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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

Merih;1613655; said:
I think the teams are even, personally. I do think the buckeyes win, however, because I am in the school that believe great defense beats great offense.


Excited for what 20 more days of uniform talk, all this number debating is boring. Hoping for something really ugly just to be talked about.
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duck-n-ur-buck;1613610; said:
Wow, 14?

That isnt a Donal Duck knock off BTW.

21. Keep talkin' shit and I'll make it 30. :p

Sure looks like a broke down Donald to me. Like, Donald got out of the Navy and started hookin' for his fix. Blowing assorted cartoon characters for eight bucks, then found Jesus and got clean.
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BUCKYLE;1613665; said:
21. Keep talkin' shit and I'll make it 30. :p

Sure looks like a broke down Donald to me. Like, Donald got out of the Navy and started hookin' for his fix. Blowing assorted cartoon characters for eight bucks, then found Jesus and got clean.
Tebow's influence stretches all the way to the pacific northwest. I'm not surprised.
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duck-n-ur-buck;1613645; said:
Still catching up on this thread. Any Bucks giving us a shot?
Personally I don't see this one as a blowout win for either team.. both will have their moments and I expect this one to be a classic like our bowl game against Texas last year (Hopefully with a better result for us).
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BUCKYLE;1613665; said:
21. Keep talkin' [censored] and I'll make it 30. :p

Sure looks like a broke down Donald to me. Like, Donald got out of the Navy and started hookin' for his fix. Blowing assorted cartoon characters for eight bucks, then found Jesus and got clean.

Capitalizing on his friendship with a Disney cartoonist, Oregon athletic director Leo Harris met Disney and reached an informal handshake agreement that granted the University of Oregon permission to use Donald as its sports mascot.
When Disney lawyers later questioned the agreement in the 1970s, the University produced a photo showing Harris and Disney wearing matching jackets with an Oregon Donald logo.[2] Relying on the photo as evidence of Disney's wishes, in 1973, both parties signed a formal agreement granting the University the right to use Donald's likeness as a symbol for (and restricted to) Oregon sports.[1]
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duck-n-ur-buck;1613723; said:
Capitalizing on his friendship with a Disney cartoonist, Oregon athletic director Leo Harris met Disney and reached an informal handshake agreement that granted the University of Oregon permission to use Donald as its sports mascot.
When Disney lawyers later questioned the agreement in the 1970s, the University produced a photo showing Harris and Disney wearing matching jackets with an Oregon Donald logo.[2] Relying on the photo as evidence of Disney's wishes, in 1973, both parties signed a formal agreement granting the University the right to use Donald's likeness as a symbol for (and restricted to) Oregon sports.[1]

Umm...thanks for confirming that it is a broke ass Donald Duck.
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Really looking forward to this game!! Watched three Oregon games this year and that offense is impressive. Massoli played really bad against Boise, but looked like the best player on the field in the other two games I saw. Ohio State is really going to have to be disciplined against them on defense: playing assignment football, not overpursuing, and keep getting the turnovers (INTs more specifically) we've been getting all year. Chip Kelly was on 97.1 The Fan today in Columbus and said that our athletic defense was giving him headaches game planning against. That's gonna be a great match-up!
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