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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

cincibuck;1614743; said:
Amazing piece of writing. How soon we forget that the only ranked team Boise beat was Oregon, and while that was no small accomplishment it wasn't like they went off the next week to play Arizona, then USC at home, followed by Washington State, Oregon State...

I don't mind the Boise State's of this world having great seasons, but the lack of perspective on conference strength peeves me no end. And yeah, BYU and Boise and Hawaii once played the big boys tough in bowl game, but as no less an authority than Brian Kelly recently remarked, "Can we play with Texas or Alabama? For one game, sure. But week in and week out, no way." When they play a tough conference schedule I'll be glad to give them their BCS due.

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I am not sure how good OSUs defense is? Lets look at the offenses they have played.

Wisconsin 21 32.8
Toledo 41 29.7
Penn St. 41 29.7
Michigan 45 29.5
Navy 53 28.3
Purdue 56 27.8
USC 64 26.7
Illinois 82 24.2
Indiana 84 23.5
Iowa 86 23.1
Minnesota 98 21.6
New Mexico State 120 11.5

AVG. 25.7 points. I have a hard time believing that OSU is the toughest defense Oregon has faced. Personally I think the PAC 10 is a much better conference than the Big 10 this year.

Oregon 7 37.7. OSU has not faced an offense as good as Oregon's and OSU has not played a spread offense like Oregon's. No one in CFB has an offense like Oregon's.

I am sure you all watched Chip Kelly's offense when Oregon destroyed Michigan in 07. Oregon put up the most yards ever at the Big House 624 yards. OSU ended up scoring 14 points in 07 vs Michigan. Point being, Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

I think the biggest factor is that OSU has never played an offense like Oregon's. Most of you watched the Oregon State game and did you see how confused the Oregon state offense looked? That is how all defenses look vs Chip's offense. I thought Oregon state did pretty well vs the zone read compared to Oregon's other opponents. I am seeing a lot of OSU fans making assumptions about Oregon based solely on the Civil War. Be careful becasue it is a rivalry game. No matter how good either team is it is always close.

GO DUCKS! 38 17
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GODUCKS4;1614785; said:
I am not sure how good OSUs defense is? Lets look at the offenses they have played.

Wisconsin 21 32.8
Toledo 41 29.7
Penn St. 41 29.7
Michigan 45 29.5
Navy 53 28.3
Purdue 56 27.8
USC 64 26.7
Illinois 82 24.2
Indiana 84 23.5
Iowa 86 23.1
Minnesota 98 21.6
New Mexico State 120 11.5

AVG. 25.7 points. I have a hard time believing that OSU is the toughest defense Oregon has faced. Personally I think the PAC 10 is a much better conference than the Big 10 this year.

Oregon 7 37.7. OSU has not faced an offense as good as Oregon's and OSU has not played a spread offense like Oregon's. No one in CFB has an offense like Oregon's.

I am sure you all watched Chip Kelly's offense when Oregon destroyed Michigan in 07. Oregon put up the most yards ever at the Big House 624 yards. OSU ended up scoring 14 points in 07 vs Michigan. Point being, Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

I think the biggest factor is that OSU has never played an offense like Oregon's. Most of you watched the Oregon State game and did you see how confused the Oregon state offense looked? That is how all defenses look vs Chip's offense. I thought Oregon state did pretty well vs the zone read compared to Oregon's other opponents. I am seeing a lot of OSU fans making assumptions about Oregon based solely on the Civil War. Be careful becasue it is a rivalry game. No matter how good either team is it is always close.

GO DUCKS! 38 17

Okay if you really want to play that game...I want to say that your defense is terrible. Stanford ran roughshod through you to easy points, and we have better athletes at every position on the field (comparing to Stanford). Oregon's offense plays against defenses in the Pac 10, who quite honestly are equally atrocious. When you condition your players for speed and speed only, power teams will get their turn to break you and your lack of depth. We will be picking on #37 at every turn possible, as he seemed to only be able to defend a pass through pass interference, and was still torched on a 1 minute drill, where (duh) OSU was going to throw to the endzone.

Against your miniature defensive line Ohio State will hold the ball for 40 minutes, and will not give Oregon a chance to flex their "unstoppable" muscles. Oregon will get frustrated at how well Ohio State tackles, and force plays that they shouldn't. Masoli will not truck Kurt Coleman, trust me.

Now can I team my scarlet and gray shades off?

You are certainly invited to take off your green, yellow, metal, gray, black, and whatever else colors you have off.
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GODUCKS4;1614785; said:
I am sure you all watched Chip Kelly's offense when Oregon destroyed Michigan in 07. Oregon put up the most yards ever at the Big House 624 yards. OSU ended up scoring 14 points in 07 vs Michigan. Point being, Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

I think the biggest factor is that OSU has never played an offense like Oregon's. Most of you watched the Oregon State game and did you see how confused the Oregon state offense looked? That is how all defenses look vs Chip's offense. I thought Oregon state did pretty well vs the zone read compared to Oregon's other opponents. I am seeing a lot of OSU fans making assumptions about Oregon based solely on the Civil War. Be careful becasue it is a rivalry game. No matter how good either team is it is always close.
So its okay for you to judge Ohio State only putting up 14 points against arch-rival Michigan, but we shouldn't judge Oregon based on how they played against Oregon State because "It's a rivalry game"? Pretty contradictory statements right there, eh?
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GODUCKS4;1614785; said:
I am not sure how good OSUs defense is? Lets look at the offenses they have played.

