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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

I've seen defense's penetrate UO's O Line, I think we can get in there. Our O Line will dominate UO's D Line, we will run for 300+ yards IMO. If we can get Masoli into a couple rushed throws that result in turnovers (like he has shown before) then I think we win big.
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EidoloN;1614222; said:
I've seen defense's penetrate UO's O Line, I think we can get in there. Our O Line will dominate UO's D Line, we will run for 300+ yards IMO. If we can get Masoli into a couple rushed throws that result in turnovers (like he has shown before) then I think we win big.

I don't know about 300+ yards or that we win really big but I agree I think we really get them on their heals in the trenches...

For us it's going to be controlling the LOS, and making sure we tackle well... Oregon's going to give us the ball a bit, and they're also a pretty undisciplined team so we can take advantage of that as well. TACKLE TACKLE TACKLE though.
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I see this game looking a lot like the Oregon-Stanford game.

We recruit defense for speed, and sacrifice size. So we have a undersized defense, and we struggle stopping "power" offenses (Stanford, Ohio State).

At the same time, I honestly don't see anyone, including Ohio State, keeping us under 30 points any time soon. We still scored 42 against Stanford, 47 against USC, 42 against against Cal, etc. Oregon State had the perfect scheme to stop us but they couldn't... I've read a lot of Buckeyes talking about "poor tackling" in the Civil War game, but that's just a function of the offense we run. We want to isolate our playmakers and create one-on-one matchups on just about every play, and we want you to cover the whole field. Then, we run our offense at the fastest rate (# of plays/ time elapsed) of any team in the country. This makes defenses (who are covering the whole field, and getting no rest) have a difficult time making a clean tackles on our fast, elusive offensive play makers as the game wears on. It's all part of the master plan. Every team works on fundamentals and tackling, but it's a whole lot different when you actually have to defend against our offense for 60 minutes.

Best of luck. Should be a doozy. I think both teams score in the 30's...

P.S. - Please don't insult us by comparing us to the joke of a team up in Ann Arbor.
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Don't underestimate the bucks speed. We have no mount cody's in the middle just 250-300 pounders who can run. Our LBs cover side to side. Our DBs cover and can bring the wood. Don't think is some juiced up USC defense. The Bucks are a whole different animal. Good luck ducks but don't expect 30 points just because it's happened before
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oreducks77;1614442; said:
I see this game looking a lot like the Oregon-Stanford game.

We recruit defense for speed, and sacrifice size. So we have a undersized defense, and we struggle stopping "power" offenses (Stanford, Ohio State).

At the same time, I honestly don't see anyone, including Ohio State, keeping us under 30 points any time soon. We still scored 42 against Stanford, 47 against USC, 42 against against Cal, etc. Oregon State had the perfect scheme to stop us but they couldn't... I've read a lot of Buckeyes talking about "poor tackling" in the Civil War game, but that's just a function of the offense we run. We want to isolate our playmakers and create one-on-one matchups on just about every play, and we want you to cover the whole field. Then, we run our offense at the fastest rate (# of plays/ time elapsed) of any team in the country. This makes defenses (who are covering the whole field, and getting no rest) have a difficult time making a clean tackles on our fast, elusive offensive play makers as the game wears on. It's all part of the master plan. Every team works on fundamentals and tackling, but it's a whole lot different when you actually have to defend against our offense for 60 minutes.

Best of luck. Should be a doozy. I think both teams score in the 30's...

P.S. - Please don't insult us by comparing us to the joke of a team up in Ann Arbor.

I can say without hesitation that this is going to be the best defense you guys will have faced this year. Better than anyone in the Pac 10, better than Boise State's. This is a sure-tackling, fast, athletic defense that is hard to get yards against, is not easy to score against, and does not let "the big play" happen to them. The Unstoppable Force vs The Immovable Object. Should be a hell of a game.

The most points anyone has put up on us in a game this year is 27. If you think you can put up more than that, I welcome and encourage your thinking and i hope your team thinks that as well! From what I hear you're writers were saying the day after you guys clinched your Rose Bowl berth, I don't have much doubt you guys are buying it though.
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oreducks77;1614442; said:
I see this game looking a lot like the Oregon-Stanford game.

We recruit defense for speed, and sacrifice size. So we have a undersized defense, and we struggle stopping "power" offenses (Stanford, Ohio State).

At the same time, I honestly don't see anyone, including Ohio State, keeping us under 30 points any time soon. We still scored 42 against Stanford, 47 against USC, 42 against against Cal, etc. Oregon State had the perfect scheme to stop us but they couldn't... I've read a lot of Buckeyes talking about "poor tackling" in the Civil War game, but that's just a function of the offense we run. We want to isolate our playmakers and create one-on-one matchups on just about every play, and we want you to cover the whole field. Then, we run our offense at the fastest rate (# of plays/ time elapsed) of any team in the country. This makes defenses (who are covering the whole field, and getting no rest) have a difficult time making a clean tackles on our fast, elusive offensive play makers as the game wears on. It's all part of the master plan. Every team works on fundamentals and tackling, but it's a whole lot different when you actually have to defend against our offense for 60 minutes.

Best of luck. Should be a doozy. I think both teams score in the 30's...

P.S. - Please don't insult us by comparing us to the joke of a team up in Ann Arbor.

And please don't insult us by comparing us to Stanford.

Ohio State will have the best defense you have faced this year. I honestly cannot see you scoring more than 20 points. That is not a knock on your offense, our defense is that good. I see a couple of good series for you guys, but I also see several series of 3 and outs. Masoli will have to be able to throw the ball in order for you to have a chance to win. But you are not going to have the big plays that you see against small, speedy and less physical defenses. I generally like Oregon in the Pac-10, but I think defense and ball control will be enough to give us the edge.
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Ohio State will have the best defense you have faced this year. I honestly cannot see you scoring more than 20 points
That's a bit much. While I think OSU may win 31-28 or 28-24, I can also see Oregon scoring 31-35 points. They have the firepower to do it, and with a few bad breaks on offense, it could set up that potential.

Oregon has faced other physical defenses, but I'm not sure they've faced one as disciplined as OSU's.

As for USC, one really interesting thing I've noticed is that they may have had the worst pass rush Pryor has faced all year, or at least they did that night. New Mexico State put better pressure on Pryor than USC, and they are a horrendous team. My how the mighty have fallen in troy.
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jwinslow;1614511; said:
As for USC, one really interesting thing I've noticed is that they may have had the worst pass rush Pryor has faced all year, or at least they did that night. New Mexico State put better pressure on Pryor than USC, and they are a horrendous team. My how the mighty have fallen in troy.

And their fans were raving about the DL before the year; thought it was going to be the best in the country and rank right up there with their greatest ever.
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