
That's a bit much. While I think OSU may win 31-28 or 28-24, I can also see Oregon scoring 31-35 points. They have the firepower to do it, and with a few bad breaks on offense, it could set up that potential.

Oh, I am being generous. I still think we will hold them to under 14 points. No way do they score 4 touchdowns.
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Woody1968;1614552; said:
Oh, I am being generous. I still think we will hold them to under 14 points. No way do they score 4 touchdowns.

Hard to tell. Was Oregon just not ready, or is Boise State that good? Did USC just fall apart after Columbus? What happened at Purdue?

Neither team is an easy read across the season and then there's the 40 days off for the Buckeyes, (less than thirty for the Ducks) and another away game with the crowd against them.

BTW how the hell did Illinois get permission to play TWO games after the sacred 3rd Saturday in November?
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cincibuck;1614565; said:
Hard to tell. Was Oregon just not ready, or is Boise State that good? Did USC just fall apart after Columbus? What happened at Purdue?

Neither team is an easy read across the season and then there's the 40 days off for the Buckeyes, (less than thirty for the Ducks) and another away game with the crowd against them.

BTW how the hell did Illinois get permission to play TWO games after the sacred 3rd Saturday in November?

I think we have drastically improved since USC and Purdue. With USC, I have a feeling that OSU bought into the hype a little too much. Tressel called USC "frightening" and there was an air of gloom and doom around Columbus after the Navy "close call." With Purdue, it was a reality check. Oregon is a little more difficult to figure out, but I have watched their games - Pac-10 defenses simply do not play like Ohio State's defense, and Oregon has had a lot of success against them. I'm willing to accept that the Boise State game was an anomaly, and that it was not indicative of the rest of their season. BUT against Ohio State a lot of the flashy big plays are not going to be there for Oregon, and the question will be whether their running game will be able to string smaller gains together consistantly enough to sustain drives. I don't think they will. I think Ohio State stuffs the run and forces Masoli to pass, and he will have some success, but also make some mistakes that end drives. I really don't think that it will be as close as people think, and if you go back and look, you can see that I am usually very conservative in my predictions.
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well since I acutally had this game going to the National Title game in Pasadena, I wasn't THAT far off right? :wink:

Nah I think Oregon will find out that playing a legit defense that can TACKLE IN SPACE will be a shock for them.

If Ohio State's defense shows up hungry to disprove the douchebags at E$$$PN and that idiot at SEEBS (what's that child molesting lookalike named anyway??), Masoli will find it hard to move the ball when the d-line is in the backfield all night long.

Then it comes down to Ohio State's offense. oregon's defense is similar to that of scUM or Minnesota, some good pieces, but as a whole isn't nearly as good as Iowa or Penn State. They are undersized, so if the running game is still clicking it could be a very long night for the Oregon defense.

The key, however is Pryor. Will he be fully healthy? How much of a leash will Tress have him on? Will the offense get pass happy or will the regular base offense like we saw the past part of the season continue to reign?

Early on prediction: Ohio State 27 - Oregon 10.

I think we see an inspired defensive effort and I think we see a very relaxed and efficient Terrelle Pryor. I think Masoli gets frustrated by the lack of running space and starts over throwing the ball (he did this a bit against oregon State and Stanford) and the defense might get a couple picks.
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Have a feeling this game is going to be similar to the Fiesta Bowl vs. KSU. Facing a great rushing team with excellent runners at TB and at QB, our defense will shut them down but allow a score here and there. Offense will open up a bit. tOSU by two TDs.
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jwinslow;1612155; said:
the O at midfield is not curved like that. It has a substantial straight edge on the outside and inside. Seems like at least 3 O's. It's closer to this, but more pronounced


You can kind of see it here, notice the parallel yellow edge compared to the white line


Also, are the wall graphics (which I think are solid for a trendy splash program) always teal colored?

The o is a combination of Autzen and Hayward field. Pretty cool!
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Woody1968;1614584; said:

Amazing piece of writing. How soon we forget that the only ranked team Boise beat was Oregon, and while that was no small accomplishment it wasn't like they went off the next week to play Arizona, then USC at home, followed by Washington State, Oregon State...

I don't mind the Boise State's of this world having great seasons, but the lack of perspective on conference strength peeves me no end. And yeah, BYU and Boise and Hawaii once played the big boys tough in bowl game, but as no less an authority than Brian Kelly recently remarked, "Can we play with Texas or Alabama? For one game, sure. But week in and week out, no way." When they play a tough conference schedule I'll be glad to give them their BCS due.
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