Wisconsin 21 32.8
Toledo 41 29.7
Penn St. 41 29.7
Michigan 45 29.5
Navy 53 28.3
Purdue 56 27.8
USC 64 26.7
Illinois 82 24.2
Indiana 84 23.5
Iowa 86 23.1
Minnesota 98 21.6
New Mexico State 120 11.5

AVG. 25.7 points. I have a hard time believing that OSU is the toughest defense Oregon has faced. Personally I think the PAC 10 is a much better conference than the Big 10 this year.

Oregon 7 37.7. OSU has not faced an offense as good as Oregon's and OSU has not played a spread offense like Oregon's. No one in CFB has an offense like Oregon's.

I am sure you all watched Chip Kelly's offense when Oregon destroyed Michigan in 07. Oregon put up the most yards ever at the Big House 624 yards. OSU ended up scoring 14 points in 07 vs Michigan. Point being, Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

I think the biggest factor is that OSU has never played an offense like Oregon's. Most of you watched the Oregon State game and did you see how confused the Oregon state offense looked? That is how all defenses look vs Chip's offense. I thought Oregon state did pretty well vs the zone read compared to Oregon's other opponents. I am seeing a lot of OSU fans making assumptions about Oregon based solely on the Civil War. Be careful becasue it is a rivalry game. No matter how good either team is it is always close.

GO DUCKS! 38 17

Have you thought that maybe the teams that Ohio State plays in the B10 score less because they play in the B10 and that Oregon scores more because they play in the Pac10?

Yea, Oregon is the best offense that we've played this year, but don't try to act like the Ohio State defense isn't the best that you've faced this year. If you're that ignorant then I can't wait for January 1st.
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GODUCKS4;1614785; said:
AVG. 25.7 points. I have a hard time believing that OSU is the toughest defense Oregon has faced. Personally I think the PAC 10 is a much better conference than the Big 10 this year.

Oregon 7 37.7. OSU has not faced an offense as good as Oregon's and OSU has not played a spread offense like Oregon's. No one in CFB has an offense like Oregon's.

I am sure you all watched Chip Kelly's offense when Oregon destroyed Michigan in 07. Oregon put up the most yards ever at the Big House 624 yards. OSU ended up scoring 14 points in 07 vs Michigan. Point being, Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

I think the biggest factor is that OSU has never played an offense like Oregon's. Most of you watched the Oregon State game and did you see how confused the Oregon state offense looked? That is how all defenses look vs Chip's offense. I thought Oregon state did pretty well vs the zone read compared to Oregon's other opponents. I am seeing a lot of OSU fans making assumptions about Oregon based solely on the Civil War. Be careful becasue it is a rivalry game. No matter how good either team is it is always close.

GO DUCKS! 38 17

Well, it's like you said, tOSU-scUM is a RIVALRY as well, bigger than the Civil War...so "be careful because it is a rivalry game".

Our D is faster, bigger, stronger than Oregon State's, and they were getting into the backfield frequently, so I do see us disrupting Masoli's timing quite often. Also, with our rushing attack, I believe we will rush for 300+ yards, so if you don't have the ball, you don't score. So I do not see 40pts being put up against the Bucks, sorry. The Ducks will score, but they definately will not put up 40.

Also, we have the Terrelle Pryor factor. Your D will not take the correct angles to take him down when he get's outside the pocket because you haven't played him.

I believe it will be a good game, but I think we take a victory by 10pts, something to the affect of 31-21.
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cincibuck;1614565; said:
Hard to tell. Was Oregon just not ready, or is Boise State that good? Did USC just fall apart after Columbus? What happened at Purdue?

Neither team is an easy read across the season and then there's the 40 days off for the Buckeyes, (less than thirty for the Ducks) and another away game with the crowd against them.

BTW how the hell did Illinois get permission to play TWO games after the sacred 3rd Saturday in November?

Oregon was not ready. Oregon has a young offense line and it took them a while to gel. Masoli played horrible made all the wrong reads. I think the pressure got to them. Bosie is a pretty good team, not great. Masoli did not play well vs Purdue either. The Oregon offenses did not get rolling until the Cal game.

Purdue is a good team and OSU turned the ball over what 4 times? I still think that OSU is a better team than Purdue.
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Ohio State will run the ball right down your throats just like Stanford did with Gerhart.

