On the eve before the final round of the 1999 Ryder Cup Finals, Captain Crenshaw was quoted (on his teams chances of winning ) as saying "I have a good feeling about this. That's all I'm going to say."
This story line NEEDS to come to full fruition. I'm sure Jack is going to be on pins and needles, like he's actually out there on the course with Tom. Maybe in a way, he will be. Maybe the reminder of days passed with a "Bear" up your ass will get Tom over the hump!
Sunday will be one of the greatest days in Golf History, at least in my book. People out there that have NO idea who Tom Watson is will be rooting for him because he's the "Old Guy." But, win or lose, Tom represents what professional sports competitors should all be about.
That being said, I'd like to "STEAL" the above mentoined quote from Ben, and apply it to Tom tomorrow. Because I really do have a "Good" feeling about his chances.
To the Church going folks out there, don't forget to say a "quickie" for Tom during services tomorrow!!