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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

BUCKYLE;1612181; said:
Funny thing happens to "great" offenses when a [censored]ing nasty D shows up and kicks them in the teeth. They crumble. I expect Oregon to fold like an ugly Nike track suit. [censored] a duck. [censored] that cheap ass Donald Duck knock off, and [censored] Phil Knight. Bucks by 14.
Wow, 14?

That isnt a Donal Duck knock off BTW.
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Buckeye86;1612198; said:
yeah, Masoli looked like [censored] when he was under pressure, throwing balls that were all over the place, and while he makes a great play from time to time, he is also very turnover prone, this is the kind of team that Tresselball will demolish as long as we get up early and force them to try to make even more plays, forcing them to make even more mistakes, rinse and repeat

Oregon came from behind to beat Zona and OSeww.

Masoli is not turnover prone, recheck the stats of TP vs Masoli.
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As with every game this season, the first possession of Oregon v. Ohio State's defense will tell most the story. If Ohio State is able to create pressure with just the front four, Ohio State will be in very good shape to win. If, however, Oregon is able to slow the pass rush (or have success with the quick hitters) I will be worried.
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It's nice to see alot of Buckeye fans super confident. I think this is going to be very close game and very hard fought for the first 3 quarters and one team will pull away quick in the 4th. I am not super confident in my Ducks but I am certainly not worried about them. YELL O!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eauRx_BjTFA]YouTube - Jeremiah Masoli trucks another defender on his way to 2nd rushing TD in 2008 Holiday Bowl[/ame]
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