You may have a schematic advantage with your gimmick offense, but that's about it. Your defense flat out sucks. And our defense is far better than anything Oregon's seen yet.
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I think Texas' offense last year was better than Oregon's offense this year to be honest with you. Ohio State won't miss tackles like a lot of the competition you guys faced this season. We probably haven't faced an offense as good as yours this year but I guarantee we will be ready for it. I'm positive of that. This will be a close game all day but in the end I think that we will run for 250 on you guys and win 27-20.
Not sure why you're talking about whooping Michigan in 2007 and comparing it to us playing them 12 weeks later. Using that logic, I think Appalachian State and Wofford could have taken on Florida...
Anyways, I'm excited to hear about both teams' bowl game prep and what not. This is Oregon's chance to prove that they're not the Little Brothers out west for once and this is our chance to shut up some critics and gain momentum for 2010, a potential title year. :osu:
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southcampus;1614807; said:
I think Texas' offense last year was better than Oregon's offense this year to be honest with you.

I agree with this 500%. We will need to work tirelessly on Oregon's offensive style but overall, I think that Texas was a better offense last year. I'm sure the stats would agree with that. Oregon only averages about 420 ypg.

I think that our defense has more talent than Oregon's offense; its just schematically they're tricky. The more time you have to prepare for an offense like Oregon's, the better off you are. It's all about responsibilities!!!

On offense, we should be crazy successful running the ball right down their freakin throats.
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GODUCKS4;1614785; said:
I am not sure how good OSUs defense is? Lets look at the offenses they have played.

Wisconsin 21 32.8
Toledo 41 29.7
Penn St. 41 29.7
Michigan 45 29.5
Navy 53 28.3
Purdue 56 27.8
USC 64 26.7
Illinois 82 24.2
Indiana 84 23.5
Iowa 86 23.1
Minnesota 98 21.6
New Mexico State 120 11.5

AVG. 25.7 points. I have a hard time believing that OSU is the toughest defense Oregon has faced. Personally I think the PAC 10 is a much better conference than the Big 10 this year.

Oregon 7 37.7. OSU has not faced an offense as good as Oregon's and OSU has not played a spread offense like Oregon's. No one in CFB has an offense like Oregon's.

I am sure you all watched Chip Kelly's offense when Oregon destroyed Michigan in 07. Oregon put up the most yards ever at the Big House 624 yards. OSU ended up scoring 14 points in 07 vs Michigan. Point being, Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

I think the biggest factor is that OSU has never played an offense like Oregon's. Most of you watched the Oregon State game and did you see how confused the Oregon state offense looked? That is how all defenses look vs Chip's offense. I thought Oregon state did pretty well vs the zone read compared to Oregon's other opponents. I am seeing a lot of OSU fans making assumptions about Oregon based solely on the Civil War. Be careful becasue it is a rivalry game. No matter how good either team is it is always close.

GO DUCKS! 38 17
Oregon runs a predominantly run-oriented scheme, as you can tell considering they are ranked 91st in the country in passing offense, and 6th in rushing offense. So, lets take a look at how Ohio State has fared against rushing attacks ranked in the top 30 in the nation:

#3 - Navy (Held to 186 yards season average = 280)
#15 - Wisconsin (Held to 118 yards, season average = 206)
#18 - Illinois (Held to 41 yards, season average = 200)
#27 - Michigan (Held to 80 yards, season average = 186)

Against these teams, the Bucks held them to an average of 112 yards below their season average.

Will Oregon be the best offense Ohio State has faced this season? Yes. But has the Buckeye defense had success against similarly ground-oriented offense this year? Yes.
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GODUCKS4;1614785; said:
I am not sure how good OSUs defense is? Lets look at the offenses they have played.

Wisconsin 21 32.8
Toledo 41 29.7
Penn St. 41 29.7
Michigan 45 29.5
Navy 53 28.3
Purdue 56 27.8
USC 64 26.7
Illinois 82 24.2
Indiana 84 23.5
Iowa 86 23.1
Minnesota 98 21.6
New Mexico State 120 11.5

AVG. 25.7 points. I have a hard time believing that OSU is the toughest defense Oregon has faced. Personally I think the PAC 10 is a much better conference than the Big 10 this year.

Oregon 7 37.7. OSU has not faced an offense as good as Oregon's and OSU has not played a spread offense like Oregon's. No one in CFB has an offense like Oregon's.

I am sure you all watched Chip Kelly's offense when Oregon destroyed Michigan in 07. Oregon put up the most yards ever at the Big House 624 yards. OSU ended up scoring 14 points in 07 vs Michigan. Point being, Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

I think the biggest factor is that OSU has never played an offense like Oregon's. Most of you watched the Oregon State game and did you see how confused the Oregon state offense looked? That is how all defenses look vs Chip's offense. I thought Oregon state did pretty well vs the zone read compared to Oregon's other opponents. I am seeing a lot of OSU fans making assumptions about Oregon based solely on the Civil War. Be careful becasue it is a rivalry game. No matter how good either team is it is always close.

GO DUCKS! 38 17

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er-M7HKknKM]YouTube - Pissing Contest[/ame]
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GODUCKS4;1614785; said:
Chip Kelly is an amazing coach and has three weeks to prepare for OSU. I will be surprised is OSU can hold Oregon to under 40 points.

:slappy: :slappy:

Where have I heard this before? Fat fuck Weis was going to dismantle Ohio State, too, before the 2006 Fiesta Bowl. That worked out well for him. We'll see how another chubby "genius" does with all these weeks to prepare.
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