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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

EidoloN;1614799; said:
Well, it's like you said, tOSU-scUM is a RIVALRY as well, bigger than the Civil War...so "be careful because it is a rivalry game".

I totally agree, but Chip did something that no OSU offensive coordinator has ever done, put up over 600 yards at the Big House. Michigan was also playing a lot better football later in the year when they played OSU in 07. Oregon that year was on the way to winning the NC when DD got hurt.

Our D is faster, bigger, stronger than Oregon State's, and they were getting into the backfield frequently, so I do see us disrupting Masoli's timing quite often. Also, with our rushing attack, I believe we will rush for 300+ yards, so if you don't have the ball, you don't score. So I do not see 40pts being put up against the Bucks, sorry. The Ducks will score, but they definately will not put up 40.

Remember don't just look at one game. Is OSU defense bigger, stronger, and faster than USC? OSU was getting in the backfield quite frequently and Oregon put up 489 yards and 37 points. Why do you think OSU is going to run for 300+ yards? The only team to come close to putting up 300 yards on Oregon was Stanford 236 yards and they have a great QB that can really throw the ball. I see Oregon being able to put 8 men in the box stop the run becasue of Pryor lack of passsing skills. Stanford put up 236 yards and still only held Oregon to 42 points.

Also, we have the Terrelle Pryor factor. Your D will not take the correct angles to take him down when he get's outside the pocket because you haven't played him.

Oregon's LBs are very fast and again I think oregon will be able to put 8 guys in the box.

I believe it will be a good game, but I think we take a victory by 10pts, something to the affect of 31-21.

I promise you OSU will not rush for 300 yards.
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GODUCKS4;1614826; said:
I promise you OSU will not rush for 300 yards.

And I promise you that your team will not score 38 points. Take off the shades.

There's more reason for us to believe that we'll rush for 300 yards than for you to believe that you'll score 38.

I don't think we'll rush for 300. Just sayin'.
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As of now I see it going down like this:

- Oregon WILL score points, their offense is too explosive to get shutdown by the Buckeyes. But, any Oregon fan who realistically thinks Oregon will score 40 points on Ohio State's defense should take a trip to the mentally insane clinic.
- Oregon's defense is average to bad. They have had games where they looked decent, but they're inconsistency is obvious
- Ohio State's offense is based on the run game, clock control, and not turnign the ball over. I think Ohio State will be able to dictate the game speed for the majority of their game with a rushing attack that I expect to rush for over 200 yards yet again.
- The Buck's defense, regardless of what any Oregon fan says, is much better than any defense in the Pac-10. This defense can tackle very well in space and will limit Oregon's offense (but they will not shut it down)

My key to the game is the play of Thaddeus Gibson. If anyone watched the Illinois game earlier in the year, you saw how good of a job Gibson does with the zone option by not being overly agressive. If Gibson can cause hesitation by Masoli (as to whether or not he'll hand it off or pull it), the oregon offense could have a long day.
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Merih;1614794; said:
Okay if you really want to play that game...I want to say that your defense is terrible. Stanford ran roughshod through you to easy points, and we have better athletes at every position on the field (comparing to Stanford). Oregon's offense plays against defenses in the Pac 10, who quite honestly are equally atrocious. When you condition your players for speed and speed only, power teams will get their turn to break you and your lack of depth. We will be picking on #37 at every turn possible, as he seemed to only be able to defend a pass through pass interference, and was still torched on a 1 minute drill, where (duh) OSU was going to throw to the endzone.

Against your miniature defensive line Ohio State will hold the ball for 40 minutes, and will not give Oregon a chance to flex their "unstoppable" muscles. Oregon will get frustrated at how well Ohio State tackles, and force plays that they shouldn't. Masoli will not truck Kurt Coleman, trust me.

Now can I team my scarlet and gray shades off?

You are certainly invited to take off your green, yellow, metal, gray, black, and whatever else colors you have off.

OSU has a better rushing attack than Stanford? Stanford is 11th in rushing yards per game and Gerhart is #1 in total yards. Stanford has something that OSU does not have a QB that can throw the ball. I believe that Oregon will be able to put 8 men in the box vs OSU. Stanford held the ball for 37 minutes and Oregon still scored 42 points. Oregon St. has a much better passing game than OSU. Canfield is the best QB in the PAC 10.
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GODUCKS4;1614841; said:
OSU has a better rushing attack than Stanford? Stanford is 11th in rushing yards per game and Gerhart is #1 in total yards. Stanford has something that OSU does not have a QB that can throw the ball. I believe that Oregon will be able to put 8 men in the box vs OSU. Stanford held the ball for 37 minutes and Oregon still scored 42 points. Oregon St. has a much better passing game than OSU. Canfield is the best QB in the PAC 10.

How many times have you watched Ohio State this year?

Yards are not what OSU is about. We're about field position, lack of turnovers, defense and clock control.

Pryor has looked good since the Purdue game. He can throw the ball. He's hit plenty of deep balls this year.. OSU has Boom Herron, Brandon Saine, Jordan Hall and Jermil Martin all looking very productive. Then you have Pryor, who can run from the QB position. We can run the ball. Us running the ball is not a big concern of mine for this game.
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Merih;1614794; said:
Okay if you really want to play that game...I want to say that your defense is terrible. Stanford ran roughshod through you to easy points, and we have better athletes at every position on the field (comparing to Stanford). Oregon's offense plays against defenses in the Pac 10, who quite honestly are equally atrocious. When you condition your players for speed and speed only, power teams will get their turn to break you and your lack of depth. We will be picking on #37 at every turn possible, as he seemed to only be able to defend a pass through pass interference, and was still torched on a 1 minute drill, where (duh) OSU was going to throw to the endzone.

Against your miniature defensive line Ohio State will hold the ball for 40 minutes, and will not give Oregon a chance to flex their "unstoppable" muscles. Oregon will get frustrated at how well Ohio State tackles, and force plays that they shouldn't. Masoli will not truck Kurt Coleman, trust me.

Now can I team my scarlet and gray shades off?

You are certainly invited to take off your green, yellow, metal, gray, black, and whatever else colors you have off.

3074326;1614848; said:
How many times have you watched Ohio State this year?

Yards are not what OSU is about. We're about field position, lack of turnovers, defense and clock control.

Pryor has looked good since the Purdue game. He can throw the ball. He's hit plenty of deep balls this year.. OSU has Boom Herron, Brandon Saine, Jordan Hall and Jermil Martin all looking very productive. Then you have Pryor, who can run from the QB position. We can run the ball. Us running the ball is not a big concern of mine for this game.[/quote

Even if Ohio St. holds the ball for 30 minutes, does not mean that Oregon can not score 40. Stanford held the ball for 27 minutes and Oregon still scored 42 points. Oregon's offense scores so quickly it does not matter how long the other team posses the ball.
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GODUCKS4;1614869; said:
Even if Ohio St. holds the ball for 30 minutes, does not mean that Oregon can not score 40. Stanford held the ball for 27 minutes and Oregon still scored 42 points. Oregon's offense scores so quickly it does not matter how long the other team posses the ball.

This is nice and all, but it's irrelevant because our defense isn't comparable to Stanford. Stop making the comparison. Comparing our defense to Stanford is an insult, in all honesty.

How many times have you watched OSU football this year? I asked because I wanted to know.
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3074326;1614875; said:
They can do it to us because they did it to Stanford.

What kind of logic is that?

I know most Ohio st. fans think they are a much better team than Stanford. Sorry, but i think that the PAC 10 is much better than the Big 10 this year.

I heard the same thing from Michigan fans in 07. I believe that Oregon is a much better team than Ohio St.
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